⇦ | seaview [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for seaview in main

seaview.desktop - 1:5.0.5-2+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: seaview.desktop
Package: seaview
  C: SeaView
  fr: Édite des aligmements multiples de séquences et les imprime au format PostScript.
  C: Edits multiple sequence alignments and prints them in PostScript format.
  en: Edits multiple sequence alignments and prints them in PostScript format.
  pt_BR: Edita múltiplos alinhamentos de seqüências e os imprimem em formato PostScript.
  it: >-
    <p>SeaView è un visualizzatore ed editor per allineamenti multipli di sequenze, cioè sequenze di DNA o proteine sono posizionate
    ciascuna nella propria riga separata, in modo che il nucleotide/aminoacido in una particolare posizione (colonna) sia
    considerato avere la stessa proprietà biochimica.</p>

    <p>SeaView legge e scrive vari formati di file (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) di sequenze di DNA e
    proteiche e di alberi filogenetici. Gli allineamenti possono essere modificati a mano. È il motore dei programmi Muscle
    o Clustal Omega per l&apos;allineamento multiplo di sequenze e permette anche di utilizzare qualsiasi algoritmo esterno
    di allineamento in grado di leggere e scrivere file in formato FASTA. Calcola gli alberi filogenetici in base alla parsimonia
    usando l&apos;algoritmo dnapars/protpars di PHYLIP, in base alla distanza su una varietà di distanze evolutive con l&apos;algoritmo
    NJ o BioNJ oppure in base alla massima verosimiglianza usando il programma PhyML 3.0.</p>

    <p>SeaView disegna alberi filogenetici sullo schermo o in file PostScript e permette di scaricare sequenze da EMBL/GenBank/UniProt
    usando Internet.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>SeaView est un visualisateur et un éditeur pour des alignements multiples de séquence, c&apos;est-à-dire, des séquences
    d’ADN ou de protéines sont chacune positionnées dans leur propre ligne distincte, de telle façon les acides aminés ou
    nucléiques à une position particulière (colonne) sont supposées avoir les mêmes propriétés biochimiques.</p>

    <p>SeaView lit et écrit divers formats de fichiers (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) de séquences d’ADN
    et de protéines et d’arbres phylogénétiques. Les alignements peuvent être édités manuellement. Il pilote les programmes
    Muscle ou Clustal Omega pour des alignements multiples de séquences, et permet aussi d’utiliser n’importe quel algorithme
    externe d’alignement capable de lire et d&apos;écrire des fichiers au format FASTA. Il calcule les arbres phylogénétiques
    selon la parcimonie en utilisant les algorithmes dnapars et protpars de PHYLIP, selon la distance avec les algorithmes
    NJ ou BioNJ pour diverses distances d’évolution, ou selon le maximum de vraisemblance en utilisant le programme PhyML

    <p>SeaView dessine les arbres phylogénétiques sur l’écran ou dans des fichiers PostScript, et permet de télécharger des
    séquences d’EMBL, GenBank ou UniProt grâce à Internet.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>SeaView is a viewer and editor of multiple sequence alignments, i.e. DNA or protein sequences are positioned each in
    their own separate line, such that the nucleotide/amino acid at a particular position (column) is presumed to have the
    same biochemical property.</p>

    <p>SeaView reads and writes various file formats (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) of DNA and protein
    sequences and of phylogenetic trees. Alignments can be manually edited. It drives the programs Muscle or Clustal Omega
    for multiple sequence alignment, and also allows one to use any external alignment algorithm able to read and write FASTA-formatted
    files. It computes phylogenetic trees by parsimony using PHYLIP&apos;s dnapars/protpars algorithm, by distance with NJ
    or BioNJ algorithms on a variety of evolutionary distances, or by maximum likelihood using the program PhyML 3.0.</p>

    <p>SeaView draws phylogenetic trees on screen or PostScript files, and allows one to download sequences from EMBL/GenBank/UniProt
    using the Internet.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>SeaView er en fremviser og redigeringsprogram for sammenligninger af flere sekvenser, dvs. DNA- eller proteinsekvenser
    placeres hver især i deres egen separate linje, så at nukleotid/amino-syren på en bestemt position (kolonne) antages at
    have den samme biokemiske egenskab.</p>

    <p>SeaView læser og skriver diverse filformater (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) for DNA og proteinsekvenser
    og af fylogenetiske træer. Sammenligninger kan redigeres manuelt. SeaView driver programmerne Muscle eller Clustal Omega
    for flere sekvenssammenligninger, og giver også mulighed for at bruge alle eksterne sammenligningsalgoritmer, som kan
    læse og skrive FASTA-formaterede filer. Programmet beregner fylogenetiske træer og sparer på ressourcerne ved at bruge
    PHYLIP&apos;s dnapars/protpars-algoritmen, på afstand med NJ- eller BioNJ-algoritmer på en række evolutionære afstande,
    eller ved maximum likelihood via programmet PhyML 3.0.</p>

    <p>SeaView tegner fylogenetiske træer på skærmen eller til PostScript-filer, og giver mulighed for at hente sekvenser
    fra EMBL/GenBank/UniProt via internettet.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>SeaView is a viewer and editor of multiple sequence alignments, i.e. DNA or protein sequences are positioned each in
    their own separate line, such that the nucleotide/amino acid at a particular position (column) is presumed to have the
    same biochemical property.</p>

    <p>SeaView reads and writes various file formats (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) of DNA and protein
    sequences and of phylogenetic trees. Alignments can be manually edited. It drives the programs Muscle or Clustal Omega
    for multiple sequence alignment, and also allows one to use any external alignment algorithm able to read and write FASTA-formatted
    files. It computes phylogenetic trees by parsimony using PHYLIP&apos;s dnapars/protpars algorithm, by distance with NJ
    or BioNJ algorithms on a variety of evolutionary distances, or by maximum likelihood using the program PhyML 3.0.</p>

    <p>SeaView draws phylogenetic trees on screen or PostScript files, and allows one to download sequences from EMBL/GenBank/UniProt
    using the Internet.</p>
- Biology
- Science
- Education
  - genomics
  - name: seaview_seaview.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: seaview_seaview.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: seaview_seaview.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: s/se/seaview.desktop/dd884557a79b9ff9a51fa4d21640dc5f/icons/128x128/seaview_seaview.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: seaview
  - seaview.desktop
  - text/x-clustalw-alignment

seaview.desktop - 1:5.0.5-2+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: seaview.desktop
Package: seaview
  C: SeaView
  fr: Édite des aligmements multiples de séquences et les imprime au format PostScript.
  C: Edits multiple sequence alignments and prints them in PostScript format.
  en: Edits multiple sequence alignments and prints them in PostScript format.
  pt_BR: Edita múltiplos alinhamentos de seqüências e os imprimem em formato PostScript.
  it: >-
    <p>SeaView è un visualizzatore ed editor per allineamenti multipli di sequenze, cioè sequenze di DNA o proteine sono posizionate
    ciascuna nella propria riga separata, in modo che il nucleotide/aminoacido in una particolare posizione (colonna) sia
    considerato avere la stessa proprietà biochimica.</p>

    <p>SeaView legge e scrive vari formati di file (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) di sequenze di DNA e
    proteiche e di alberi filogenetici. Gli allineamenti possono essere modificati a mano. È il motore dei programmi Muscle
    o Clustal Omega per l&apos;allineamento multiplo di sequenze e permette anche di utilizzare qualsiasi algoritmo esterno
    di allineamento in grado di leggere e scrivere file in formato FASTA. Calcola gli alberi filogenetici in base alla parsimonia
    usando l&apos;algoritmo dnapars/protpars di PHYLIP, in base alla distanza su una varietà di distanze evolutive con l&apos;algoritmo
    NJ o BioNJ oppure in base alla massima verosimiglianza usando il programma PhyML 3.0.</p>

    <p>SeaView disegna alberi filogenetici sullo schermo o in file PostScript e permette di scaricare sequenze da EMBL/GenBank/UniProt
    usando Internet.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>SeaView est un visualisateur et un éditeur pour des alignements multiples de séquence, c&apos;est-à-dire, des séquences
    d’ADN ou de protéines sont chacune positionnées dans leur propre ligne distincte, de telle façon les acides aminés ou
    nucléiques à une position particulière (colonne) sont supposées avoir les mêmes propriétés biochimiques.</p>

    <p>SeaView lit et écrit divers formats de fichiers (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) de séquences d’ADN
    et de protéines et d’arbres phylogénétiques. Les alignements peuvent être édités manuellement. Il pilote les programmes
    Muscle ou Clustal Omega pour des alignements multiples de séquences, et permet aussi d’utiliser n’importe quel algorithme
    externe d’alignement capable de lire et d&apos;écrire des fichiers au format FASTA. Il calcule les arbres phylogénétiques
    selon la parcimonie en utilisant les algorithmes dnapars et protpars de PHYLIP, selon la distance avec les algorithmes
    NJ ou BioNJ pour diverses distances d’évolution, ou selon le maximum de vraisemblance en utilisant le programme PhyML

    <p>SeaView dessine les arbres phylogénétiques sur l’écran ou dans des fichiers PostScript, et permet de télécharger des
    séquences d’EMBL, GenBank ou UniProt grâce à Internet.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>SeaView is a viewer and editor of multiple sequence alignments, i.e. DNA or protein sequences are positioned each in
    their own separate line, such that the nucleotide/amino acid at a particular position (column) is presumed to have the
    same biochemical property.</p>

    <p>SeaView reads and writes various file formats (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) of DNA and protein
    sequences and of phylogenetic trees. Alignments can be manually edited. It drives the programs Muscle or Clustal Omega
    for multiple sequence alignment, and also allows one to use any external alignment algorithm able to read and write FASTA-formatted
    files. It computes phylogenetic trees by parsimony using PHYLIP&apos;s dnapars/protpars algorithm, by distance with NJ
    or BioNJ algorithms on a variety of evolutionary distances, or by maximum likelihood using the program PhyML 3.0.</p>

    <p>SeaView draws phylogenetic trees on screen or PostScript files, and allows one to download sequences from EMBL/GenBank/UniProt
    using the Internet.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>SeaView er en fremviser og redigeringsprogram for sammenligninger af flere sekvenser, dvs. DNA- eller proteinsekvenser
    placeres hver især i deres egen separate linje, så at nukleotid/amino-syren på en bestemt position (kolonne) antages at
    have den samme biokemiske egenskab.</p>

    <p>SeaView læser og skriver diverse filformater (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) for DNA og proteinsekvenser
    og af fylogenetiske træer. Sammenligninger kan redigeres manuelt. SeaView driver programmerne Muscle eller Clustal Omega
    for flere sekvenssammenligninger, og giver også mulighed for at bruge alle eksterne sammenligningsalgoritmer, som kan
    læse og skrive FASTA-formaterede filer. Programmet beregner fylogenetiske træer og sparer på ressourcerne ved at bruge
    PHYLIP&apos;s dnapars/protpars-algoritmen, på afstand med NJ- eller BioNJ-algoritmer på en række evolutionære afstande,
    eller ved maximum likelihood via programmet PhyML 3.0.</p>

    <p>SeaView tegner fylogenetiske træer på skærmen eller til PostScript-filer, og giver mulighed for at hente sekvenser
    fra EMBL/GenBank/UniProt via internettet.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>SeaView is a viewer and editor of multiple sequence alignments, i.e. DNA or protein sequences are positioned each in
    their own separate line, such that the nucleotide/amino acid at a particular position (column) is presumed to have the
    same biochemical property.</p>

    <p>SeaView reads and writes various file formats (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) of DNA and protein
    sequences and of phylogenetic trees. Alignments can be manually edited. It drives the programs Muscle or Clustal Omega
    for multiple sequence alignment, and also allows one to use any external alignment algorithm able to read and write FASTA-formatted
    files. It computes phylogenetic trees by parsimony using PHYLIP&apos;s dnapars/protpars algorithm, by distance with NJ
    or BioNJ algorithms on a variety of evolutionary distances, or by maximum likelihood using the program PhyML 3.0.</p>

    <p>SeaView draws phylogenetic trees on screen or PostScript files, and allows one to download sequences from EMBL/GenBank/UniProt
    using the Internet.</p>
- Biology
- Science
- Education
  - genomics
  - name: seaview_seaview.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: seaview_seaview.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: seaview_seaview.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: s/se/seaview.desktop/dd884557a79b9ff9a51fa4d21640dc5f/icons/128x128/seaview_seaview.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: seaview
  - seaview.desktop
  - text/x-clustalw-alignment