⇦ | frama-c [main]
Last updated on: 2017-06-18 02:43 [UTC]

Metadata for frama-c in main

frama-c.desktop - 20161101+silicon+dfsg-5+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: frama-c.desktop
Package: frama-c
  C: Frama-C
  C: Framework for source code analysis of software written in C
  da: >-
    <p>Frama-C samler flere statiske analyseteknikker i en enkel samarbejdende ramme, baseret på analyseprogrammer (kaldt
    for »udvidelsesmoduler«) som kan bygge oven på resultaterne allerede beregnet af andre analyseprogrammer i rammen.</p>

    <p>Takket være denne fremgangsmåde tilbyder Frama-C sofistikerede værktøjer, inklusive:  * et analyseprogram baseret på
    abstrakt fortolkning (Value-    udvidelsesmodul)  * bevisramme for et program baseret på den svageste præbetingede   
    calculus (WP-udvidelsesmodul)  * en programskyder (Slicing-udvidelsesmodul)  * et værktøj til verifikation af midlertidige
    egenskaber (LTL) (Aoraï-    udvidelsesmodul)  * flere værktøjer for udforskning af kodebasen og afhængighedsanalyse   
    (udvidelsesmodulerne From, Impact, Metrics, Occurrence, Scope, etc.).</p>

    <p>Disse udvidelsesmoduler kommunikerer med hinanden via Frama-C API&apos;en og via ACSL-egenskaber (ANSI/ISO C Specification

    <p>Denne pakke tilbyder den grafiske brugerflade for Frama-C og afhænger af frama-c-base.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Frama-C gathers several analysis techniques in a single collaborative framework, based on analyzers (called &quot;plug-ins&quot;)
    that can build upon the results computed by other analyzers in the framework.</p>

    <p>Thanks to this approach, Frama-C provides sophisticated tools, including:   * an analyzer based on abstract interpretation
    (Value plug-in);   * a program proof framework based on weakest precondition calculus (WP plug-in);   * a program slicer
    (Slicing plug-in);   * a tool for verification of temporal (LTL) properties (Aoraï plug-in);   * several tools for code
    base exploration and dependency analysis     (plug-ins From, Impact, Metrics, Occurrence, Scope, etc.).</p>

    <p>These plug-ins communicate between each other via the Frama-C API and via ACSL (ANSI/ISO C Specification Language)

    <p>This package provides the graphical user interface of Frama-c and depends on frama-c-base.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Frama-C riunisce svariate tecniche di analisi statica in un&apos;unica infrastruttura collaborativa basata su analizzatori
    (chiamati &quot;plugin&quot;) che possono sfruttare i risultati calcolati da altri analizzatori nell&apos;infrastruttura.</p>

    <p>Grazie a questo approccio, Frama-C fornisce strumenti sofisticati, inclusi:  * un analizzatore basato su un&apos;interpretazione
    astratta (plugin Value);  * un&apos;infrastruttura per prova di programmi basata sul calcolo della    precondizione più
    debole (plugin WP);  * uno slicer di programmi (plugin Slicing);  * uno strumento per verifica di proprietà temporali
    (LTL) (plugin Aoraï);  * svariati strumenti per esplorazione della base di codice e analisi di    dipendenze (plugin From,
    Impact, Metrics, Occurrence, Scope, ecc.).</p>

    <p>Questi plugin comunicano gli uni con gli altri attraverso l&apos;API di Frama-C e con proprietà ACSL (ANSI/ISO C Specification

    <p>Questo pacchetto fornisce l&apos;interfaccia utente grafica di Frama-C e dipende da frama-c-base.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Frama-C gathers several analysis techniques in a single collaborative framework, based on analyzers (called &quot;plug-ins&quot;)
    that can build upon the results computed by other analyzers in the framework.</p>

    <p>Thanks to this approach, Frama-C provides sophisticated tools, including:   * an analyzer based on abstract interpretation
    (Value plug-in);   * a program proof framework based on weakest precondition calculus (WP plug-in);   * a program slicer
    (Slicing plug-in);   * a tool for verification of temporal (LTL) properties (Aoraï plug-in);   * several tools for code
    base exploration and dependency analysis     (plug-ins From, Impact, Metrics, Occurrence, Scope, etc.).</p>

    <p>These plug-ins communicate between each other via the Frama-C API and via ACSL (ANSI/ISO C Specification Language)

    <p>This package provides the graphical user interface of Frama-c and depends on frama-c-base.</p>
- Development
- ComputerScience
  - name: frama-c_frama-c.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: frama-c_frama-c.png
    width: 128
    height: 128