⇦ | wordnet-gui [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for wordnet-gui in main

wordnet.desktop - 1:3.0-38 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: wordnet.desktop
Package: wordnet-gui
  C: WordNet
  C: electronic lexical database of English language
  fr: >-
    <p>WordNet© est un système de référence lexicale en ligne dont la conception a été inspirée par les théories psycholinguistiques
    actuelles de la mémoire lexicale humaine. Les noms, verbes, adjectifs et adverbes anglais sont organisés en ensembles
    de synonymes, chacun représentant un concept lexical sous-jacent. Différentes relations relient les ensembles de synonymes.</p>

    <p>WordNet a été développé par le laboratoire des sciences cognitives à l&apos;université de Princeton sous la direction
    du Professeur George A. Miller (principal chercheur).</p>

    <p>WordNet est considéré comme la plus importante ressource disponible pour les chercheurs en linguistique informatique,
    analyse de texte et bien d&apos;autres domaines connexes.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit une interface graphique Tcl/Tk pour parcourir le dictionnaire WordNet.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>WordNet(C)는 현재 어휘 기억의 심리 언어학적 이론에 영감을 받아 개발된 온라인 어휘 참조 시스템입니다. 영어 명사, 동사, 형용사, 부사는 각각 하나의 기본 어휘 개념을 나타내는 동의어 집합으로 구성됩니다.
    서로 다른 관계가 동의어 집합을 연결합니다.</p>

    <p>WordNet은 George A. Miller 교수(프로젝트 수석 연구원)의 지도하에 프린스턴 대학에 인지 과학 연구소에서 개발되었습니다.</p>

    <p>WordNet은 전산 언어학, 텍스트 분석, 많은 관련 분야에서 연구자가 이용할 수 있는 가장 중요한 자원으로 간주됩니다.</p>

    <p>이 패키지는 wordnet 사전 검색을 위한 Tcl/Tk Gui를 포함합니다.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>WordNet(C) je online systém lexikálnych odkazov, ktorého dizajn sa inšpiruje aktuálnymi psycholinguistickými teóriami
    ľudskej lexikálnej pamäti. Anglické podstatné mená, slovesá, prídavné mená a príslovky sú organizované do množín synoným,
    z ktorých každá reprezentuje ich lexikálny koncept. Množiny synoným sú prepojené pomocou rôznych vzťahov.</p>

    <p>WordNet vyvinuli v Cognitive Science Laboratory na Princeton University pod vedením hlavného riešiteľa, ktorým bol
    profesor George A. Miller.</p>

    <p>WordNet sa považuje za najdôležitejší dostupný zdroj pre v oblasti výskumníkov výpočtovej lingvistiky, analýzy diskurzu
    a mnohých súvisiacich oblastiach.</p>

    <p>Tento balík obsahuje grafické používateľské rozhranie Tcl/Tk na prehliadanie slovníka wordnet.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>WordNet(C) はオンライン語彙参照システムであり、その設計は人間の語彙記憶に 関する最新の心理言語学の理論に触発されています。英語の名詞、動詞、形容 詞、副詞が、一つの同じ言語概念を示す synonym set 単位に整理されていま
    す。synonym set を結びつけている関連性は様々です。</p>

    <p>WordNet はプリンストン大学の George A. Miller (主任研究員) が率いる Cognitive Science Laboratory により開発されました。</p>

    <p>WordNet は計算機言語学、テキスト分析、そして多くの関連領域において最も重要な リソースとみなされています。</p>

    <p>本パッケージには、wordnet 辞書を閲覧するための Tcl/Tk GUI が含まれます。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>WordNet© è un sistema per consultazione lessicale online il cui progetto è ispirato dalle teorie psicolinguistiche
    attuali sulla memoria lessicale umana. I nomi, verbi, aggettivi e avverbi inglesi sono organizzati in insiemi di sinonimi,
    ciascuno rappresentante un concetto lessicale sottostante. Vari tipi di relazione legano gli insiemi di sinonimi.</p>

    <p>WordNet è stato sviluppato dal Cognitive Science Laboratory della Princeton University sotto la direzione del Professor
    George A. Miller (Principal Investigator).</p>

    <p>WordNet è considerata la più importante risorsa disponibile per i ricercatori nella linguistica computazionale, analisi
    dei testi e molte altre aree correlate.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene una GUI Tcl/Tk per navigare nel dizionario di wordnet.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of
    human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing
    one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.</p>

    <p>WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor
    George A. Miller (Principal Investigator).</p>

    <p>WordNet is considered to be the most important resource available to researchers in computational linguistics, text
    analysis, and many related areas.</p>

    <p>This package contains a Tcl/Tk Gui to browse wordnet dictionary.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of
    human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing
    one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.</p>

    <p>WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor
    George A. Miller (Principal Investigator).</p>

    <p>WordNet is considered to be the most important resource available to researchers in computational linguistics, text
    analysis, and many related areas.</p>

    <p>This package contains a Tcl/Tk Gui to browse wordnet dictionary.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>WordNet(C) er et leksikalsk referencesystem på nettet, hvis design er inspireret af aktuelle psykolingvistiske teorier
    om menneskelig, leksikalsk hukommelse. Engelske navneord, verber, adjektiver og biord bliver organiseret i sæt af synonymer,
    der hvert repræsenterer et underlæggende leksikalsk koncept. Forskellige relationer sammenkæder synonymsæt.</p>

    <p>WordNet blev udviklet af Cognitive Science Laboratory på universitetet Princeton under ledelse af Professor George
    A. Miller (Ledende forsker).</p>

    <p>WordNet betragtes som den vigtigste ressource, der er tilgængelig for forskere inden for datamatisk lingvistik, tekstanalyse
    og mange relaterede områder.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder en Tcl/Tk grafisk brugerflade til at kigge i ordbogen wordnet.</p>
- Education
- Dictionary
  - name: wordnet-gui_wn.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: wn
  - wordnet.desktop