⇦ | slashtime [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for slashtime in main

slashtime.desktop - 0.5.13-3 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: slashtime.desktop
Package: slashtime
  C: Slashtime
  C: View the time at locations around the world
  C: >-
    <p>A small program which displays the time in various places. It has a compact display of locations along with supporting
    information such as the date and the abbreviated code used to name that timezone.</p>

    <p>Time data displayed will be as accurate as the system&apos;s zoneinfo data is used. Somewhat unusually, Slashtime shows
    the offset from the current location, not from UTC. When running you can change the center point by double-clicking on
    another city.</p>

    <p>There is a meeting planner built into Slashtime. You can specify a date and time and see what the corresponding time
    in other locations will be.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Et lille program som viser klokken på forskellige steder. Programmet har en kompakt visning af steder sammen med understøttende
    information såsom datoen og den korte kode brugt til at navngive den tidszone.</p>

    <p>Tidsdata vist vil være så præcise da systemets zoneinfodata bruges. Lidt usædvanligt så tilbyder Slashtime at vise
    forskydningen fra nuværende placering, ikke fra UTC. Når programmet afvikles, så kan du ændre centerpunktet ved at dobbeltklikke
    på en anden by.</p>

    <p>Der er en mødeplanlægger bygget ind i Slashtime. Du kan angive en dato og tid og se hvad den tilsvarende tid andre
    steder vil være.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Un piccolo programma che visualizza l&apos;ora in vari luoghi. Ha una visualizzazione compatta per le posizioni insieme
    a informazioni di supporto, come la data e il codice abbreviato usato per indicare il fuso orario.</p>

    <p>I dati temporali visualizzati sono accurati tanto quanto i dati zoneinfo del sistema in uso. In modo un po&apos; inconsueto,
    Slashtime visualizza lo scarto dalla posizione attuale, non da UTC. Quando è in esecuzione si può modificare il punto
    centrale facendo doppio clic su un&apos;altra città.</p>

    <p>In Slashtime c&apos;è un pianificatore di appuntamenti incorporato; si può specificare una data e un orario e vedere
    quali sono gli orari corrispondenti in altre posizioni.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>A small program which displays the time in various places. It has a compact display of locations along with supporting
    information such as the date and the abbreviated code used to name that timezone.</p>

    <p>Time data displayed will be as accurate as the system&apos;s zoneinfo data is used. Somewhat unusually, Slashtime shows
    the offset from the current location, not from UTC. When running you can change the center point by double-clicking on
    another city.</p>

    <p>There is a meeting planner built into Slashtime. You can specify a date and time and see what the corresponding time
    in other locations will be.</p>
- Utility
  - name: slashtime_slashtime.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: slashtime_slashtime.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: slashtime
  - slashtime.desktop