⇦ | auralquiz [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for auralquiz in main

auralquiz.desktop - 1.0.0-4 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: auralquiz.desktop
Package: auralquiz
  C: Auralquiz
  cs: A simple music quiz game for GNU/Linux
  fr: Un simple jeu de quiz musical pour GNU/Linux
  gl: A simple music quiz game for GNU/Linux
  C: A simple music quiz game for GNU/Linux
  ca: Un joc senzill de preguntes musicals per GNU/Linux
  es: Un sencillo juego de preguntas musicales para GNU/Linux
  it: Semplice quiz musicale per GNU/Linux
  it: >-
    <p>auralquiz è un gioco a quiz musicale che analizza una cartella con musica selezionata dall&apos;utente e crea un quiz
    usando i tag dei file audio. Viene riprodotto un brano di una canzone a caso e il giocatore deve rispondere ad una domanda
    sul brano usando pulsanti a scelta multipla o, nella difficoltà estrema, digitando la risposta corretta. Possono giocare
    fino a 8 giocatori in una modalità a turni, con una classifica basata su punti con più punti assegnati se si risponde
    alla domanda velocemente.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>auralquiz je hra hudobného kvízu, ktorý prehľadá priečinok s hudbou, ktorý vyberiete a vytvorí kvíz na základe značiek
    zo zvukových súborov. Prehrá vzorku náhodnej piesne a hráč musí zodpovedať otázku o tejto vzorke buď výberom z viacerých
    možností alebo v prípade obtiažnosti hardcore napísať správnu odpoveď. Hru môže hrať 1-8 hráčov, ktorí sa striedajú. Hra
    sa boduje a za rýchlejšie zodpovedanie otázky je možné získať viac bodov.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>auralquiz est un jeu de quiz musical qui scanne les dossiers utilisateurs de musique et crée un quiz en utilisant les
    étiquettes des fichiers audio. Un extrait d&apos;une chanson aléatoire est lu, et le joueur doit répondre à une question
    sur l&apos;extrait parmi une liste à choix multiples ou, plus difficile, entrer la bonne réponse. 8 joueurs peuvent participer
    en mode tour par tour, avec des scores basés sur des points et où plus la réponse est rapide, plus elle rapporte de points.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>auralquiz is a music quiz game that scans a users selected folder of music and creates a quiz using the tags from the
    audio files.  A sample of a random song is played and the player must answer a question about the sample from either multiple
    choice buttons or for hardcore difficulty, type in the correct answer. Up to 8 players can play in a turn based mode with
    scoring based on points, with more points given by answering the question faster.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>auralquiz er en musikquiz, der skanner en brugers valgte musikmappe og opretter en quiz med mærkerne fra lydfilerne.
    Et eksempel på en vilkårlig sang afspilles og spilleren skal besvare et spørgsmål om lydprøven enten fra flere forudfyldte
    muligheder eller i den høje sværhedsgrad, indtaste det korrekte svar. Op til 8 spillere kan deltage på tur, hvor der gives
    flere point ved at svare hurtigere på spørgsmålet.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>auralquiz is a music quiz game that scans a users selected folder of music and creates a quiz using the tags from the
    audio files.  A sample of a random song is played and the player must answer a question about the sample from either multiple
    choice buttons or for hardcore difficulty, type in the correct answer. Up to 8 players can play in a turn based mode with
    scoring based on points, with more points given by answering the question faster.</p>
- Game
  - name: auralquiz_auralquiz.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: auralquiz_auralquiz.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: auralquiz
  - auralquiz.desktop