⇦ | cataclysm-dda-sdl [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for cataclysm-dda-sdl in main

org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA - 0.H-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA
Package: cataclysm-dda-sdl
ProjectLicense: CC-BY-SA-3.0
  C: 'Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead'
  C: A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world
  C: >-
          Struggle to survive in a harsh, persistent, procedurally
          generated world. Scavenge the remnants of a dead civilization
          for food, equipment, or, if you are lucky, a vehicle with a full
          tank of gas to get you the hell out of Dodge. Fight to defeat or
          escape from a wide variety of powerful monstrosities, from
          zombies to giant insects to killer robots and things far
          stranger and deadlier, and against the others like yourself,
          that want what you have...
          As your game begins, you awaken with hazy memories of violence
          and terror from when the world suddenly unraveled around
          you. Now you need to explore your surroundings, and secure food,
          water and safety. After that, who knows? Long term survival will
          mean tapping abilities you haven’t used before, learning to
          survive in this new environment and developing new skills.
- Game
- RolePlaying
  - zombie
  - survival
  - game
  - tiles
  - dda
  - cdda
  homepage: https://www.cataclysmdda.org
  bugtracker: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/issues
  translate: https://www.transifex.com/cataclysm-dda-translators/cataclysm-dda/
  vcs-browser: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/
  contribute: https://cataclysmdda.org/contributions/
  - name: cataclysm-dda-sdl_org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: cataclysm-dda-sdl_org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: cataclysm-dda-sdl_org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/cataclysmdda/CataclysmDDA/9e79060c98f1ad1af0b5c96b644ea537/icons/128x128/cataclysm-dda-sdl_org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA
  - org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.desktop
  - cataclysm-tiles
- version: 0.H
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1721606400
    C: "<p>\n          I'm proud to announce that the Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead 0.H \"Hebert\" release is here!\n          With
      an 11 month Gestation (before forking) and a 10 month delivery (after forking),\n          we once again utterly failed
      to limit the scope of work with a release, the 0.H\n          development process has been the longest in many releases,
      packing in thousands of new\n          pieces of content, massive performance improvements, and IMO more polish than
      we've ever\n          seen in a DDA release. A huge group of about 450 people contributed to this release,\n          about
      200 for the first time this release. All together we changed about 12 million\n          lines of code and data across
      about 5,500 files, adding about 5,000 game entities in the\n          core game and another 5,000 in mods. This time
      around we handled the release process\n          differently, following a more traditional process where we called 0.H
      \"feature complete\"\n          all the way back in January of 2024 and moved it to a dedicated fork for bugfixing.\n
      \         Since then we've created new infrastructure to manage the stabilization process,\n          fixed many many
      bugs, and backported a limited number of key features from the\n          experimental branch. Whether this new approach
      really hits its stride is yet to be seen,\n          but I'm hopeful next cycle can be shorter now that the infrastructure
      is in place.\n        </p>\n<p>\n          Feature wise, we've seen the addition of biomes, where traveling East now
      leads to larger\n          cities to a point, then the lands ends in an ocean. Travelling West leads to sparser human\n
      \         settlements and more wilderness. Portal storms now spawn and move around on the map, you\n          can either
      hunker down or move to avoid them (or chase them if you're so inclined), and an\n          unprecedented amount of new
      and interesting content has been added to their chaotic mix.\n          After years of hard work, 3D vision has finally
      reached a point where we're ok to turn it\n          on by default: bugs are few and far between now, and thanks to
      this feature we can see a\n          lot more interactivity between Z levels. Our accidental bespoke scripting framework,
      the\n          EOC system, has been greatly expanded and many, many features have been overhauled to take\n          advantage
      of it. This allows an enormous flexibility of events in both mainline and mods\n          without ever touching a compiler.
      Multiple new boss-tier encounters have been added for\n          late game challenge, though I don't want to spoil them
      here. Now you will know why you\n          fear the night. The number of proficiencies has increased greatly for this
      version, roughly\n          doubling the number of proficiencies you can learn, all with unique effects.  We've seen\n
      \         an expansion of the proficiency framework in some of the directions desired initially,\n          allowing
      proficiencies to confer more than just crafting bonuses. Practice actions have also\n          filled out, providing
      a smooth path for skill gain instead of grinding crafting or other\n          activities. This version should see an
      end to repeatedly crafting and uncrafting a simple\n          object to grind skills, allowing you to automate the process
      to represent your character\n          studying and practicing, spending character time but not so much player time.
      You'll also\n          notice other savings in player time, we've found a number of places to speed up key code and\n
      \         drastically reduce waiting times, making for a much more responsive experience.\n        </p>\n<p>\n          Try
      it out. It's the best DDA yet.\n\t</p>"
    details: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/tree/0.H-branch/data/changelog.txt
- version: 0.G Gaiman
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1677628800
    C: >-
                We are proud to announce that 0.G “Gaiman” stable release has arrived! Two years have
                passed since the release of the stable version 0.F “Frank”, two years of unprecedented
                turmoil in the real world that delayed our planned release of the next stable. These two
                years have seen many IRL job changes among the dev team, new contributors to CleverRaven,
                and a couple of babies joining members' families. The 0.G release is more than double the
                size of the 0.F release, a distinction that we keep trying and failing to avoid. Even more
                than previous stable versions, this release features a massive range of bugfixes, code and
                content additions, and new features. 10,293 new game entities were added, 11,643,312 lines
                of source code were inserted, and 5,022,361 lines were deleted. This included several new
                language translations, multiple new tilesets; including some isometric tileset demos, and
                multiple new mods in addition to base game content and features.
                This cycle was started, tilting at our perennial windmill of a six to nine month release
                cycle. Shortly thereafter, Covid locked down the world but not contributions to DDA! There
                are many incredible changes that have entered the game and several ancient issues that
                have been closed. The skill system has been greatly expanded with many new proficiencies
                and many new ways to learn them, as well as the groundwork for practice-based skill
                improvement, including a skill rust system that doesn't suck because it caps effective
                skill loss and regenerates faster than regular skill gain. Appliance based stationary
                power grids now exist. Turning vehicles now present complete walls that block out
                monsters, fields and more from crossing from the outside to the inside of the vehicle. Map
                memory is now unlimited, so you will no longer forget places you haven't been to recently.
                Cardio has finally been modeled so that your endurance will increase if you spend your
                days running and working hard or exercising. Perspiration is now modeled, your character
                running around the middle of summer in full plate mail won't immediately overheat. Now
                your character will perspire and thirst will increase until you are dehydrated at which
                point overheating will begin. Hydrate yourselves accordingly!
                In addition to the above issue/request resolving features above, there are a number of new
                features that haven't necessarily been on the roadmap for a long time but came to fruition
                during this experimental cycle. The amount of UI based contributions has gone through the
                roof this cycle and created tons of options around how your fully customizable sidebar
                looks, the color theme for your UI is also fully customizable with multiple shipped
                options, along with updates and improvements to action explanations, tutorials and the
                github process itself, which while not visible to people who only play the game makes a
                huge difference in the quality and amount of contributions added to Cataclysm: Dark Days
                Ahead. You can now passively purify water by boiling it by placing it in a fireproof
                container on a fire or near an extreme heat source. A new hobby tab in character creation
                allows you to choose traits and skills that go together that represent how you spent your
                time before the end of the world. Monster weak points now exist, allowing your strikes to
                critically hit. You can learn proficiencies that will increase your likelihood to
                critically hit these weak points by researching and dissecting monsters. Speaking of
                monsters, we've adjusted the aggression system so that some more intelligent monsters will
                recognize whether they were attacked by another monster or the player and will remain
                passive or gain hostility depending on who harmed them. A lone zombie will no longer turn
                a pack of wild dogs permanently hostile to you. Finally, Effect on Condition brings a
                scripting pseudo language to Cataclysm. Some of its key uses in 0.G have been the
                introduction of portal storms, NPC faction development over time, the ability to take over
                a follower after pc death, and random encounters in already explored maps.
                During this time modders have added a half dozen new in repo mods: Innawoods for the
                survival from scratch you crave, Backrooms which takes place in the neverending backrooms
                dimension, Massachusetts mod for people who desire geographic accuracy, Xedra Evolved a
                science fantasy mod with weird magic and vampirism, Tropicataclysm for your Cataclysm at a
                warmer latitude, and the Megafauna mod which targets an ancient epoch with creatures that
                outsize our modern equivalents, similar to Dinomod. In addition to this Magiclysm,
                Dinomod, and Aftershock have received dozens of new PRs each to a scale that would be
                equal to or larger than paid DLC for a AAA game.
                We, the DDA team, have had a great time creating new content and worlds to explore and we
                hope that you enjoy them and if a mood takes you, that you join us in creating more in the
    details: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/tree/0.G-branch/data/changelog.txt
- version: 0.F Frank
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1625184000
    C: >-
                After a long and anticlimactic buildup, we are pleased to
                announce the release of stable version 0.F "Frank" of
                Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead! Like our previous stable
                versions, this release features an expansive range of
                bugfixes, code and content additions, and new features.
                4,500 new game entities were added, 123,162 lines of source
                code were inserted, and 77,727 lines were deleted.
                The goal was to have a smaller and more manageable release
                this cycle, which was an utter failure, as it took well over
                a year and by several measures was even larger than the 0.E
                We'd overall characterize 0.F as a release with a lot of
                content and polish. Compared to 0.E, you may find it a
                little more difficult (the pendulum swings ever back and
                forth), but we think also more rewarding.
                The most obvious feature of 0.F is the addition of nested
                inventory, the ability to store items in containers and
                have them behave as you'd expect. This is probably the most
                long awaited and highly requested feature of the past five
                years of development.
                Besides pockets, 0.F features the addition of achievements
                for fun and bragging rights, a proficiency system to
                represent more refined skill knowledge, blood loss mechanics
                for you and your enemies, weariness that builds as you push
                yourself to your limits, vehicles that can drive up and down
                z-levels (and bridges that are above rivers, enabling more
                navigable rivers, as a result), and a vast host of new
                content from new monsters and evolutions to new quests and items.
                On the mod side, Magiclysm, Aftershock, and Dinomod have all
                grown expansively, including new artifact and enchantment
                systems that have impacted content in the main game.
                And much more, too much to list here.
                Players coming from the last stable will notice a switch
                towards encouraging looting over crafting, especially in
                the early game, and will have to be cautious about
                overextending themselves in the beginning of their survival
                effort. As usual, you'll want to avoid getting into combat
                with multiple zombies in an open area. However, you can also
                have 'grab bags' of useful gear and tools, allowing you to
                toss your loot sack to the floor to engage in an
                unencumbered melee battle with zombies!
                All in all, as usual, we're deeply excited about this new
                version, and look forward to continuing to make your
                survival difficult in the months to come.
        <li>Nested Containers rationalize inventory management and enable dropping and retrieving go-bags during fights.</li>
        <li>Achievements track your deeds and misdeeds across games.</li>
        <li>Proficiencies better represent deeper knowledge required for various endeavors, mostly crafting.</li>
        <li>Bleeding added to both the player and monsters as the first step toward a more comprehensive wound and wound treatment
        <li>Weariness tracking added to represent longer-term physical exhaustion.</li>
        <li>Elevated bridges over navigable rivers added, allowing better navigability while using boats.</li>
        <li>Large-scale audit of weapon and armor values for better representativeness and consistency.</li>
        <li>Improved armor handling by separating ballistic damage into its own damage type.</li>
        <li>Pervasive performance enhancements throughout the game.</li>
        <li>Tileset vehicle support for more cohesive vehicle rendering.</li>
        <li>Aftershock changes direction to a total conversion mod with a new far-future setting on a frozen world.</li>
        <li>Dinomod added 238 dinosaurs, pterosaurs, mosasaurs, and dino-related NPCs with missions and dino locations.</li>
        <li>Added many dino features, including zombie, fungal, evolved, bionic, baby, and mutant dino variants.</li>
        <li>Dinomod added many dino interactions, including farming, riding, butchering, cooking, and special attacks.</li>
        <li>Magiclysm added a huge content update including many new traits called Attunements that switch up gameplay at
      the endgame.</li>
    details: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/blob/0.F/data/changelog.txt
- version: 0.E Ellison
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1585699200
    C: >-
                The Ellison release adds a huge number of features and content
                that make the world feel more alive. From being able to climb
                onto building rooftops or hide behind cars, to building a camp
                for your followers in the wilderness, to exploring the new
                river and lake systems on a boat or raft, everything is more
                immersive and consistent. Also more STUFF. I didn’t think we
                would ever double the number of game entities with a release
                again, but we did.
                We aimed at a 6 month release cycle, and ended up spending 9
                months adding features at a breakneck pace and 3 months
                putting the brakes on and stabilizing. I can’t honestly say
                that’s a huge disappointment, though toward the end the rest
                of the development team was really chomping at the bit to get
                back to feature work, so we’ll need to continue to adjust.
                We built a huge amount of infrastructure for having the game
                check its own consistency, which has and is going to continue
                to contribute to the amazing pace of feature and content
                additions we are experiencing. The development team is also
                larger and at the same time more cohesive than it has ever
                been before.
                Explore all the new features with the attached release
                archives. Speaking of exploring, the list of available
                tilesets has shuffled a bit, so this is a great time to find
                your new favorite.
        <li>Long distance automove feature for walking, driving and boating.</li>
        <li>Extensive bugfixes to inter-level interactivity, on by default.</li>
        <li>Riding animals and animal-pulled vehicles.</li>
        <li>More flexible Basecamp construction options.</li>
        <li>Default starting date changed to mid-spring for better survivability.</li>
        <li>Time advancement is rationalized, a turn is now one second.</li>
        <li>Extensive river and lake systems, and boat support for navigating them.</li>
        <li>Expanded NPC usefulness and interactivity.</li>
        <li>Massive increases in location variety and consistency, especially rooftops.</li>
        <li>Expansion of mi-go faction with new enemies and locations.</li>
        <li>Batteries now store charge instead of being pseudo-items.</li>
        <li>Overhaul and rebalance of martial arts.</li>
        <li>Zombie grabbing and biting more manageable and predictable.</li>
        <li>Overhauled stamina and damage recovery for grittier gameplay.</li>
        <li>Crouching movement mode allows hiding.</li>
        <li>Magiclysm and Aftershock mods have first class support within the game.</li>
    details: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/blob/0.E/data/changelog.txt
    violence-fantasy: intense
    violence-bloodshed: intense
    violence-sexual: intense
    violence-desecration: intense
    violence-slavery: intense
    violence-worship: intense
    drugs-alcohol: moderate
    drugs-narcotics: moderate
    drugs-tobacco: moderate
    sex-nudity: intense
    sex-themes: intense
    sex-homosexuality: intense
    sex-prostitution: intense
    sex-adultery: intense
    sex-appearance: intense
    language-profanity: moderate
    language-humor: mild
    language-discrimination: intense