⇦ | flpsed [main]
Last updated on: 2017-06-18 02:43 [UTC]

Metadata for flpsed in main

flpsed.desktop - 0.7.3-3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: flpsed.desktop
Package: flpsed
  C: flpsed
  C: A simple annotator for PS/PDF files
  es: Un anotador simple de archivos PS/PDF
  da: >-
    <p>Flpsed er et WYSIWYG pseduo PostScript-redigeringsprogram. »Pseudo« fordi du ikke kan fjerne eller ændre eksisterende
    elementer i et dokument. Men flpsed lader dig tilføje arbitrære tekstlinjer til eksisterende PostScript 1-dokumenter.
    Tilføjede linjer kan senere redigeres med flpsed.</p>

    <p>Med brug af pdftops, som er en del af xpdf, kan man konvertere PDF-dokumenter til PostScript og også tilføje tekst
    til dem. Flpsed er nyttig til udfyldelse af formularer, tilføjelse af noter etc.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>flpsed is a WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editor. &quot;Pseudo&quot;, because you can&apos;t remove or modify existing
    elements of a document. But flpsed lets you add arbitrary text lines to existing PostScript 1 documents. Added lines can
    later be reedited with flpsed.</p>

    <p>Using pdftops, which is part of xpdf, one can convert PDF documents to PostScript and also add text to them. flpsed
    is useful for filling in forms, adding notes, etc.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>flpsed è uno pseudo-editor WYSIWYG per PostScript. &quot;Pseudo&quot;, perché non è possibile rimuovere o modificare
    elementi esistenti del documento. Ma flpsed permette di aggiungere righe di testo arbitrario ai documenti esistenti di
    tipo PostScript 1. Le righe aggiunte possono poi essere modificate con flpsed.</p>

    <p>Utilizzando pdftops, che fa parte di xpdf, è possibile convertire documenti da PDF a PostScript e anche aggiungervi
    del testo. flpsed è utile per riempire moduli, aggiungere note, ecc.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>flpsed is a WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editor. &quot;Pseudo&quot;, because you can&apos;t remove or modify existing
    elements of a document. But flpsed lets you add arbitrary text lines to existing PostScript 1 documents. Added lines can
    later be reedited with flpsed.</p>

    <p>Using pdftops, which is part of xpdf, one can convert PDF documents to PostScript and also add text to them. flpsed
    is useful for filling in forms, adding notes, etc.</p>
- Graphics
  - pdf annotator
  - PDF
  - postscript editor
  - editor
  - change
  - documents
  - name: flpsed_flpsed.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: flpsed_flpsed.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - application/postscript
  - application/pdf