⇦ | budgie-core [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for budgie-core in main

org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieScreenshot - 10.9.2-7 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieScreenshot
Package: budgie-core
  fr-BE: Capture d'écran Budgie
  es-CL: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  zh-TW: Budgie 截图
  ka: Budgie-ის ეკრანის ანაბეჭდი
  ja: Budgie スクリーンショット
  fr-FR: Capture d'écran Budgie
  de: Budgie Screenshot
  es-PE: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  en-US: Budgie Screenshot
  es-AR: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  oc: Captura d’ecran Budgie
  pt: Captura de ecrã Budgie
  pt-BR: Captura de tela Budgie
  ru: Снимок экрана Budgie
  fr: Capture d'écran Budgie
  C: Budgie Screenshot
  da: Budgie skærmbillede
  lt: Budgie ekrano kopija
  ca: Captura de pantalla del Budgie
  zh-HK: Budgie 截图
  sk: Snímka obrazovky
  de-CH: Budgie Screenshot
  es-419: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  en-AU: Budgie Screenshot
  zh: Budgie 截图
  es: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  ko: Budgie 스크린숏
  tr: Budgie Ekran Görüntüsü
  es-MX: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  et: Budgie ekraanipilt
  pl: Zrzut ekranu Budgie
  en-GB: Budgie Screenshot
  pl: Aplikacja Budgie do zrzutów ekranu
  es: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  pt: Aplicação de captura de ecrã Budgie
  es-CL: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  sk: Nástroj na snímku obrazovky
  en-US: Budgie screenshot app
  en-GB: Budgie screenshot app
  ca: Aplicació de captura de pantalla del Budgie
  de-CH: Budgie Screenshot Anwendung
  es-419: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  tr: Budgie ekran görüntüsü uygulaması
  de: Budgie Screenshot Anwendung
  fr: Application de capture d'écran de Budgie
  et: Budgie ekraanipildi rakendus
  es-MX: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  oc: Aplicacion de captura d’ecran Budgie
  fr-FR: Application de capture d'écran de Budgie
  C: Budgie screenshot app
  zh-HK: Budgie 截图程序
  zh-TW: Budgie 截图程序
  en-AU: Budgie screenshot app
  zh: Budgie 截图程序
  fr-BE: Application de capture d'écran de Budgie
  es-AR: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  es-PE: Captura de pantalla de Budgie
  ja: Budgie 用の画面撮影アプリ
  ko: Budgie 스크린숏 앱
  da: Budgie skærmbillede app
  ru: Снимок экрана Budgie
  pt-BR: Aplicação de captura de tela Budgie
  C: >-
    <p>Budgie-Desktop is a GTK+ based desktop environment which focuses on simplicity and elegance.  It provides a traditional
    desktop metaphor based interface utilising customisable panel based menu driven system. Budgie-Desktop is written from
    scratch utilising many GNOME based sub-systems such as GVC and gnome-settings-daemon.</p>

    <p>This is the base package for budgie-desktop.  This package provides:  GNOME Network Manager autostart file specifically
    for Budgie  budgie-desktop plugins  locales and icons for budgie-desktop  budgie-desktop executables  GLib schemas for
    budgie-desktop  Session file for budgie-desktop</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Budgie-Desktop is a GTK+ based desktop environment which focuses on simplicity and elegance.  It provides a traditional
    desktop metaphor based interface utilising customisable panel based menu driven system. Budgie-Desktop is written from
    scratch utilising many GNOME based sub-systems such as GVC and gnome-settings-daemon.</p>

    <p>This is the base package for budgie-desktop.  This package provides:  GNOME Network Manager autostart file specifically
    for Budgie  budgie-desktop plugins  locales and icons for budgie-desktop  budgie-desktop executables  GLib schemas for
    budgie-desktop  Session file for budgie-desktop</p>
- Utility
  - Screenshot
  - Snip
  - name: budgie-core_org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieScreenshot.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: budgie-core_org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieScreenshot.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: budgie-core_org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieScreenshot.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/buddiesofbudgie/BudgieScreenshot/e8b482cd2a3a40a66e9ec220fedbbdd0/icons/128x128/budgie-core_org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieScreenshot.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieScreenshot
  - org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieScreenshot.desktop