⇦ | subtitleeditor [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for subtitleeditor in main

org.kitone.subtitleeditor - 0.54.0-6+b3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.kitone.subtitleeditor
Package: subtitleeditor
  es: Editor de Subtítulos
  zh_CN: 字幕编辑器
  zh_TW: 字幕編輯器
  en_GB: Subtitle Editor
  it: Subtitle Editor
  tr: Altyazı düzenleyici
  de: Subtitle Editor
  lt: Subtitrų tvarkyklė
  fr: Éditeur de sous-titres
  pl: Edytor Napisów
  el: Subtitle Editor
  C: Subtitle Editor
  cs: Titulkový editor
  bg: Редктор на субтитри
  eo: Subtekstredaktilo
  pt_BR: Editor de Legendas
  sr: Уређивач превода
  hu: Subtitle Editor
  gl: Subtitle Editor
  ru: Редактор субтитров
  es: Un editor de subtítulos basado en GStreamer y Gtk+
  zh_TW: 一個基於 GStreamer 和 Gtk+ 的字幕編輯器
  en_GB: A subtitle editor based on GStreamer and Gtk+
  tr: GStreamer ve Gtk+ üzerine geliştirilmiş altyazı düzenleyicisi
  de: Ein auf GStreamer und Gtk+ basierender Editor für Untertitel
  lt: Subtitrų tvarkyklė paremta GStreamer ir Gtk+
  fr: Un éditeur de sous-titres basé sur GStreamer et Gtk+
  pl: Edytor napisów oparty o GStreamera i GTK+
  el: Ένας επεξεργαστής υπότιτλων βασισμένος σε GStreamer και Gtk+
  C: A subtitle editor based on GStreamer and Gtk+
  cs: Titulkový editor založený na GStreameru and GTK+
  bg: Редактор на субтитри, базиращ се на GStreamer и Gtk+
  eo: Redaktilo por subtekstoj bazita je GStreamer kaj Gtk+
  pt_BR: Um editor de legendas baseado no GStreamer e no Gtk+
  zh_CN: 一个基于 GStreamer 和 Gtk+ 的字幕编辑器
  gl: Un editor de subtítulos basado en GStreamer e Gtk+
  ru: Редактор субтитров на базе GStreamer и Gtk+
  fr: >-
    <p>Subtitle Editor est un outil en GTK+3 pour l’édition des sous-titres. Il peut être utilisé pour de nouveaux sous-titres
    ou comme outil pour transformer, éditer, corriger ou affiner des sous-titres existants.</p>

    <p>Ce programme affiche les ondes sonores, ce qui facilite la synchronisation des sous-titres avec les voix.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet possède les fonctions suivantes :</p>

    <p> – interface de document multiple ;  — prise en charge de l’internationalisation ;  — lecteur vidéo intégré dans la
    fenêtre principale (basé sur GStreamer) ;  — possibilité de prévisualisation avec un lecteur externe (en utilisant   
    MPlayer ou autre) ;  — éditeur de style ;  — déplacement de sous-titres ;  — échelle ;  — séparation et jonction de sous-titres ; 
    — édition de texte et ajustement du temps (démarrage, arrêt) ;  — génération de forme d’onde à partir de la vidéo.</p>

    <p>Formats gérés :</p>

    <p> — Sub Station Alpha ;  — Advanced Sub Station Alpha ;   — SubRip ;  — MicroDVD ;  — MPL2 ;  — MPsub (sous-titres de
    MPlayer) ;  — SubViewer 2.0 ;  — texte simple ;  — Adobe Encore DVD.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Subtitle Editor je nástroj GTK+3 na úpravu titulkov. Môžete ho použiť na tvorbu nových titulkov alebo na úpravu, transformáciu,
    korektúru a redefinovanie existujúcich titulkov.</p>

    <p>Tento program dokáže tiež zobrazovať zvukové vlny, čo uľahčuje synchronizovanie titulkov s hlasom.</p>

    <p>Tento balík má nasledovné funkcie:</p>

    <p> * rozhranie MDI  * podpora internacionalizácie  * videoprehrávač integrovaný v hlavnom okne (založený na GStreamer) 
    * dokáže prehrávať pomocou externého prehrávača videa (pomocou MPlayer    alebo iného)  * editor štýlu  * presun titulku 
    * zmena veľkosti  * rozdeľovanie a spájanie titulkov  * úprava textu a časovania (začiatok, koniec)  * vytvorenie reprezentácie
    zvukových vĺn z videa</p>

    <p>Podporované formáty:</p>

    <p> * Sub Station Alpha.  * Advanced Sub Station Alpha.  * SubRip.  * MicroDVD.  * MPL2.  * MPsub (MPlayer subtitle). 
    * SubViewer 2.0.  * Plain-Text.  * Adobe Encore DVD.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Subtitle Editor è uno strumento GTK+3 per modificare sottotitoli. Può essere usato per nuovi sottotitoli o come strumento
    per trasformare, modificare, correggere e migliorare sottotitoli esistenti.</p>

    <p>Questo programma mostra anche onde sonore, il che rende più facile sincronizzare i sottotitoli con la voce.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto ha le seguenti funzionalità:</p>

    <p> o interfacce multiple per documenti;  o supporto per l&apos;internazionalizzazione;  o lettore video integrato nella
    finestra principale (basato su GStreamer);  o può riprodurre anteprime con un lettore video esterno (usando    MPlayer
    o altri);  o editor di stili;  o possibilità di muovere sottotitoli;  o ridimensionamento;  o divisione e unione di sottotitoli; 
    o modifica del testo e correzione del tempo (inizio, fine);  o generazione di forme d&apos;onda dal video.</p>

    <p>Formati supportati:</p>

    <p> o Sub Station Alpha,  o Advanced Sub Station Alpha,  o SubRip,  o MicroDVD,  o MPL2,  o MPsub (sottotitoli di MPlayer), 
    o SubViewer 2.0,  o testo semplice,  o Adobe Encore DVD.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Subtitle Editor er et GTK+3-værktøj til at redigere undertekster. Det kan anvendes for nye undertekster eller som et
    værktøj til at transformere, redigere, korrigere og raffinere eksisterende undertekster.</p>

    <p>Denne program viser også lydbølger, hvilket gør det nemmere at synkronisere underskrifter til stemmer.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke har disse funktioner</p>

    <p> o Grænseflade til flere dokumenter.  o Understøttelse af internationalisering.  o Videoafspiller er integreret i hovedvinduet
    (baseret på GStreamer).  o Kan afspille forhåndsvisninger med eksterne videoafspillere (med brug    af MPlayer eller andre). 
    o Stilredigeringsværktøj.  o Flyt undertekster.  o Skalering.  o Kan opdele og samle undertekster.  o Rediger tekst og
    tilpas tid (start, slut).  o Fremstil bølgeform fra video (»Waveform From Video«).</p>

    <p>Understøttede formater:</p>

    <p> o Sub Station Alpha.  o Advanced Sub Station Alpha.  o SubRip.  o MicroDVD.  o MPL2.  o MPsub (MPlayer-undertekst). 
    o SubViewer 2.0.  o Klartekst.  o Adobe Encore DVD.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Subtitle Editor is a GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles.  It can be used for new subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit,
    correct and refine existing subtitles.</p>

    <p>This program also shows sound waves, which makes it easier to synchronise subtitles to voices.</p>

    <p>This package has these features</p>

    <p> o Multiple document interface.  o Internationalization support.  o Video player integrated in the main window (based
    on GStreamer).  o Can play preview with external video player (using MPlayer or other).  o Style Editor.  o Move subtitle. 
    o Scale.  o Split and joint subtitle.  o Edit text and adjust time (start, end).  o Generate Waveform from Video.</p>

    <p>Supported formats:</p>

    <p> o Sub Station Alpha.  o Advanced Sub Station Alpha.  o SubRip.  o MicroDVD.  o MPL2.  o MPsub (MPlayer subtitle). 
    o SubViewer 2.0.  o Plain-Text.  o Adobe Encore DVD.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>O subtitleeditor é uma ferramenta GTK+3 para editar legendas. Ele pode ser usado para novas legendas ou como ferramenta
    para transformar, editar, corrigir e refinar legendas existentes.</p>

    <p>Este programa também exibe ondas sonoras, o que torna mais fácil sincronizar as legendas com as vozes.</p>

    <p>Este pacote tem esses recursos</p>

    <p> o Interface de múltiplos documentos.  o Suporte a internacionalização.  o Tocador de vídeo integrado à janela principal
    (baseado no GStreamer).  o Pode executar uma pré-visualização com tocador externo de vídeo (usando    MPlayer ou outro). 
    o Editor de estilos.  o Move legendas.  o Escala.  o Divide e junta legenda.  o Edita texto e ajusta hora (início, fim). 
    o Gera gráfico de onda a partir do vídeo.</p>

    <p>Formatos suportados:</p>

    <p> o Sub Station Alpha.  o Advanced Sub Station Alpha.  o SubRip.  o MicroDVD.  o MPL2.  o MPsub (legenda MPlayer). 
    o SubViewer 2.0.  o Texto puro.  o Adobe Encore DVD.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Subtitle Editor is a GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles.  It can be used for new subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit,
    correct and refine existing subtitles.</p>

    <p>This program also shows sound waves, which makes it easier to synchronise subtitles to voices.</p>

    <p>This package has these features</p>

    <p> o Multiple document interface.  o Internationalization support.  o Video player integrated in the main window (based
    on GStreamer).  o Can play preview with external video player (using MPlayer or other).  o Style Editor.  o Move subtitle. 
    o Scale.  o Split and joint subtitle.  o Edit text and adjust time (start, end).  o Generate Waveform from Video.</p>

    <p>Supported formats:</p>

    <p> o Sub Station Alpha.  o Advanced Sub Station Alpha.  o SubRip.  o MicroDVD.  o MPL2.  o MPsub (MPlayer subtitle). 
    o SubViewer 2.0.  o Plain-Text.  o Adobe Encore DVD.</p>
- Video
- AudioVideo
- AudioVideoEditing
  - subtitles
  - subtitle
  - captions
  - video
  - subtítulos
  - subtitulo
  - subtitulo
  - video
  - name: subtitleeditor_subtitleeditor.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: subtitleeditor_subtitleeditor.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: subtitleeditor_subtitleeditor.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/kitone/subtitleeditor/c06827703c3834a7bd2a1f230f28851c/icons/128x128/subtitleeditor_subtitleeditor.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: subtitleeditor
  - org.kitone.subtitleeditor.desktop
  - application/x-microdvd
  - application/x-subrip
  - application/x-subviewer
  - text/x-mpsub
  - text/x-ssa

org.kitone.subtitleeditor.desktop - 0.54.0-6+b3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: generic
ID: org.kitone.subtitleeditor.desktop
Package: subtitleeditor
  C: Subtitle Editor
  C: GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD
  C: >-
                Subtitle Editor is a GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD. It can be
                used for new subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit, correct and refine
                existing subtitle. It can play the corresponding video alongside the subtitles
                using GStreamer. This program also shows sound waves, which makes it easier
                to synchronize subtitles to voices.
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0
  - subtitles
  - subtitle
  - captions
  - video
  homepage: https://kitone.github.io/subtitleeditor/
- default: true
  - url: org/kitone/subtitleeditor.desktop/9cbad3ce3b5bddd2435881a32fb634db/screenshots/image-1_752x497.png
    width: 752
    height: 497
  - url: org/kitone/subtitleeditor.desktop/9cbad3ce3b5bddd2435881a32fb634db/screenshots/image-1_624x412.png
    width: 624
    height: 412
  - url: org/kitone/subtitleeditor.desktop/9cbad3ce3b5bddd2435881a32fb634db/screenshots/image-1_224x148.png
    width: 224
    height: 148
    url: org/kitone/subtitleeditor.desktop/9cbad3ce3b5bddd2435881a32fb634db/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1146
    height: 758