⇦ | phototonic [main]
Last updated on: 2017-06-18 02:43 [UTC]

Metadata for phototonic in main

phototonic.desktop - 1.7.20-1+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: phototonic.desktop
Package: phototonic
  fr: Phototonic
  C: Phototonic
  de: Phototonic
  fr: Visionner et gérer des photos sur votre ordinateur
  C: View photos on your computer
  de: Photos betrachten und verwalten
  C: >-
    <p>Phototonic is an image viewer and organizer for Linux written in C++ and Qt5.</p>

    <p>Features:   - Light weight with a smooth and clear user interface   - Does not depend on any desktop environment  
    - Supports several customized thumbnail layouts   - Load thumbnails and browse images recursively on a folder tree   -
    Dynamic thumbnails loading, enables fast browsing of very large folders   - Filter thumbnails by name   - Image navigation
    and file management   - Slide show   - Transformation: rotation, flipping, cropping, image mirroring and scaling   - Adjust
    image brightness, saturation, hue and contrast   - Keep transformations, zoom and colors while browsing multiple images  
    - Extensive automatic and manual zoom options   - Supported image formats: BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, MNG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM,      
    TGA, XBM, XPM and SVG, SVGZ, TIFF with plugins   - Supports GIF animations   - Keyboard shortcuts and mouse behavior customization  
    - Load image files or folders from command line   - Open images with external applications</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Phototonic is an image viewer and organizer for Linux written in C++ and Qt5.</p>

    <p>Features:   - Light weight with a smooth and clear user interface   - Does not depend on any desktop environment  
    - Supports several customized thumbnail layouts   - Load thumbnails and browse images recursively on a folder tree   -
    Dynamic thumbnails loading, enables fast browsing of very large folders   - Filter thumbnails by name   - Image navigation
    and file management   - Slide show   - Transformation: rotation, flipping, cropping, image mirroring and scaling   - Adjust
    image brightness, saturation, hue and contrast   - Keep transformations, zoom and colors while browsing multiple images  
    - Extensive automatic and manual zoom options   - Supported image formats: BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, MNG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM,      
    TGA, XBM, XPM and SVG, SVGZ, TIFF with plugins   - Supports GIF animations   - Keyboard shortcuts and mouse behavior customization  
    - Load image files or folders from command line   - Open images with external applications</p>
- Graphics
- Viewer
  - name: phototonic_phototonic.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: phototonic_phototonic.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - image/png
  - image/gif
  - image/jpeg
  - image/bmp
  - image/svg+xml