⇦ | ephoto [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for ephoto in main

ephoto.desktop - 1.6.0-1+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: ephoto.desktop
Package: ephoto
  gl: Ephoto
  ca: Ephoto
  el: Ephoto
  fr: EPhoto
  de: Ephoto
  lt: E-Nuotraukos
  ja: Ephoto
  fi: Ephoto
  eo: EFoto
  C: Ephoto
  tr: Fotoğraf
  ms: Efoto
  es: Visualizador de fotos de Enlightenment
  fi: Valaistunut valokuvakatselin
  ca: Visor de fotos Enlightened
  it: Visualizzatore di foto per Enlightenment
  pt: Visualizador de fotos do Enlightenment
  tr: Fotoğraf görüntüleyici
  de: Enlightened-Fotobetrachter
  fr: Visionneuse photo pour Enlightenment
  lt: Nuotraukų peržiūros programa
  C: Enlightened Photo Viewer
  eo: Foto-vidigilo de Enlightenment
  sr: Просвећени прегледник слика
  ms: Pelihat Foto Enlightenment
  da: Oplyst billedfremviser
  gl: Visualizador de fotos de Enlightenment
  ru: Просмотр фото
  it: >-
    <p>Ephoto è un visualizzatore di immagini e un editor scritto usando Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). Si concentra
    su semplicità e facilità d&apos;uso, mentre sfrutta la velocità e la piccola impronta fornite da EFL.</p>

    <p>Ephoto gestisce:  * navigazione nel file system e visualizzazione delle immagini in una    vista a griglia facile da
    usare;  * navigazione delle immagini in un singolo formato di visualizzazione    delle immagini;  * visualizzazione delle
    immagini come presentazione di diapositive;  * modifica delle immagini con funzionalità come ritaglio, miglioramento   
    automatico, sfocatura, affinatura, regolazione di    luminosità/contrasto/gamma, regolazione di tonalità/saturazione/valore   
    e regolazione del livello di colore;  * applicazione di filtri artistici alle immagini, come bianco e nero e    vecchie
    foto;  * operazioni trascina e rilascia per  mantenere facilmente le directory    di foto.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Ephoto est un afficheur d’image et un éditeur écrit en utilisant les bibliothèques EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries).
    Il se veut simple et facile à utiliser tout en profitant de la rapidité et de la faible empreinte mémoire procurées par

    <p>Ephoto prend en charge :  – la navigation dans le système de fichiers et l’affichage d’images dans    une vue en grille
    facile à utiliser ;  – la navigation dans un format unique d&apos;image ;  – la vue des images dans un diaporama ;  – la
    modification des images avec des fonctions telles que le recadrage,    l’amélioration automatique, le floutage, l’accentuation,
    les ajustements    le luminosité, contraste ou gamma, les ajustements de teinte et de    saturation ainsi que ceux de
    niveaux de couleur ;  – l’application de filtres artistiques aux images, tels que noir et    blanc ou vieille photo ; 
    – le glisser-déposer pour gérer les répertoires de photos.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Ephoto is an image viewer and editor written using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries(EFL).  It focuses on simplicity
    and ease of use, while taking advantage of the speed and small footprint provided by EFL.</p>

    <p>Ephoto supports:  * Browsing the filesystem and displaying images in an easy to use grid view.  * Browsing images in
    a single image view format.  * Viewing images in a slideshow.  * Editing your images with features, such as cropping,
    auto enhance, blurring,    sharpening, brightness/contrast/gamma adjustments, hue/saturation/value    adjustments, and
    color level adjustment.  * Applying artistic filters to your images, such as black and white and old    photo.  * Drag
    And Drop file operations to easily maintain your photo directories.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Ephoto er en billedfremviser og et redigeringsprogram skrevet med Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). Programmet
    fokuserer på enkelhed og nem brug, mens det udnytter hastigheden og det lille fodaftryk leveret af EFL.</p>

    <p>Ephoto understøtter:  * Gennemse filsystemet og vise billeder i en nem anvendelig    gittervisning  * Gennemse billeder
    i et enkelt billedfremvisningsformat  * Se billeder i et diasshow  * Rediger dine billeder med funktioner, såsom beskæring,
    automatisk    forbedring, sløring, skarphed, lysstyrke/kontrast/gamme-justeringer,    nuance/farvemætning/værdi-justeringer
    og justering af farveniveau  * Anvende statistiske filtre på dine billeder, såsom sort og hvid    og ældre fotostil  *
    Træk og slip-operationer til nemt at vedligeholde dine fotomapper</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Ephoto is an image viewer and editor written using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries(EFL).  It focuses on simplicity
    and ease of use, while taking advantage of the speed and small footprint provided by EFL.</p>

    <p>Ephoto supports:  * Browsing the filesystem and displaying images in an easy to use grid view.  * Browsing images in
    a single image view format.  * Viewing images in a slideshow.  * Editing your images with features, such as cropping,
    auto enhance, blurring,    sharpening, brightness/contrast/gamma adjustments, hue/saturation/value    adjustments, and
    color level adjustment.  * Applying artistic filters to your images, such as black and white and old    photo.  * Drag
    And Drop file operations to easily maintain your photo directories.</p>
- Graphics
- Viewer
  - Picture
  - Slideshow
  - Graphics
  - name: ephoto_ephoto.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: ephoto
  - ephoto.desktop
  - inode/directory
  - image/png
  - image/jpeg
  - image/pjpeg
  - image/x-xpixmap
  - image/tiff
  - image/svg+xml
  - image/svg+xml-compressed
  - image/gif
  - image/x-portable-anymap
  - image/x-portable-bitmap
  - image/x-portable-graymap
  - image/x-portable-pixmap
  - image/bmp
  - image/x-bmp
  - image/x-tga
  - image/vnd.wap.wbmp
  - image/webp
  - image/vnd.microsoft.icon
  - image/ico
  - image/x-ico
  - image/x-win-bitmap
  - image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
  - image/x-psd
  - application/pdf
  - application/x-pdf
  - image/pdf
  - application/postscript
  - image/x-xcf
  - image/x-compressed-xcf

ephoto.desktop - 1.6.0-1+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: ephoto.desktop
Package: ephoto
  gl: Ephoto
  ca: Ephoto
  el: Ephoto
  fr: EPhoto
  de: Ephoto
  lt: E-Nuotraukos
  ja: Ephoto
  fi: Ephoto
  eo: EFoto
  C: Ephoto
  tr: Fotoğraf
  ms: Efoto
  es: Visualizador de fotos de Enlightenment
  fi: Valaistunut valokuvakatselin
  ca: Visor de fotos Enlightened
  it: Visualizzatore di foto per Enlightenment
  pt: Visualizador de fotos do Enlightenment
  tr: Fotoğraf görüntüleyici
  de: Enlightened-Fotobetrachter
  fr: Visionneuse photo pour Enlightenment
  lt: Nuotraukų peržiūros programa
  C: Enlightened Photo Viewer
  eo: Foto-vidigilo de Enlightenment
  sr: Просвећени прегледник слика
  ms: Pelihat Foto Enlightenment
  da: Oplyst billedfremviser
  gl: Visualizador de fotos de Enlightenment
  ru: Просмотр фото
  it: >-
    <p>Ephoto è un visualizzatore di immagini e un editor scritto usando Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). Si concentra
    su semplicità e facilità d&apos;uso, mentre sfrutta la velocità e la piccola impronta fornite da EFL.</p>

    <p>Ephoto gestisce:  * navigazione nel file system e visualizzazione delle immagini in una    vista a griglia facile da
    usare;  * navigazione delle immagini in un singolo formato di visualizzazione    delle immagini;  * visualizzazione delle
    immagini come presentazione di diapositive;  * modifica delle immagini con funzionalità come ritaglio, miglioramento   
    automatico, sfocatura, affinatura, regolazione di    luminosità/contrasto/gamma, regolazione di tonalità/saturazione/valore   
    e regolazione del livello di colore;  * applicazione di filtri artistici alle immagini, come bianco e nero e    vecchie
    foto;  * operazioni trascina e rilascia per  mantenere facilmente le directory    di foto.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Ephoto est un afficheur d’image et un éditeur écrit en utilisant les bibliothèques EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries).
    Il se veut simple et facile à utiliser tout en profitant de la rapidité et de la faible empreinte mémoire procurées par

    <p>Ephoto prend en charge :  – la navigation dans le système de fichiers et l’affichage d’images dans    une vue en grille
    facile à utiliser ;  – la navigation dans un format unique d&apos;image ;  – la vue des images dans un diaporama ;  – la
    modification des images avec des fonctions telles que le recadrage,    l’amélioration automatique, le floutage, l’accentuation,
    les ajustements    le luminosité, contraste ou gamma, les ajustements de teinte et de    saturation ainsi que ceux de
    niveaux de couleur ;  – l’application de filtres artistiques aux images, tels que noir et    blanc ou vieille photo ; 
    – le glisser-déposer pour gérer les répertoires de photos.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Ephoto is an image viewer and editor written using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries(EFL).  It focuses on simplicity
    and ease of use, while taking advantage of the speed and small footprint provided by EFL.</p>

    <p>Ephoto supports:  * Browsing the filesystem and displaying images in an easy to use grid view.  * Browsing images in
    a single image view format.  * Viewing images in a slideshow.  * Editing your images with features, such as cropping,
    auto enhance, blurring,    sharpening, brightness/contrast/gamma adjustments, hue/saturation/value    adjustments, and
    color level adjustment.  * Applying artistic filters to your images, such as black and white and old    photo.  * Drag
    And Drop file operations to easily maintain your photo directories.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Ephoto er en billedfremviser og et redigeringsprogram skrevet med Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). Programmet
    fokuserer på enkelhed og nem brug, mens det udnytter hastigheden og det lille fodaftryk leveret af EFL.</p>

    <p>Ephoto understøtter:  * Gennemse filsystemet og vise billeder i en nem anvendelig    gittervisning  * Gennemse billeder
    i et enkelt billedfremvisningsformat  * Se billeder i et diasshow  * Rediger dine billeder med funktioner, såsom beskæring,
    automatisk    forbedring, sløring, skarphed, lysstyrke/kontrast/gamme-justeringer,    nuance/farvemætning/værdi-justeringer
    og justering af farveniveau  * Anvende statistiske filtre på dine billeder, såsom sort og hvid    og ældre fotostil  *
    Træk og slip-operationer til nemt at vedligeholde dine fotomapper</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Ephoto is an image viewer and editor written using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries(EFL).  It focuses on simplicity
    and ease of use, while taking advantage of the speed and small footprint provided by EFL.</p>

    <p>Ephoto supports:  * Browsing the filesystem and displaying images in an easy to use grid view.  * Browsing images in
    a single image view format.  * Viewing images in a slideshow.  * Editing your images with features, such as cropping,
    auto enhance, blurring,    sharpening, brightness/contrast/gamma adjustments, hue/saturation/value    adjustments, and
    color level adjustment.  * Applying artistic filters to your images, such as black and white and old    photo.  * Drag
    And Drop file operations to easily maintain your photo directories.</p>
- Graphics
- Viewer
  - Picture
  - Slideshow
  - Graphics
  - name: ephoto_ephoto.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: ephoto
  - ephoto.desktop
  - inode/directory
  - image/png
  - image/jpeg
  - image/pjpeg
  - image/x-xpixmap
  - image/tiff
  - image/svg+xml
  - image/svg+xml-compressed
  - image/gif
  - image/x-portable-anymap
  - image/x-portable-bitmap
  - image/x-portable-graymap
  - image/x-portable-pixmap
  - image/bmp
  - image/x-bmp
  - image/x-tga
  - image/vnd.wap.wbmp
  - image/webp
  - image/vnd.microsoft.icon
  - image/ico
  - image/x-ico
  - image/x-win-bitmap
  - image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
  - image/x-psd
  - application/pdf
  - application/x-pdf
  - image/pdf
  - application/postscript
  - image/x-xcf
  - image/x-compressed-xcf