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Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for fccexam in main

fccexam.desktop - 1.0.7-1.1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: fccexam.desktop
Package: fccexam
  C: fccexam
  C: FCC Radio Examination trainer
  it: >-
    <p>fccexam è una guida di studio interattiva per gli esami per radio commerciale dell&apos;FCC degli USA. Le scelte degli
    insiemi di domande sono:     T1 First Class Radiotelegraph: elementi 1, 5, 6     T2 Second Class Radiotelegraph: elementi
    1, 5, 6     T3 Third Class Radiotelegraph: elementi 1, 5     GROL General Radiotelephone Operator License: elementi 1,
    3     GROL+ General Radiotelephone Operator License + Radar:     elementi 1, 3, 8     MROP Marine Radio Operator Permit:
    elementi 1.     GMDSS Global Maritime Distress Safety System Radio Operator:     elementi 1, 7     GMDSS+ GMDSS Radio
    Maintainer + Radar: elementi 1, 7, 8, 9     RGMDSS Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator: elementi 1, 7R Le domande vengono
    scelte a caso dall&apos;insieme selezionato. Le risposte non corrette fanno sì che la domanda venga ripetuta in seguito.
    Le licenze vengono rilasciate dall&apos;FCC, ma gli esami vengono condotti da esaminatori COLEM. Per maggiori informazioni
    sulle licenze per radio commerciali dell&apos;FCC:      http://wireless.fcc.gov/commoperators/index.htm?job=home</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Fccexam est un guide interactif d&apos;entrainement pour les examens de la licence radio commerciale de la FCC états-unienne.
    Les groupes de questions sont :  – T1 First Class Radiotelegraph : parties 1, 5 et 6 ;  – T2 Second Class Radiotelegraph :
    parties 1, 5 et 6 ;  – T3 Third Class Radiotelegraph : parties 1 et 5 ;  – GROL General Radiotelephone Operator License :
    parties 1 et 3 ;  – GROL+ General Radiotelephone Operator License + Radar : parties 1, 3 et 8 ;  – MROP Marine Radio Operator
    Permit : partie 1.  – GMDSS Global Maritime Distress Safety System Radio Operator : parties 1 et 7 ;  – GMDSS+ GMDSS Radio
    Maintainer + Radar : parties 1, 7, 8 et 9 ;  – RGMDSS Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator : parties 1 et 7R. Les questions
    sont choisies aléatoirement à partir du groupe de questions sélectionné. Des réponses incorrectes font que les questions
    correspondantes seront reposées plus tard. Les licences sont délivrées par la FCC, mais les examens sont conduits par
    des examinateurs COLEM. Pour plus d&apos;information au sujet de la licence radio commerciale de la FCC :      http://wireless.fcc.gov/commoperators/index.htm?job=home</p>
  C: >-
    <p>fccexam is an interactive study guide for USA FCC commercial radio exams. question pool choices:     T1 First Class
    Radiotelegraph: elements 1, 5, 6.     T2 Second Class Radiotelegraph: elements 1, 5, 6.     T3 Third Class Radiotelegraph:
    elements 1, 5.     GROL General Radiotelephone Operator License: elements 1, 3.     GROL+ General Radiotelephone Operator
    License + Radar: elements 1, 3, 8.     MROP Marine Radio Operator Permit: element 1.     GMDSS Global Maritime Distress
    Safety System Radio Operator: elements 1, 7.     GMDSS+ GMDSS Radio Maintainer + Radar: elements 1, 7, 8, 9.     RGMDSS
    Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator: elements 1, 7R. Questions are chosen randomly from the selected pool. Incorrect answers
    cause the question to be asked again later. Licenses are issued by the FCC, but exams are conducted by COLEM Examiners.
    For more information about FCC commercial radio licensing:      http://wireless.fcc.gov/commoperators/index.htm?job=home</p>
  da: >-
    <p>fccexam er en interaktiv lærevejledning for USA FCC-kommercielle radioeksamen. Områder med spørgsmål:  T1 First Class
    Radiotelegraph: elements 1, 5, 6.  T2 Second Class Radiotelegraph: elements 1, 5, 6.  T3 Third Class Radiotelegraph: elements
    1, 5.  GROL General Radiotelephone Operator License: elements 1, 3.  GROL+ General Radiotelephone Operator License + Radar:
    elements 1, 3, 8.  MROP Marine Radio Operator Permit: element 1.  GMDSS Global Maritime Distress Safety System Radio Operator:
    elements 1,7.  GMDSS+ GMDSS Radio Maintainer + Radar: elements 1, 7, 8, 9.  RGMDSS Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator: elements
    1, 7R. Spørgsmål vælges vilkårligt fra det valgte område. Forkerte svar gør at spørgsmålet gentages senere. Licenser udstedes
    af FCC, men eksamen udføres af COLEM-censorer. For yderligere information om FCC-kommerciel radiolicens:  http://wireless.fcc.gov/commoperators/index.htm?job=home</p>
  en: >-
    <p>fccexam is an interactive study guide for USA FCC commercial radio exams. question pool choices:     T1 First Class
    Radiotelegraph: elements 1, 5, 6.     T2 Second Class Radiotelegraph: elements 1, 5, 6.     T3 Third Class Radiotelegraph:
    elements 1, 5.     GROL General Radiotelephone Operator License: elements 1, 3.     GROL+ General Radiotelephone Operator
    License + Radar: elements 1, 3, 8.     MROP Marine Radio Operator Permit: element 1.     GMDSS Global Maritime Distress
    Safety System Radio Operator: elements 1, 7.     GMDSS+ GMDSS Radio Maintainer + Radar: elements 1, 7, 8, 9.     RGMDSS
    Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator: elements 1, 7R. Questions are chosen randomly from the selected pool. Incorrect answers
    cause the question to be asked again later. Licenses are issued by the FCC, but exams are conducted by COLEM Examiners.
    For more information about FCC commercial radio licensing:      http://wireless.fcc.gov/commoperators/index.htm?job=home</p>
- Education
- HamRadio
  - name: fccexam_fccexam.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: fccexam
  - fccexam.desktop