⇦ | rkward-data [main]
Last updated on: 2017-06-18 02:43 [UTC]

Metadata for rkward-data in main

rkward.desktop - 0.6.5-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: rkward.desktop
Package: rkward-data
  de: RKWard
  pl: RKWard
  pt_BR: RKWard
  sk: RKWard
  fi: RKWard
  C: RKWard
  bs: RKWard
  pt: RKWard
  ast: RKWard
  cs: RKWard
  gl: RKWard
  ca@valencia: RKWard
  es: RKWard
  sv: RKWard
  uk: RKWard
  ca: RKWard
  nl: RKWard
  de: Benutzeroberfläche für R-Projekt
  pl: Interfejs użytkownika dla projektu R
  pt_BR: Interface gráfica para o R-project
  sk: GUI pre R-project
  fi: R-kielen graafinen käyttöliittymä
  C: GUI for the R-project
  bs: GUI za R-projekct
  pt: Interface gráfica para o projecto R
  cs: Grafické prostředí pro projekt v R
  gl: Interface gráfica para o proxecto R.
  ca@valencia: IGU pel projecte R
  es: Interfaz gráfica para el proyecto R
  sv: Grafiskt användargränssnitt för R-projektet
  uk: Графічний інтерфейс проекту R
  ca: IGU pel projecte R
  nl: GUI voor het R-project
  C: >-
    <p>RKWard aims to become an easy to use, transparent frontend to R, a powerful system for statistical computation and
    graphics. Besides a convenient GUI for the most important statistical functions, future versions will also provide seamless
    integration with an office-suite.</p>

    <p>This package provides the architecture independent data files for rkward.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>RKWard mira a diventare un frontend facile da usare e trasparente per R, un potente sistema per calcoli e grafici statistici.
    Oltre ad una interfaccia grafica comoda per le funzioni statistiche più importanti, le versioni future forniranno anche
    un&apos;integrazione perfetta con una suite software per l&apos;ufficio.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto fornisce i file dei dati indipendenti dall&apos;architettura per rkward.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>RKWard aims to become an easy to use, transparent frontend to R, a powerful system for statistical computation and
    graphics. Besides a convenient GUI for the most important statistical functions, future versions will also provide seamless
    integration with an office-suite.</p>

    <p>This package provides the architecture independent data files for rkward.</p>
- Science
- Math
- NumericalAnalysis
  - name: rkward-data_rkward.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: rkward-data_rkward.png
    width: 128
    height: 128

rkward-open.desktop - 0.6.5-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x ⚙ mips64el

Type: desktop-application
ID: rkward-open.desktop
Package: rkward-data
  de: RKWard
  pl: RKWard
  pt_BR: RKWard
  sk: RKWard
  fi: RKWard
  C: RKWard
  bs: RKWard
  pt: RKWard
  ast: RKWard
  cs: RKWard
  gl: RKWard
  ca@valencia: RKWard
  es: RKWard
  sv: RKWard
  uk: RKWard
  ca: RKWard
  nl: RKWard
  de: Benutzeroberfläche für R-Projekt
  pl: Interfejs użytkownika dla projektu R
  pt_BR: Interface gráfica para o R-project
  sk: GUI pre R-project
  fi: R-kielen graafinen käyttöliittymä
  C: GUI for the R-project
  bs: GUI za R-projekct
  pt: Interface gráfica para o projecto R
  cs: Grafické prostředí pro projekt v R
  gl: Interface gráfica para o proxecto R.
  ca@valencia: IGU pel projecte R
  es: Interfaz gráfica para el proyecto R
  sv: Grafiskt användargränssnitt för R-projektet
  uk: Графічний інтерфейс проекту R
  ca: IGU pel projecte R
  nl: GUI voor het R-project
  C: >-
    <p>RKWard aims to become an easy to use, transparent frontend to R, a powerful system for statistical computation and
    graphics. Besides a convenient GUI for the most important statistical functions, future versions will also provide seamless
    integration with an office-suite.</p>

    <p>This package provides the architecture independent data files for rkward.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>RKWard mira a diventare un frontend facile da usare e trasparente per R, un potente sistema per calcoli e grafici statistici.
    Oltre ad una interfaccia grafica comoda per le funzioni statistiche più importanti, le versioni future forniranno anche
    un&apos;integrazione perfetta con una suite software per l&apos;ufficio.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto fornisce i file dei dati indipendenti dall&apos;architettura per rkward.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>RKWard aims to become an easy to use, transparent frontend to R, a powerful system for statistical computation and
    graphics. Besides a convenient GUI for the most important statistical functions, future versions will also provide seamless
    integration with an office-suite.</p>

    <p>This package provides the architecture independent data files for rkward.</p>
- Science
- Math
- NumericalAnalysis
  - name: rkward-data_rkward.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: rkward-data_rkward.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - text/r
  - application/rdata