⇦ | shelxle [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for shelxle in main

shelxle.desktop - 1.0.1552-1+b2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: shelxle.desktop
Package: shelxle
  C: ShelXle
  C: A Qt GUI for SHELX
  it: >-
    <p>ShelXle combina un editor con evidenziazione della sintassi per i file .ins (input) e .res (output) associati a SHELXL
    con un display grafico interattivo per la visualizzazione di una struttura tridimensionale incluse mappe di densità elettronica
    (Fo) e di differenza di densità (Fo-Fc).</p>

  fr: >-
    <p>ShelXle combine un éditeur avec le surlignage syntaxique pour des fichiers de type SHELXL .ins (entrée) et .res (sortie)
    avec un affichage graphique interactif pour visualiser une structure en trois dimensions comprenant des cartes de densité
    d&apos;électrons (Fo) et de densité différentielle (Fo-Fc).</p>

  C: >-
    <p>ShelXle combines an editor with syntax highlighting for the SHELXL-associated .ins (input) and .res (output) files
    with an interactive graphical display for visualization of a three-dimensional structure including the electron density
    (Fo) and difference density (Fo-Fc) maps.</p>

  da: >-
    <p>ShelXle kombinerer et redigeringsprogram med syntaksfremhævelse for SHELXL- associerede .ins- (input) og .res-filer
    (output) med en interaktiv grafisk skærm for visualisering af tredimensionelle strukturer inklusive elektrontætheds- (Fo)
    og forskeltæthedskort (Fo-Fc).</p>

  en: >-
    <p>ShelXle combines an editor with syntax highlighting for the SHELXL-associated .ins (input) and .res (output) files
    with an interactive graphical display for visualization of a three-dimensional structure including the electron density
    (Fo) and difference density (Fo-Fc) maps.</p>

- Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Education
  - name: shelxle_shelxle.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: shelxle
  - shelxle.desktop

shelxle.desktop - 1.0.1552-1+b1 ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: shelxle.desktop
Package: shelxle
  C: ShelXle
  C: A Qt GUI for SHELX
  it: >-
    <p>ShelXle combina un editor con evidenziazione della sintassi per i file .ins (input) e .res (output) associati a SHELXL
    con un display grafico interattivo per la visualizzazione di una struttura tridimensionale incluse mappe di densità elettronica
    (Fo) e di differenza di densità (Fo-Fc).</p>

  fr: >-
    <p>ShelXle combine un éditeur avec le surlignage syntaxique pour des fichiers de type SHELXL .ins (entrée) et .res (sortie)
    avec un affichage graphique interactif pour visualiser une structure en trois dimensions comprenant des cartes de densité
    d&apos;électrons (Fo) et de densité différentielle (Fo-Fc).</p>

  C: >-
    <p>ShelXle combines an editor with syntax highlighting for the SHELXL-associated .ins (input) and .res (output) files
    with an interactive graphical display for visualization of a three-dimensional structure including the electron density
    (Fo) and difference density (Fo-Fc) maps.</p>

  da: >-
    <p>ShelXle kombinerer et redigeringsprogram med syntaksfremhævelse for SHELXL- associerede .ins- (input) og .res-filer
    (output) med en interaktiv grafisk skærm for visualisering af tredimensionelle strukturer inklusive elektrontætheds- (Fo)
    og forskeltæthedskort (Fo-Fc).</p>

  en: >-
    <p>ShelXle combines an editor with syntax highlighting for the SHELXL-associated .ins (input) and .res (output) files
    with an interactive graphical display for visualization of a three-dimensional structure including the electron density
    (Fo) and difference density (Fo-Fc) maps.</p>

- Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Education
  - name: shelxle_shelxle.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: shelxle
  - shelxle.desktop