⇦ | caja-actions [main]
Last updated on: 2021-02-27 09:35 [UTC]

Metadata for caja-actions in main

cact.desktop - 1.8.3-4~bpo9+1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: cact.desktop
Package: caja-actions
  de: Einstellungen für Caja-Aktionen
  pt_BR: Ferramenta de configuração de Ações do Caja
  sl: Orodje nastavitev dejanj Cajaa
  C: Caja-Actions Configuration Tool
  el: Εργαλείο ρυθμίσεων ενεργειών Ναυτίλου
  cs: Nástroj nastavení Akce-Caja
  sr: Алат подешавања Наутилусових радњи
  es: Herramienta de configuración de las acciones de Caja
  fr: Outil de configuration de Caja-Actions
  sv: Konfigurationsverktyg för Caja-åtgärder
  it: Strumento di configurazione delle azioni di Caja
  sr@latin: Alat podešavanja Cajaovih radnji
  de: Einträge konfigurieren, um sie zum Kontextmenü von Caja hinzuzufügen
  pt_BR: Configurar itens para ser adicionado aos menus de contexto do Caja
  sl: Nastavi predmete za dodajanje v vsebinski meni Cajaa
  C: Configure items to be added to the Caja context menus
  el: Ρύθμιση στοιχείων για προσθήκη στα μενού περιεχομένων του Ναυτίλου
  cs: Přidat položky, které budou přidány do kontextové nabídky aplikace Caja
  sr: Подесите ставке које ће бити додате у приручне изборнике Наутилуса
  es: Configure los elementos que van a ser añadidos a los menús contextuales de Caja
  fr: Configurer les éléments à ajouter aux menus contextuels de Caja
  it: Configura gli oggetti per aggiungerli al menù contestuale di Caja
  sr@latin: Podesite stavke koje će biti dodate u priručne izbornike Cajaa
  fr: >-
    <p>Caja-actions est une extension pour le gestionnaire de fichiers Caja qui permet à l&apos;utilisateur d&apos;ajouter
    au menu contextuel des fichiers sélectionnés le lancement d&apos;un programme arbitraire.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Caja-actions is an extension for Caja file manager which allows the user to add arbitrary program to be launched through
    the Caja file manager popup menu of selected files.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Caja-actions er en udvidelse for filhåndteringen Caja, som giver mulighed for at tilføje et arbitrært program, som
    kan startes igennem filhåndteringen Cajas pop op-menu for udvalgte filer.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Caja-actions è un&apos;estensione per il gestore di file Caja che consente all&apos;utente di aggiungere programmi
    arbitrari da avviare attraverso il menu a comparsa dei file selezionati nel file manager Caja.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Caja-actions is an extension for Caja file manager which allows the user to add arbitrary program to be launched through
    the Caja file manager popup menu of selected files.</p>
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
  - caja,actions,configuration,tool,settings,MATE,filebrowser
  - name: caja-actions_caja-actions.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: caja-actions_caja-actions.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: caja-actions_caja-actions.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: caja-actions
  - url: c/ca/cact.desktop/4D807A832CC370A3049209B2261F7F0D/icons/128x128/caja-actions_caja-actions.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - cact.desktop