⇦ | beads [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for beads in main

beads.desktop - 1.1.22-1+b4 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: beads.desktop
Package: beads
  C: Beads
  fr: détection de spots sur des images de gels d'électrophorèse 2D
  C: 2-DE gel spot detection
  it: >-
    <p>Beads è un programma per la rilevazione di spot in immagini di gel 2D. È basato su un&apos;analogia con biglie che
    si muovono verso l&apos;alto sulla superficie dell&apos;immagine del gel e sull&apos;analisi dei loro percorsi (Langella
    &amp; Zivy, 2008).</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Beads est un programme pour la détection de « tache » (spot) sur des images de gel en 2D. Il est basé sur l’analogie
    avec des gouttes flottant péniblement sur la surface d’une image de gel et l’analyse de leurs parcours (Langella &amp; Zivy,
  C: >-
    <p>Beads is a program for spot detection on 2-D gel images. It is based on an analogy with beads flowing uphill on the
    surface of the gel image and on the analysis of their paths (Langella &amp; Zivy, 2008).</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Beads er et program til spotdetektion på 2-D gel-billeder. Det er baseret på an analogi med kugler der ruller opad
    på overfladen af gel-billedet og på analyse af deres stier (Langella &amp; Zivy, 2008).</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Beads is a program for spot detection on 2-D gel images. It is based on an analogy with beads flowing uphill on the
    surface of the gel image and on the analysis of their paths (Langella &amp; Zivy, 2008).</p>
- Education
- Science
- Math
  - Chemistry
  - Biology
  - Electrophoresis
  - name: beads_beads_icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - beads.desktop

beads.desktop - 1.1.22-1+b3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: beads.desktop
Package: beads
  C: Beads
  fr: détection de spots sur des images de gels d'électrophorèse 2D
  C: 2-DE gel spot detection
  it: >-
    <p>Beads è un programma per la rilevazione di spot in immagini di gel 2D. È basato su un&apos;analogia con biglie che
    si muovono verso l&apos;alto sulla superficie dell&apos;immagine del gel e sull&apos;analisi dei loro percorsi (Langella
    &amp; Zivy, 2008).</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Beads est un programme pour la détection de « tache » (spot) sur des images de gel en 2D. Il est basé sur l’analogie
    avec des gouttes flottant péniblement sur la surface d’une image de gel et l’analyse de leurs parcours (Langella &amp; Zivy,
  C: >-
    <p>Beads is a program for spot detection on 2-D gel images. It is based on an analogy with beads flowing uphill on the
    surface of the gel image and on the analysis of their paths (Langella &amp; Zivy, 2008).</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Beads er et program til spotdetektion på 2-D gel-billeder. Det er baseret på an analogi med kugler der ruller opad
    på overfladen af gel-billedet og på analyse af deres stier (Langella &amp; Zivy, 2008).</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Beads is a program for spot detection on 2-D gel images. It is based on an analogy with beads flowing uphill on the
    surface of the gel image and on the analysis of their paths (Langella &amp; Zivy, 2008).</p>
- Education
- Science
- Math
  - Chemistry
  - Biology
  - Electrophoresis
  - name: beads_beads_icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - beads.desktop