⇦ | rosegarden [main]
Last updated on: 2024-11-17 14:13 [UTC]

Metadata for rosegarden in main

com.rosegardenmusic.rosegarden.desktop - 1:24.06-1+b1 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.rosegardenmusic.rosegarden.desktop
Package: rosegarden
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
  fr: Rosegarden
  C: Rosegarden
  fr: Séquenceur MIDI/audio et éditeur de partitions
  ru: MIDI-секвенсер и нотный редактор
  C: MIDI and Audio Sequencer and Notation Editor
  es: Secuenciador de MIDI y de audio y editor de partitura
  de: MIDI- und Audio-Sequencer und Notensatzprogramm
  C: >-
                Rosegarden is a general-purpose music composition and editing environment that offers a mixture of features
    inspired by MIDI sequencers, score editors, and DAWs.  Rosegarden offers a variety of extensions that work in conjunction
    with LilyPond to produce beautiful scores that often require little or no manual editing, and it generally does a good
    job of rendering human MIDI performances as legible notation.
                Rosegarden is ideal for the small scale home artist who wishes to use one tool to handle a music project from
    start to finish.  For example, you can record your musical idea with a MIDI keyboard, write out transposing parts for
    the members of a brass band, and record the band playing these parts all in the same document in the same application. 
    Rosegarden supports a variety of import and export formats, and works well in conjunction with other applications.
    C: Rosegarden development team
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Midi
- Sequencer
  - midi audio sequencer music notation score
  homepage: https://www.rosegardenmusic.com/
  - name: rosegarden_rosegarden.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: rosegarden_rosegarden.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: rosegarden_rosegarden.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/icons/128x128/rosegarden_rosegarden.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: rosegarden
  - com.rosegardenmusic.rosegarden.desktop
  - audio/x-rosegarden-composition
  - audio/x-rosegarden-device
  - audio/x-rosegarden-project
  - audio/x-rosegarden-template
  - audio/midi
- default: true
    C: The main window
  - url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/screenshots/image-1_752x460@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 460
  - url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/screenshots/image-1_624x381@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 381
  - url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/screenshots/image-1_224x137@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 137
    url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1128
    height: 690
- locale: en_US
  percentage: 100
- version: '24.06'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1717545600
    C: >-
      <p>This version includes the following bug fixes:</p>

        <li>txt2rgd.py: Fix MSB/LSB bug.  [d501a6f3]</li>
        <li>Fix instrument selection for Ctrl+T (add track), file import and merge.  Bug #1670.</li>
        <li>Disallow deletion of devices that are in use by tracks.  Bug #1670.</li>
        <li>Use track names for segment names on MusicXML import.  Bug #1673.  [d477398d]</li>
        <li>Fix misplaced TimeWidget title in "Native (Light)" theme.  Bug #1678.  [2b63faba]</li>
        <li>Fix an .rg parsing error related to softsynths.  [a8547260]</li>
        <li>Fix unobtainable segment presets and other preset issues.  Bug #1684.  [da32cccc]</li>
        <li>Fix audio time stretching erasing all audio data in release build.  Bug #1680.  [79d672b1]</li>
        <li>Fix submaster port count changing when changing the number of audio input ports.  Bug #1685.  [1ac61ff6]</li>
        <li>Fix window focus problem when creating MIDI Devices.  Bug #1686.  [7baaffde]</li>
        <li>Fix track instrument reset when editing banks.  Bug #1688.  [d83d883b] [eab9b9a3]</li>
        <li>Fix buffer overflow in notation editor.  Bug #1689.  [dd4549b0]</li>
        <li>Fix examples pointing to various audio paths causing unwanted directories to be created.  Bug #1668.  [26b26e6e]</li>
        <li>Fix slow refresh of note names in matrix.  Bug #1626.  [de035bfe]</li>
        <li>Fix notation not selecting current segment notes on launch.  Bug #1672.  [ae27b0c6]</li>
        <li>Fix UnusedAudioSelectionDialog column widths.  Feature #520.  [5d198075]</li>

      <p>This version adds the following new features:</p>

        <li>Experimental LV2 plugin support.  Feature request #462.  Enable via Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; LV2 Plugin Support.</li>
    details: https://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/dev:24.06
- version: '23.12'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1701820800
    C: >-
      <p>This version includes the following bug fixes:</p>

        <li>Make punch-in also start recording.  [f7b3aa72]</li>
        <li>Fix broken metronome flash in the transport.  [975ffe9d]</li>
        <li>Fix solo affects archived tracks.  [bad41f2f]</li>
        <li>Fix data loss when recording with loop on.  [79889151]</li>
        <li>Prevent archived tracks from recording.  [82a43608]</li>
        <li>Fix arm status lost on save when archived.  [5d85e8bd]</li>
        <li>Fix armed+archive recording after load.  [ab8eba6d]</li>
        <li>Unarm archived Tracks when enforcing the arm rule: only one Track can be armed per Instrument.  [7bcc351c]</li>
        <li>Skip archived tracks when routing.  [21e45666]</li>
        <li>Fix refresh artifacts on the Matrix piano keyboard.  Bug #1656.  [5cf37ed5]</li>
        <li>Fix error when rosegarden creates submaster outs.  Bug #1658.  [c89ab3b0]</li>
        <li>Fixed potential race conditions with audio files.  [1e8d4064]</li>
        <li>Fix segment relabel dialog not showing original label.  Bug #1660.  [3fbc6975]</li>
        <li>Fixed events with data1 == 121 being dropped.  Bug #1663.  [df93bd90]</li>
        <li>Fixed potential race conditions in the sequencer.  [6c7a6a0e]</li>
        <li>Fix removing the first note of a slurred group creates an unreachable rest.  Bug #1662.  [fb214928]</li>
        <li>Fix cannot beam a group beginning or ending with a dotted eighth note.  Bug #1666.  [eb0e6d75]</li>
        <li>Fix segment parameter box displaying translation of the label.  Bug #1667.  [89a4f18f]</li>

      <p>This version adds the following new features:</p>

        <li>Improved sub-beat highlighting in the Matrix editor.  Feature request #516. [d83b5715]</li>
        <li>Matrix editor preview note when hovering.  Feature request #516. [d83b5715]</li>
        <li>Add metronome and solo toggles to main menu.  [acf3c266]</li>
        <li>Add MMC RECORD STROBE support.  [9953f1f2]</li>
        <li>Add a preference to include ALSA port numbers when making connections.  [06b0c44a]</li>
        <li>Use regexp for plugin blacklist.  [ec230e46] [028930e5]</li>
        <li>Updated yoshimi.rgd.  [b8a99b83]</li>
    details: https://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/dev:23.12
- version: '23.06'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1686096000
    C: >-
      <p>This version includes the following bug fixes:</p>

        <li>Fix crash related to static initialization order.  Bug #1647.  Release as 22.12.1.  [3e34166]</li>
        <li>Fix bug #1047, beaming groups erroneous after merging notes.  [83f1dca, 2709e76]</li>
        <li>Fix offset selection rectangle in Notation.  Bug #1444.  [fc08c3e]</li>
        <li>Fix time column widths in the Event Editor so that they don't need resizing on every launch.  [aed705b]</li>
        <li>Event filter dialog improvements and fixes.  [c5e3c6a]</li>
        <li>Fix broken retrograde commands.  Bug #1648.  [84faef1]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix volta/alternatives and lyrics.  Bug #1649.  [6e5ba2d]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix vertical alignment of verses.  Bug #1650.  [b42cbff]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix the printing of supplementary verses.  [46c7d3d]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix multiple lyrics verses with repetition.  [50266c5]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix the removing of an underscore at the end of a bar of lyrics.  [62feb9b]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix printing of verses is now working when voltas are unfolded.  [2eae089]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix bar number of verses in exported LilyPond files.  [94c0e55]</li>
        <li>Fix timer preference coming up empty for selections after "HR timer".  [08748a6]</li>
        <li>Fix paste problems in notation editor.  Bug #1651.  [457f3de]</li>
        <li>Fix the LilyPond exporter autotest and update the baseline.  [768a657]</li>
        <li>Fix crash in LilyPond exporter.  Bug #1640.  [a49712d]</li>
        <li>Fix potential crash in the grid quantizer.  [4bdefd9]</li>
        <li>Fix quantizer crash.  Bug #1654.  [56ca66c, a8e669d]</li>
        <li>LilyPond: Fix a small bug related to numbers in the lyrics.  [10fa781]</li>
        <li>LilyPond: Fix for lyrics containing some special characters.  [e8c6988]</li>
        <li>LilyPond: Fix the rendering of dash and underscore.  [fc7eecd]</li>
        <li>Fix missing parameter patterns in the Set Event Velocities dialog.  [b76c392]</li>
        <li>Matrix: Fix deleting too many notes with ruler present.  Bug #1655.  [993e6f3]</li>

      <p>This version adds the following new features:</p>

        <li>File &gt; Merge dialogs now allow merging of multiple files.  Feature request #513.  [5f43b70]</li>
        <li>View &gt; Full Screen (F11) added to main window.  [a09103c]</li>
        <li>Removed LEDs from archived tracks to make archived tracks easier to identify.  [a5f4131]</li>
        <li>Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; General &gt; Presentation.  Three UI themes are now offered: Native (Light), Classic
      (Medium), and Dark.  Feature request #498.  [994c2b1, et al.]</li>
        <li>Matrix and Notation now offer snap to grid in the control rulers.  Feature request #509 [349fff9, et al.]</li>
        <li>Add Ctrl+L shortcut for loop toggle.  Feature request #398.  [a5e8414]</li>
        <li>Add new LilyPond versions.  [6c7f0ef]</li>
        <li>Add "Remove notes smaller than X" field to grid quantizer.  Feature request #515.  [87c9a0c]</li>
        <li>Add "Remove articulations" to grid quantizer.  Feature request #515.  [a69a4fd]</li>
    details: https://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/dev:23.06
- version: '22.12'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1670371200
    C: >-
      <p>This version includes the following bug fixes:</p>

        <li>Fix a crash when deleting segments that are visible in notation.  [e67b14a]</li>
        <li>Hide the experimental Channel Fixed/Auto widgets behind a preference.  To re-enable: Edit &gt; Preferences &gt;
      General &gt; Auto Channels (experimental).  [eda6701]</li>
        <li>Fix the Base Velocity dialog in the Event Editor which was missing Ok/Cancel buttons.  [aa3218e]</li>
        <li>Fix lilypond syntax error when exporting lyrics.  Bug #1639.  [1702b0f]</li>
        <li>Fix restore of keyboard in the shortcut editor.  Feature request #511.  [44ce000]</li>
        <li>Fix "out of processor power" dialog always coming up on some systems.  Feature request #496.  [adab9c3]</li>
        <li>Fix MIDI file merge disconnects connections.  Bug #1645.  [fe70e17]</li>

      <p>This version adds the following new features:</p>

        <li>Advanced Looping rewrite including indicators in the Loop Ruler.  Enable via the preferences.  Edit &gt; Preferences
      &gt; General &gt; Advanced Looping (beta).</li>
        <li>Jump to loop feature.  Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; General &gt; Jump to loop.  [69350eb]</li>
        <li>Loop buttons added to the main, matrix, and notation toolbars.  [833ea5f]</li>
        <li>Ask "Replace or Merge?" on file drop.  Feature request #510.  [071e2a8]</li>
    details: https://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/dev:22.12
  oars-1.1: {}

com.rosegardenmusic.rosegarden.desktop - 1:24.06-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.rosegardenmusic.rosegarden.desktop
Package: rosegarden
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
  fr: Rosegarden
  C: Rosegarden
  fr: Séquenceur MIDI/audio et éditeur de partitions
  ru: MIDI-секвенсер и нотный редактор
  C: MIDI and Audio Sequencer and Notation Editor
  es: Secuenciador de MIDI y de audio y editor de partitura
  de: MIDI- und Audio-Sequencer und Notensatzprogramm
  C: >-
                Rosegarden is a general-purpose music composition and editing environment that offers a mixture of features
    inspired by MIDI sequencers, score editors, and DAWs.  Rosegarden offers a variety of extensions that work in conjunction
    with LilyPond to produce beautiful scores that often require little or no manual editing, and it generally does a good
    job of rendering human MIDI performances as legible notation.
                Rosegarden is ideal for the small scale home artist who wishes to use one tool to handle a music project from
    start to finish.  For example, you can record your musical idea with a MIDI keyboard, write out transposing parts for
    the members of a brass band, and record the band playing these parts all in the same document in the same application. 
    Rosegarden supports a variety of import and export formats, and works well in conjunction with other applications.
    C: Rosegarden development team
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Midi
- Sequencer
  - midi audio sequencer music notation score
  homepage: https://www.rosegardenmusic.com/
  - name: rosegarden_rosegarden.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: rosegarden_rosegarden.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: rosegarden_rosegarden.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/icons/128x128/rosegarden_rosegarden.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: rosegarden
  - com.rosegardenmusic.rosegarden.desktop
  - audio/x-rosegarden-composition
  - audio/x-rosegarden-device
  - audio/x-rosegarden-project
  - audio/x-rosegarden-template
  - audio/midi
- default: true
    C: The main window
  - url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/screenshots/image-1_752x460@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 460
  - url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/screenshots/image-1_624x381@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 381
  - url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/screenshots/image-1_224x137@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 137
    url: com/rosegardenmusic/rosegarden.desktop/73e3d3c721454a76532ac0799beb7186/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1128
    height: 690
- locale: en_US
  percentage: 100
- version: '24.06'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1717545600
    C: >-
      <p>This version includes the following bug fixes:</p>

        <li>txt2rgd.py: Fix MSB/LSB bug.  [d501a6f3]</li>
        <li>Fix instrument selection for Ctrl+T (add track), file import and merge.  Bug #1670.</li>
        <li>Disallow deletion of devices that are in use by tracks.  Bug #1670.</li>
        <li>Use track names for segment names on MusicXML import.  Bug #1673.  [d477398d]</li>
        <li>Fix misplaced TimeWidget title in "Native (Light)" theme.  Bug #1678.  [2b63faba]</li>
        <li>Fix an .rg parsing error related to softsynths.  [a8547260]</li>
        <li>Fix unobtainable segment presets and other preset issues.  Bug #1684.  [da32cccc]</li>
        <li>Fix audio time stretching erasing all audio data in release build.  Bug #1680.  [79d672b1]</li>
        <li>Fix submaster port count changing when changing the number of audio input ports.  Bug #1685.  [1ac61ff6]</li>
        <li>Fix window focus problem when creating MIDI Devices.  Bug #1686.  [7baaffde]</li>
        <li>Fix track instrument reset when editing banks.  Bug #1688.  [d83d883b] [eab9b9a3]</li>
        <li>Fix buffer overflow in notation editor.  Bug #1689.  [dd4549b0]</li>
        <li>Fix examples pointing to various audio paths causing unwanted directories to be created.  Bug #1668.  [26b26e6e]</li>
        <li>Fix slow refresh of note names in matrix.  Bug #1626.  [de035bfe]</li>
        <li>Fix notation not selecting current segment notes on launch.  Bug #1672.  [ae27b0c6]</li>
        <li>Fix UnusedAudioSelectionDialog column widths.  Feature #520.  [5d198075]</li>

      <p>This version adds the following new features:</p>

        <li>Experimental LV2 plugin support.  Feature request #462.  Enable via Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; LV2 Plugin Support.</li>
    details: https://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/dev:24.06
- version: '23.12'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1701820800
    C: >-
      <p>This version includes the following bug fixes:</p>

        <li>Make punch-in also start recording.  [f7b3aa72]</li>
        <li>Fix broken metronome flash in the transport.  [975ffe9d]</li>
        <li>Fix solo affects archived tracks.  [bad41f2f]</li>
        <li>Fix data loss when recording with loop on.  [79889151]</li>
        <li>Prevent archived tracks from recording.  [82a43608]</li>
        <li>Fix arm status lost on save when archived.  [5d85e8bd]</li>
        <li>Fix armed+archive recording after load.  [ab8eba6d]</li>
        <li>Unarm archived Tracks when enforcing the arm rule: only one Track can be armed per Instrument.  [7bcc351c]</li>
        <li>Skip archived tracks when routing.  [21e45666]</li>
        <li>Fix refresh artifacts on the Matrix piano keyboard.  Bug #1656.  [5cf37ed5]</li>
        <li>Fix error when rosegarden creates submaster outs.  Bug #1658.  [c89ab3b0]</li>
        <li>Fixed potential race conditions with audio files.  [1e8d4064]</li>
        <li>Fix segment relabel dialog not showing original label.  Bug #1660.  [3fbc6975]</li>
        <li>Fixed events with data1 == 121 being dropped.  Bug #1663.  [df93bd90]</li>
        <li>Fixed potential race conditions in the sequencer.  [6c7a6a0e]</li>
        <li>Fix removing the first note of a slurred group creates an unreachable rest.  Bug #1662.  [fb214928]</li>
        <li>Fix cannot beam a group beginning or ending with a dotted eighth note.  Bug #1666.  [eb0e6d75]</li>
        <li>Fix segment parameter box displaying translation of the label.  Bug #1667.  [89a4f18f]</li>

      <p>This version adds the following new features:</p>

        <li>Improved sub-beat highlighting in the Matrix editor.  Feature request #516. [d83b5715]</li>
        <li>Matrix editor preview note when hovering.  Feature request #516. [d83b5715]</li>
        <li>Add metronome and solo toggles to main menu.  [acf3c266]</li>
        <li>Add MMC RECORD STROBE support.  [9953f1f2]</li>
        <li>Add a preference to include ALSA port numbers when making connections.  [06b0c44a]</li>
        <li>Use regexp for plugin blacklist.  [ec230e46] [028930e5]</li>
        <li>Updated yoshimi.rgd.  [b8a99b83]</li>
    details: https://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/dev:23.12
- version: '23.06'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1686096000
    C: >-
      <p>This version includes the following bug fixes:</p>

        <li>Fix crash related to static initialization order.  Bug #1647.  Release as 22.12.1.  [3e34166]</li>
        <li>Fix bug #1047, beaming groups erroneous after merging notes.  [83f1dca, 2709e76]</li>
        <li>Fix offset selection rectangle in Notation.  Bug #1444.  [fc08c3e]</li>
        <li>Fix time column widths in the Event Editor so that they don't need resizing on every launch.  [aed705b]</li>
        <li>Event filter dialog improvements and fixes.  [c5e3c6a]</li>
        <li>Fix broken retrograde commands.  Bug #1648.  [84faef1]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix volta/alternatives and lyrics.  Bug #1649.  [6e5ba2d]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix vertical alignment of verses.  Bug #1650.  [b42cbff]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix the printing of supplementary verses.  [46c7d3d]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix multiple lyrics verses with repetition.  [50266c5]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix the removing of an underscore at the end of a bar of lyrics.  [62feb9b]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix printing of verses is now working when voltas are unfolded.  [2eae089]</li>
        <li>Lilypond: Fix bar number of verses in exported LilyPond files.  [94c0e55]</li>
        <li>Fix timer preference coming up empty for selections after "HR timer".  [08748a6]</li>
        <li>Fix paste problems in notation editor.  Bug #1651.  [457f3de]</li>
        <li>Fix the LilyPond exporter autotest and update the baseline.  [768a657]</li>
        <li>Fix crash in LilyPond exporter.  Bug #1640.  [a49712d]</li>
        <li>Fix potential crash in the grid quantizer.  [4bdefd9]</li>
        <li>Fix quantizer crash.  Bug #1654.  [56ca66c, a8e669d]</li>
        <li>LilyPond: Fix a small bug related to numbers in the lyrics.  [10fa781]</li>
        <li>LilyPond: Fix for lyrics containing some special characters.  [e8c6988]</li>
        <li>LilyPond: Fix the rendering of dash and underscore.  [fc7eecd]</li>
        <li>Fix missing parameter patterns in the Set Event Velocities dialog.  [b76c392]</li>
        <li>Matrix: Fix deleting too many notes with ruler present.  Bug #1655.  [993e6f3]</li>

      <p>This version adds the following new features:</p>

        <li>File &gt; Merge dialogs now allow merging of multiple files.  Feature request #513.  [5f43b70]</li>
        <li>View &gt; Full Screen (F11) added to main window.  [a09103c]</li>
        <li>Removed LEDs from archived tracks to make archived tracks easier to identify.  [a5f4131]</li>
        <li>Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; General &gt; Presentation.  Three UI themes are now offered: Native (Light), Classic
      (Medium), and Dark.  Feature request #498.  [994c2b1, et al.]</li>
        <li>Matrix and Notation now offer snap to grid in the control rulers.  Feature request #509 [349fff9, et al.]</li>
        <li>Add Ctrl+L shortcut for loop toggle.  Feature request #398.  [a5e8414]</li>
        <li>Add new LilyPond versions.  [6c7f0ef]</li>
        <li>Add "Remove notes smaller than X" field to grid quantizer.  Feature request #515.  [87c9a0c]</li>
        <li>Add "Remove articulations" to grid quantizer.  Feature request #515.  [a69a4fd]</li>
    details: https://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/dev:23.06
- version: '22.12'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1670371200
    C: >-
      <p>This version includes the following bug fixes:</p>

        <li>Fix a crash when deleting segments that are visible in notation.  [e67b14a]</li>
        <li>Hide the experimental Channel Fixed/Auto widgets behind a preference.  To re-enable: Edit &gt; Preferences &gt;
      General &gt; Auto Channels (experimental).  [eda6701]</li>
        <li>Fix the Base Velocity dialog in the Event Editor which was missing Ok/Cancel buttons.  [aa3218e]</li>
        <li>Fix lilypond syntax error when exporting lyrics.  Bug #1639.  [1702b0f]</li>
        <li>Fix restore of keyboard in the shortcut editor.  Feature request #511.  [44ce000]</li>
        <li>Fix "out of processor power" dialog always coming up on some systems.  Feature request #496.  [adab9c3]</li>
        <li>Fix MIDI file merge disconnects connections.  Bug #1645.  [fe70e17]</li>

      <p>This version adds the following new features:</p>

        <li>Advanced Looping rewrite including indicators in the Loop Ruler.  Enable via the preferences.  Edit &gt; Preferences
      &gt; General &gt; Advanced Looping (beta).</li>
        <li>Jump to loop feature.  Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; General &gt; Jump to loop.  [69350eb]</li>
        <li>Loop buttons added to the main, matrix, and notation toolbars.  [833ea5f]</li>
        <li>Ask "Replace or Merge?" on file drop.  Feature request #510.  [071e2a8]</li>
    details: https://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/dev:22.12
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