⇦ | cutesdr [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for cutesdr in main

cutesdr.desktop - 1.20-4+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: cutesdr.desktop
Package: cutesdr
  C: CuteSdr
  C: Spectrum display and demodulator of IQ radio data
  it: >-
    <p>Lo scopo primario dell&apos;applicazione CuteSDR è di generare applicazioni personalizzate o di essere usato per scopi
    educativi. NON è un programma completo considerato che viene intenzionalmente mantenuto semplice per permettere agli sviluppatori
    di creare più facilmente da esso le loro proprie applicazioni. Un obiettivo ulteriore è stato quello di usare le funzionalità
    standard di Qt cioè nessuna libreria o driver speciale. Questo limita CuteSDR all&apos;uso di una sola connessione di
    rete. L&apos;interfaccia utente grafica principale e l&apos;infrastruttura sono state scritte da Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>CuteSDR stesso ha soltanto un&apos;interfaccia di rete e gestirà direttamente le radio RFSPACE NetSDR e SDR-IP. Le
    applicazioni siqs_ftdi e SDRxxServer (in pacchetti diversi) forniscono interfacce di rete ai dispositivi USB RFSPACE.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>L&apos;objectif principal de l&apos;application CuteSDR est une utilisation à des fins d&apos;enseignement ou pour
    des applications personnalisées. Ce n&apos;est PAS un programme aux fonctionnalités complètes puisqu&apos;il est gardé
    volontairement simple afin que les développeurs puissent facilement créer leurs propres applications à partir de lui.
    Un autre objectif est d&apos;utiliser seulement les fonctionnalités de base de Qt, c&apos;est-à-dire pas de bibliothèques
    ou de pilotes spéciaux. Cela limite CuteSDR à l&apos;usage d&apos;une seule connexion réseau. L&apos;interface graphique
    principale et le cadriciel ont été écrits par Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>CuteSDR n&apos;a lui-même qu&apos;une seule interface réseau et prend directement en charge les radios RFSPACE NetSDR
    et SDR-IP. Les applications siqs_ftdi et SDRxxServer (empaquetées séparément) fournissent des interfaces réseaux pour
    les appareils RFSPACE USB.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>The CuteSDR application&apos;s primary purpose is for spawning custom applications or for educational use. It is NOT
    a full featured program as it is purposely kept simple in order for developers to more easily spin off their own applications.
    A further goal was to use only the stock functionality of Qt ie no libraries or special drivers. This limits CuteSDR to
    using only a network connection. The main gui and framework is written by Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>CuteSDR itself has only a network interface and will directly support the RFSPACE NetSDR and SDR-IP radios. The siqs_ftdi
    and SDRxxServer applications (packaged separately) provide network interfaces to RFSPACE USB devices.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>CuteSDR-programmets primære formål er underopdeling af tilpassede programmer eller undervisningsformål. Det er IKKE
    et fuldt udviklet program, da det med vilje er holdt simpelt så udviklere nemmere kan isolere deres egne programmer. Et
    yderligere mål var kun at bruge stock-funktionaliteten hos Qt dvs. ingen biblioteker eller specielle drivere. Dette begrænser
    CuteSDR til kun at bruge en netværksforbindelse. Den grafiske brugerflade og ramme er skrevet af Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>Selve CuteSDR har kun en netværksgrænseflade og vil direkte understøtte RFSPACE NetSDR- og SDR-IP-radioerne. Programmerne
    siqs_ftdi og SDRxxServer (pakket for sig) tilbyder netværksgrænseflader for RFSPACE USB-enheder.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>The CuteSDR application&apos;s primary purpose is for spawning custom applications or for educational use. It is NOT
    a full featured program as it is purposely kept simple in order for developers to more easily spin off their own applications.
    A further goal was to use only the stock functionality of Qt ie no libraries or special drivers. This limits CuteSDR to
    using only a network connection. The main gui and framework is written by Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>CuteSDR itself has only a network interface and will directly support the RFSPACE NetSDR and SDR-IP radios. The siqs_ftdi
    and SDRxxServer applications (packaged separately) provide network interfaces to RFSPACE USB devices.</p>
- Utility
- HamRadio
- Tuner
  - name: cutesdr_cutesdr.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: cutesdr_cutesdr.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: cutesdr_cutesdr.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/cu/cutesdr.desktop/f9ca5418c5f1594c4e918c1214628008/icons/128x128/cutesdr_cutesdr.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: cutesdr
  - cutesdr.desktop

cutesdr.desktop - 1.20-4+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: cutesdr.desktop
Package: cutesdr
  C: CuteSdr
  C: Spectrum display and demodulator of IQ radio data
  it: >-
    <p>Lo scopo primario dell&apos;applicazione CuteSDR è di generare applicazioni personalizzate o di essere usato per scopi
    educativi. NON è un programma completo considerato che viene intenzionalmente mantenuto semplice per permettere agli sviluppatori
    di creare più facilmente da esso le loro proprie applicazioni. Un obiettivo ulteriore è stato quello di usare le funzionalità
    standard di Qt cioè nessuna libreria o driver speciale. Questo limita CuteSDR all&apos;uso di una sola connessione di
    rete. L&apos;interfaccia utente grafica principale e l&apos;infrastruttura sono state scritte da Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>CuteSDR stesso ha soltanto un&apos;interfaccia di rete e gestirà direttamente le radio RFSPACE NetSDR e SDR-IP. Le
    applicazioni siqs_ftdi e SDRxxServer (in pacchetti diversi) forniscono interfacce di rete ai dispositivi USB RFSPACE.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>L&apos;objectif principal de l&apos;application CuteSDR est une utilisation à des fins d&apos;enseignement ou pour
    des applications personnalisées. Ce n&apos;est PAS un programme aux fonctionnalités complètes puisqu&apos;il est gardé
    volontairement simple afin que les développeurs puissent facilement créer leurs propres applications à partir de lui.
    Un autre objectif est d&apos;utiliser seulement les fonctionnalités de base de Qt, c&apos;est-à-dire pas de bibliothèques
    ou de pilotes spéciaux. Cela limite CuteSDR à l&apos;usage d&apos;une seule connexion réseau. L&apos;interface graphique
    principale et le cadriciel ont été écrits par Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>CuteSDR n&apos;a lui-même qu&apos;une seule interface réseau et prend directement en charge les radios RFSPACE NetSDR
    et SDR-IP. Les applications siqs_ftdi et SDRxxServer (empaquetées séparément) fournissent des interfaces réseaux pour
    les appareils RFSPACE USB.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>The CuteSDR application&apos;s primary purpose is for spawning custom applications or for educational use. It is NOT
    a full featured program as it is purposely kept simple in order for developers to more easily spin off their own applications.
    A further goal was to use only the stock functionality of Qt ie no libraries or special drivers. This limits CuteSDR to
    using only a network connection. The main gui and framework is written by Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>CuteSDR itself has only a network interface and will directly support the RFSPACE NetSDR and SDR-IP radios. The siqs_ftdi
    and SDRxxServer applications (packaged separately) provide network interfaces to RFSPACE USB devices.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>CuteSDR-programmets primære formål er underopdeling af tilpassede programmer eller undervisningsformål. Det er IKKE
    et fuldt udviklet program, da det med vilje er holdt simpelt så udviklere nemmere kan isolere deres egne programmer. Et
    yderligere mål var kun at bruge stock-funktionaliteten hos Qt dvs. ingen biblioteker eller specielle drivere. Dette begrænser
    CuteSDR til kun at bruge en netværksforbindelse. Den grafiske brugerflade og ramme er skrevet af Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>Selve CuteSDR har kun en netværksgrænseflade og vil direkte understøtte RFSPACE NetSDR- og SDR-IP-radioerne. Programmerne
    siqs_ftdi og SDRxxServer (pakket for sig) tilbyder netværksgrænseflader for RFSPACE USB-enheder.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>The CuteSDR application&apos;s primary purpose is for spawning custom applications or for educational use. It is NOT
    a full featured program as it is purposely kept simple in order for developers to more easily spin off their own applications.
    A further goal was to use only the stock functionality of Qt ie no libraries or special drivers. This limits CuteSDR to
    using only a network connection. The main gui and framework is written by Moe Wheatly, AE4JY.</p>

    <p>CuteSDR itself has only a network interface and will directly support the RFSPACE NetSDR and SDR-IP radios. The siqs_ftdi
    and SDRxxServer applications (packaged separately) provide network interfaces to RFSPACE USB devices.</p>
- Utility
- HamRadio
- Tuner
  - name: cutesdr_cutesdr.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: cutesdr_cutesdr.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: cutesdr_cutesdr.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/cu/cutesdr.desktop/f9ca5418c5f1594c4e918c1214628008/icons/128x128/cutesdr_cutesdr.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: cutesdr
  - cutesdr.desktop