⇦ | iagno [main]
Last updated on: 2017-06-18 02:43 [UTC]

Hints for iagno in main

iagno.desktop ⚙ armhf


  • metainfo-validation-issue
    Validation of the metainfo file found a problem: The component ID is not a reverse domain-name. Please update the ID and that of the accompanying .desktop file to follow the latest version of the Desktop-Entry and AppStream specifications and avoid future issues.
  • metainfo-validation-issue
    Validation of the metainfo file found a problem: Found invalid tag: 'content_rating'. Non-standard tags must be prefixed with "x-".


  • metainfo-validation-hint
    Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: Found invalid tag: 'kudos'. This tag is a GNOME-specific extension to AppStream and is not supported by all implementations.
  • metainfo-validation-hint
    Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: The component summary should not end with a "." [Nadzor nad igralno ploščo pri znani igri Reversi.]
  • metainfo-validation-hint
    Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: The component summary should not end with a "." [ ரிவர்சியிலிருந்து ஒரு வட்டு-மாற்று விளையாட்டில் பலகையை ஆட்சி செய்யுங்கள்.]

general ⚙ amd64


  • legacy-metainfo-directory
    The AppStream metainfo file 'iagno.appdata.xml' was found in a legacy path.
    Please install metainfo files into /usr/share/metainfo.