⇦ | tilem [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for tilem in main

tilem2.desktop - 2.0-5+b2 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: tilem2.desktop
Package: tilem
  C: TilEm
  C: Graphing calculator emulator
  it: >-
    <p>TilEm è un emulatore e debugger per le calcolatrici Texas Instruments grafiche basate su Z80, può emulare qualunque
    dei seguenti modelli di calcolatrice:  * TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer  * TI-76.fr  * TI-81  * TI-82  * TI-82 STATS / TI-82 STATS.fr 
    * TI-83  * TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83 Plus.fr  * TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition / TI-84 pocket.fr 
    * TI-85  * TI-86 TilEm conosce interamente tutte le versioni note di queste calcolatrici (al 2012) e tenta di riprodurne
    il comportamento originale il più fedelmente possibile. Inoltre, TilEm può emulare la modalità virtuale TI-84 Plus della
    TI-Nspire, ma questa funzionalità è a uno stadio sperimentale e alcuni programmi potrebbero non funzionare correttamente.</p>

    <p>TilEm gira sia nel sistema X Window su GNU/Linux e altre piattaforme stile Unix, sia su Microsoft Windows e su ogni
    altra piattaforma riconosciuta dalla libreria GTK+. Oltre all&apos;emulazione, TilEm 2 fornisce molte ulteriori funzionalità,
    come:  * debugger pieno di funzionalità,  * cattura di istantanee e registrazione di animazioni (GIF),  * collegamenti
    virtuali (tramite libticables)  * scrittura e cancellazione di flash,  * caricamento di SO e applicazioni,  * script tramite
  fr: >-
    <p>TilEm est un émulateur et débogueur pour les calculatrices graphiques de Texas Instruments basées sur Z-80. Il peut
    émuler les modèles suivants :  – TI-73, TI-73 Explorer ;  – TI-76.fr ;  – TI-81 ;  – TI-82 ;  – TI-82 STATS, TI-82 STATS.fr ; 
    – TI-83 ;  – TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-83 Plus.fr ;  – TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 pocket.fr ; 
    – TI-85 ;  – TI-86. TilEm prend complètement en charge toutes les versions connues des calculatrices ci-dessus (à partir
    de 2012), et essaie de reproduire le comportement du matériel originel aussi fidèlement que possible. De plus, TilEm peut
    émuler le mode TI-84 Plus virtuelle de TI-Nspire. Cette dernière fonctionnalité est actuellement au stade expérimental,
    et quelques programmes pourraient ne pas fonctionner correctement.</p>

    <p>TilEm s’exécute sur le système X Window des plateformes GNU/Linux ou de type Unix, ainsi que sur Microsoft Windows
    et n’importe quelle plateforme gérant la bibliothèque GTK+. En plus de l’émulation, TilEm 2 fournit beaucoup de fonctions
    supplémentaires telles que :  – débogueur complet ;  – prise d’instantanés et enregistrement d’images GIF (animations) ; 
    – connexion virtuelle (à l’aide de libticables) ;  – écriture et effacement de la mémoire flash ;  – chargement d’application
    et de système d’exploitation ;  – scriptage à l’aide de macros.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>TilEm is an emulator and debugger for Texas Instruments&apos; Z80-based graphing calculators. It can emulate any of
    the following calculator models:  * TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer  * TI-76.fr  * TI-81  * TI-82  * TI-82 STATS / TI-82 STATS.fr 
    * TI-83  * TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83 Plus.fr  * TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition / TI-84 pocket.fr 
    * TI-85  * TI-86 TilEm fully supports all known versions of the above calculators (as of 2012), and attempts to reproduce
    the behavior of the original calculator hardware as faithfully as possible. In addition, TilEm can emulate the TI-Nspire&apos;s
    virtual TI-84 Plus mode. This is currently experimental, and some programs may not work correctly.</p>

    <p>TilEm runs on the X Window System on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like platforms, as well as on Microsoft Windows, and
    any other platform supported by the GTK+ library. In addition to the emulation, TilEm 2 provide a lot of extra features,
    such as:  * Fully featured debugger  * Grabbing screenshots and recording gif (animations)  * Virtual linking (through
    libticables)  * Flash writing and erasing  * Application and OS loading  * Scripting using macros</p>
  da: >-
    <p>TilM er en emulator og fejlsøger for Texas Instruments&apos; Z80-baserede graflommeregnere. Den kan emulere enhver
    af de følgende modeller af lommeregnere:  * TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer  * TI-76.fr  * TI-81  * TI-82  * TI-82 STATS / TI-82
    STATS.fr  * TI-83  * TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83 Plus.fr  * TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
    / TI-84 pocket.fr  * TI-85  * TI-86</p>

    <p>TilEm understøtter i fuld udstrækning alle kendte versioner af ovenstående lommeregner (fra 2012) og forsøger at genskabe
    opførslen fra den originale lommeregner så korrekt som muligt. Derudover kan TilEm emulere TI-Nspires virtuelle TI-84
    Plus-tilstand. Dette er i øjeblikke eksperimentelt, og nogle programmer fungerer måske ikke korrekt.</p>

    <p>TilEm kører på X-vinduessystemet på GNU/Linux og andre Unix-lignende platforme, samt på Microsoft Windows og andre
    platforme understøttet af GTK+-biblitoteket. Udover emuleringen tilbyder TilEm 2 en masse ekstra funktioner, såsom:  *
    Fejlsøger med alle funktioner  * Optagelse af skærmbilleder og optagelse af gif (animationer)  * Virtuelle henvisninger
    (via libticables)  * Skrivning og sletning af flash  * Indlæsning af program og operativsystem  * Skriptudarbejdelse via
  en: >-
    <p>TilEm is an emulator and debugger for Texas Instruments&apos; Z80-based graphing calculators. It can emulate any of
    the following calculator models:  * TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer  * TI-76.fr  * TI-81  * TI-82  * TI-82 STATS / TI-82 STATS.fr 
    * TI-83  * TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83 Plus.fr  * TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition / TI-84 pocket.fr 
    * TI-85  * TI-86 TilEm fully supports all known versions of the above calculators (as of 2012), and attempts to reproduce
    the behavior of the original calculator hardware as faithfully as possible. In addition, TilEm can emulate the TI-Nspire&apos;s
    virtual TI-84 Plus mode. This is currently experimental, and some programs may not work correctly.</p>

    <p>TilEm runs on the X Window System on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like platforms, as well as on Microsoft Windows, and
    any other platform supported by the GTK+ library. In addition to the emulation, TilEm 2 provide a lot of extra features,
    such as:  * Fully featured debugger  * Grabbing screenshots and recording gif (animations)  * Virtual linking (through
    libticables)  * Flash writing and erasing  * Application and OS loading  * Scripting using macros</p>
- Education
- Science
- Math
- Emulator
  - Texas Instruments
  - name: tilem_tilem.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: tilem_tilem.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: tilem
  - tilem2.desktop
  - application/x-tigroup
  - application/x-ti73-variables
  - application/x-ti73-program
  - application/x-ti73-backup
  - application/x-ti73-app
  - application/x-ti73-os
  - application/x-ti81-program
  - application/x-ti82-variables
  - application/x-ti82-program
  - application/x-ti82-backup
  - application/x-ti83-variables
  - application/x-ti83-program
  - application/x-ti83-backup
  - application/x-ti83plus-variables
  - application/x-ti83plus-program
  - application/x-ti83plus-app
  - application/x-ti83plus-os
  - application/x-ti85-variables
  - application/x-ti85-program
  - application/x-ti85-backup
  - application/x-ti86-variables
  - application/x-ti86-program
  - application/x-ti86-backup

tilem2.desktop - 2.0-5.1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: tilem2.desktop
Package: tilem
  C: TilEm
  C: Graphing calculator emulator
  it: >-
    <p>TilEm è un emulatore e debugger per le calcolatrici Texas Instruments grafiche basate su Z80, può emulare qualunque
    dei seguenti modelli di calcolatrice:  * TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer  * TI-76.fr  * TI-81  * TI-82  * TI-82 STATS / TI-82 STATS.fr 
    * TI-83  * TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83 Plus.fr  * TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition / TI-84 pocket.fr 
    * TI-85  * TI-86 TilEm conosce interamente tutte le versioni note di queste calcolatrici (al 2012) e tenta di riprodurne
    il comportamento originale il più fedelmente possibile. Inoltre, TilEm può emulare la modalità virtuale TI-84 Plus della
    TI-Nspire, ma questa funzionalità è a uno stadio sperimentale e alcuni programmi potrebbero non funzionare correttamente.</p>

    <p>TilEm gira sia nel sistema X Window su GNU/Linux e altre piattaforme stile Unix, sia su Microsoft Windows e su ogni
    altra piattaforma riconosciuta dalla libreria GTK+. Oltre all&apos;emulazione, TilEm 2 fornisce molte ulteriori funzionalità,
    come:  * debugger pieno di funzionalità,  * cattura di istantanee e registrazione di animazioni (GIF),  * collegamenti
    virtuali (tramite libticables)  * scrittura e cancellazione di flash,  * caricamento di SO e applicazioni,  * script tramite
  fr: >-
    <p>TilEm est un émulateur et débogueur pour les calculatrices graphiques de Texas Instruments basées sur Z-80. Il peut
    émuler les modèles suivants :  – TI-73, TI-73 Explorer ;  – TI-76.fr ;  – TI-81 ;  – TI-82 ;  – TI-82 STATS, TI-82 STATS.fr ; 
    – TI-83 ;  – TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-83 Plus.fr ;  – TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 pocket.fr ; 
    – TI-85 ;  – TI-86. TilEm prend complètement en charge toutes les versions connues des calculatrices ci-dessus (à partir
    de 2012), et essaie de reproduire le comportement du matériel originel aussi fidèlement que possible. De plus, TilEm peut
    émuler le mode TI-84 Plus virtuelle de TI-Nspire. Cette dernière fonctionnalité est actuellement au stade expérimental,
    et quelques programmes pourraient ne pas fonctionner correctement.</p>

    <p>TilEm s’exécute sur le système X Window des plateformes GNU/Linux ou de type Unix, ainsi que sur Microsoft Windows
    et n’importe quelle plateforme gérant la bibliothèque GTK+. En plus de l’émulation, TilEm 2 fournit beaucoup de fonctions
    supplémentaires telles que :  – débogueur complet ;  – prise d’instantanés et enregistrement d’images GIF (animations) ; 
    – connexion virtuelle (à l’aide de libticables) ;  – écriture et effacement de la mémoire flash ;  – chargement d’application
    et de système d’exploitation ;  – scriptage à l’aide de macros.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>TilEm is an emulator and debugger for Texas Instruments&apos; Z80-based graphing calculators. It can emulate any of
    the following calculator models:  * TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer  * TI-76.fr  * TI-81  * TI-82  * TI-82 STATS / TI-82 STATS.fr 
    * TI-83  * TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83 Plus.fr  * TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition / TI-84 pocket.fr 
    * TI-85  * TI-86 TilEm fully supports all known versions of the above calculators (as of 2012), and attempts to reproduce
    the behavior of the original calculator hardware as faithfully as possible. In addition, TilEm can emulate the TI-Nspire&apos;s
    virtual TI-84 Plus mode. This is currently experimental, and some programs may not work correctly.</p>

    <p>TilEm runs on the X Window System on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like platforms, as well as on Microsoft Windows, and
    any other platform supported by the GTK+ library. In addition to the emulation, TilEm 2 provide a lot of extra features,
    such as:  * Fully featured debugger  * Grabbing screenshots and recording gif (animations)  * Virtual linking (through
    libticables)  * Flash writing and erasing  * Application and OS loading  * Scripting using macros</p>
  da: >-
    <p>TilM er en emulator og fejlsøger for Texas Instruments&apos; Z80-baserede graflommeregnere. Den kan emulere enhver
    af de følgende modeller af lommeregnere:  * TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer  * TI-76.fr  * TI-81  * TI-82  * TI-82 STATS / TI-82
    STATS.fr  * TI-83  * TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83 Plus.fr  * TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
    / TI-84 pocket.fr  * TI-85  * TI-86</p>

    <p>TilEm understøtter i fuld udstrækning alle kendte versioner af ovenstående lommeregner (fra 2012) og forsøger at genskabe
    opførslen fra den originale lommeregner så korrekt som muligt. Derudover kan TilEm emulere TI-Nspires virtuelle TI-84
    Plus-tilstand. Dette er i øjeblikke eksperimentelt, og nogle programmer fungerer måske ikke korrekt.</p>

    <p>TilEm kører på X-vinduessystemet på GNU/Linux og andre Unix-lignende platforme, samt på Microsoft Windows og andre
    platforme understøttet af GTK+-biblitoteket. Udover emuleringen tilbyder TilEm 2 en masse ekstra funktioner, såsom:  *
    Fejlsøger med alle funktioner  * Optagelse af skærmbilleder og optagelse af gif (animationer)  * Virtuelle henvisninger
    (via libticables)  * Skrivning og sletning af flash  * Indlæsning af program og operativsystem  * Skriptudarbejdelse via
  en: >-
    <p>TilEm is an emulator and debugger for Texas Instruments&apos; Z80-based graphing calculators. It can emulate any of
    the following calculator models:  * TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer  * TI-76.fr  * TI-81  * TI-82  * TI-82 STATS / TI-82 STATS.fr 
    * TI-83  * TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83 Plus.fr  * TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition / TI-84 pocket.fr 
    * TI-85  * TI-86 TilEm fully supports all known versions of the above calculators (as of 2012), and attempts to reproduce
    the behavior of the original calculator hardware as faithfully as possible. In addition, TilEm can emulate the TI-Nspire&apos;s
    virtual TI-84 Plus mode. This is currently experimental, and some programs may not work correctly.</p>

    <p>TilEm runs on the X Window System on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like platforms, as well as on Microsoft Windows, and
    any other platform supported by the GTK+ library. In addition to the emulation, TilEm 2 provide a lot of extra features,
    such as:  * Fully featured debugger  * Grabbing screenshots and recording gif (animations)  * Virtual linking (through
    libticables)  * Flash writing and erasing  * Application and OS loading  * Scripting using macros</p>
- Education
- Science
- Math
- Emulator
  - Texas Instruments
  - name: tilem_tilem.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: tilem_tilem.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: tilem
  - tilem2.desktop
  - application/x-tigroup
  - application/x-ti73-variables
  - application/x-ti73-program
  - application/x-ti73-backup
  - application/x-ti73-app
  - application/x-ti73-os
  - application/x-ti81-program
  - application/x-ti82-variables
  - application/x-ti82-program
  - application/x-ti82-backup
  - application/x-ti83-variables
  - application/x-ti83-program
  - application/x-ti83-backup
  - application/x-ti83plus-variables
  - application/x-ti83plus-program
  - application/x-ti83plus-app
  - application/x-ti83plus-os
  - application/x-ti85-variables
  - application/x-ti85-program
  - application/x-ti85-backup
  - application/x-ti86-variables
  - application/x-ti86-program
  - application/x-ti86-backup