⇦ | glabels [main]
Last updated on: 2017-06-18 02:43 [UTC]

Hints for glabels in main

glabels-3.0.desktop ⚙ amd64


  • screenshot-download-error
    Error while downloading screenshot from 'http://glabels.org/screenshots/320-screenshot-main.png': HTTP request returned status code 404 (Not Found)
    This might be a temporary server issue.


  • metainfo-validation-hint
    Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: The component summary should not end with a "." [Etiketler, kart vizitler ve medya kapakları oluşturun.]
  • metainfo-validation-hint
    Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: The component summary should not end with a "." [Crează etichete, cărți de vizită și coperți media.]
  • metainfo-validation-hint
    Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: The component ID might not follow the reverse domain-name schema (we do not know about the TLD 'glabels-3').

general ⚙ amd64


  • legacy-metainfo-directory
    The AppStream metainfo file 'glabels-3.appdata.xml' was found in a legacy path.
    Please install metainfo files into /usr/share/metainfo.