⇦ | ibus-table-wubi [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 14:16 [UTC]

Hints for ibus-table-wubi in main

org.freedesktop.ibus.engine.table.wubi_haifeng86 ⚙ all


  • asv-developer-info-missing
    ibus-table-chinese-wubi-haifeng86.appdata.xml -
    This component contains no `developer` element with information about its author.

org.freedesktop.ibus.engine.table.wubi_jidian86 ⚙ all


  • asv-component-name-too-long
    ibus-table-chinese-wubi-jidian86.appdata.xml:5 - Jidian Wubi 86 input method, JiShuang 6.0
    The name of this component is excessively long and can likely not be displayed properly in most layouts.


  • asv-developer-info-missing
    ibus-table-chinese-wubi-jidian86.appdata.xml -
    This component contains no `developer` element with information about its author.