⇦ | x3270 [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for x3270 in main

x3270.desktop - 4.3ga10-3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: x3270.desktop
Package: x3270
  C: x3270
  C: IBM 3270 Terminal Emulator
  C: >-
    <p>x3270 opens a telnet connection to an IBM mainframe host in an X11 window.  It can also connect to an IBM AS/400 as
    a 5250 terminal using the AS/400&apos;s 3270 emulation.  The window created by x3270 can use its own font for displaying
    characters, so it is a fairly accurate representation of an IBM 3278 or 3279.</p>

    <p>x3270 is similar to tn3270(1) and c3270(1) except that it is X-based, not curses-based.</p>

    <p>x3270 implements RFCs 2355 (TN3270E), 1576 (TN3270), and 1646 (LU name selection), and supports IND$FILE file transfer.</p>

    <p>You will need to install x3270&apos;s fonts locally, or on your font-server - they are required.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>x3270 åbner en telnetforbindelse til en IBM-mainframevært i et X11- vindue. Kan også forbinde til en IBM AS/400 som
    en 5250-terminal via AS/400&apos;s 3270-emulering. Vinduet oprettet af x3270 kan bruge sin egen skrifttype til at vise
    tegn, så det er en ret så præcis repræsentation af en IBM 3278 eller 3279.</p>

    <p>x3270 svarer til tn3270(1) og c3270(1), 1576 (TN3270) og 1646 (LU- navnevalg) og understøtter IND$FILE-filoverførsel.</p>

    <p>Du skal installere x3270&apos;s skrifttyper lokalt eller på din skriftserver - de er krævet.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>x3270 apre una connessione telnet verso un host mainframe IBM in una finestra X11. Può anche connettersi a un IBM AS/400
    come terminale 5250 usando l&apos;emulazione 3270 di AS/400. La finestra creata da x3270 può usare un proprio tipo di
    carattere, perciò è una rappresentazione piuttosto accurata di un IBM 3278 o 3279.</p>

    <p>x3270 è simile a tn3270(1) e a c3270(1) tranne per il fatto che è basato su X e non su curses.</p>

    <p>x3270 implementa le RFC 2355 (TN3270E), 1576 (TN3270) e 1646 (selezione di nomi LU), e gestisce trasferimenti di file
    di IND$FILE.</p>

    <p>È necessario installare i tipi di carattere di x3270 localmente o su un font-server; sono richiesti.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>x3270 opens a telnet connection to an IBM mainframe host in an X11 window.  It can also connect to an IBM AS/400 as
    a 5250 terminal using the AS/400&apos;s 3270 emulation.  The window created by x3270 can use its own font for displaying
    characters, so it is a fairly accurate representation of an IBM 3278 or 3279.</p>

    <p>x3270 is similar to tn3270(1) and c3270(1) except that it is X-based, not curses-based.</p>

    <p>x3270 implements RFCs 2355 (TN3270E), 1576 (TN3270), and 1646 (LU name selection), and supports IND$FILE file transfer.</p>

    <p>You will need to install x3270&apos;s fonts locally, or on your font-server - they are required.</p>
- Utility
- TerminalEmulator
  - name: x3270_x3270.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: x3270_x3270.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: x3270_x3270.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: x/x3/x3270.desktop/aa0d926a23f1eac1397ba125f298ff61/icons/128x128/x3270_x3270.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: x3270
  - x3270.desktop

x3270.desktop - 4.1ga10-1.1+b2 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: x3270.desktop
Package: x3270
  C: x3270
  C: IBM 3270 Terminal Emulator
  C: >-
    <p>x3270 opens a telnet connection to an IBM mainframe host in an X11 window.  It can also connect to an IBM AS/400 as
    a 5250 terminal using the AS/400&apos;s 3270 emulation.  The window created by x3270 can use its own font for displaying
    characters, so it is a fairly accurate representation of an IBM 3278 or 3279.</p>

    <p>x3270 is similar to tn3270(1) and c3270(1) except that it is X-based, not curses-based.</p>

    <p>x3270 implements RFCs 2355 (TN3270E), 1576 (TN3270), and 1646 (LU name selection), and supports IND$FILE file transfer.</p>

    <p>You will need to install x3270&apos;s fonts locally, or on your font-server - they are required.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>x3270 åbner en telnetforbindelse til en IBM-mainframevært i et X11- vindue. Kan også forbinde til en IBM AS/400 som
    en 5250-terminal via AS/400&apos;s 3270-emulering. Vinduet oprettet af x3270 kan bruge sin egen skrifttype til at vise
    tegn, så det er en ret så præcis repræsentation af en IBM 3278 eller 3279.</p>

    <p>x3270 svarer til tn3270(1) og c3270(1), 1576 (TN3270) og 1646 (LU- navnevalg) og understøtter IND$FILE-filoverførsel.</p>

    <p>Du skal installere x3270&apos;s skrifttyper lokalt eller på din skriftserver - de er krævet.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>x3270 apre una connessione telnet verso un host mainframe IBM in una finestra X11. Può anche connettersi a un IBM AS/400
    come terminale 5250 usando l&apos;emulazione 3270 di AS/400. La finestra creata da x3270 può usare un proprio tipo di
    carattere, perciò è una rappresentazione piuttosto accurata di un IBM 3278 o 3279.</p>

    <p>x3270 è simile a tn3270(1) e a c3270(1) tranne per il fatto che è basato su X e non su curses.</p>

    <p>x3270 implementa le RFC 2355 (TN3270E), 1576 (TN3270) e 1646 (selezione di nomi LU), e gestisce trasferimenti di file
    di IND$FILE.</p>

    <p>È necessario installare i tipi di carattere di x3270 localmente o su un font-server; sono richiesti.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>x3270 opens a telnet connection to an IBM mainframe host in an X11 window.  It can also connect to an IBM AS/400 as
    a 5250 terminal using the AS/400&apos;s 3270 emulation.  The window created by x3270 can use its own font for displaying
    characters, so it is a fairly accurate representation of an IBM 3278 or 3279.</p>

    <p>x3270 is similar to tn3270(1) and c3270(1) except that it is X-based, not curses-based.</p>

    <p>x3270 implements RFCs 2355 (TN3270E), 1576 (TN3270), and 1646 (LU name selection), and supports IND$FILE file transfer.</p>

    <p>You will need to install x3270&apos;s fonts locally, or on your font-server - they are required.</p>
- Utility
- TerminalEmulator
  - name: x3270_x3270.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: x3270_x3270.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: x3270_x3270.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: x/x3/x3270.desktop/aa0d926a23f1eac1397ba125f298ff61/icons/128x128/x3270_x3270.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: x3270
  - x3270.desktop