Type: desktop-application
ID: org.fontforge.FontForge
Package: fontforge
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later
zh_TW: 字型鍛造廠
es: FontForge
en_GB: FontForge
pt: FontForge
ja: FontForge
ml: ഫോണ്ട്ഫോർജ്
it: FontForge
pl: FontForge
de: FontForge
ca: FontForge
C: FontForge
tr_TR: FontForge
zh_CN: FontForge
hr: FontForge
ko: FontForge
ru: FontForge
zh_TW: FontForge 描邊字型編輯器
es: Un editor de fuentes
en_GB: An outline font editor
pt: Um editor de fontes
ja: アウトラインフォントエディター
ml: ഒരു പുറംചട്ട തിരുത്തുകരു
it: Un profilo editor di font
pl: Edytor fontów
fr: Un constructeur des polices
ka_GE: მოხაზული შრიფტების ჩასასწორებელი
de: Ein Font-Editor
uk: Редактор шрифтів
C: An outline font editor
ca: Editor de fonts vectorials
zh_CN: 一款字体轮廓编辑器
hr: Program za uređivanje fontova
ko: 폰트편집기 개요
ru: Редактор шрифтов
ca: >-
<p>El FontForge és un editor de fonts, tant vectorials com de mapa de bits, que permet crear, editar o convertir tipus
de diferents formats, com ara PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, CID, MM, CFF, SVG i BitMap (BDF, FON, NFNT).</p>
<p>El FontForge és programari lliure dissenyat per poder ser utilitzat en diversos sistemes operatius, tant des de la
interfície gràfica com des de la línia d'ordres.</p>
<p>Aprendre a utilitzar el FontForge és senzill; podeu consultar els tutorials existents que van de les funcions més bàsiques
del programa fins a les més complicades, com ara escriure i usar scripts.</p>
pt: >-
<p>FontForge — um editor de fontes para fontes outline e de bitmap que lhe permite criar, editar ou converter, uma série
de fontes, incluindo PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, cid-keyed, multi-master, cff, SVG e de bitmap (bdf, FON, NFNT) fontes.</p>
<p>FontForge é um Software Livre e Open Source escrito para rodar em diversos sistemas operacionais. Você pode usar FontForge
graficamente ou como uma ferramenta de linha de comando.</p>
<p>Aprender a usar FontForge é fácil, e existem vários tutoriais disponíveis que começam com o básico até os recursos
mais avançados, como criar e usar scripts.</p>
fr: >-
<p>FontForge est un éditeur de polices de caractères numériques qui vous permet de créer, éditer, ou convertir une large
gamme de polices incluant PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, cid-keyed, multi-master, cff, SVG et BitMap (bdf, FON, NFNT).</p>
<p>FontForge est un logiciel libre, gratuit et disponible pour divers systèmes d’exploitation. Vous pouvez utiliser l'interface
graphique de FontForge ou comme un outil à la ligne de commande.</p>
<p>Apprendre à utiliser FontForge est facile, et il y a plusieurs tutoriels disponibles en commençant par les bases jusqu'à
des fonctionnalités plus avancées telles que la fabrication et l'utilisation de scripts.</p>
tr_TR: >-
<p>FontForge, çizgisel ve bitmap (resim tabanlı) yazı tipleri için PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, cid-keyed, multi-master,
cff, SVG ve BitMap de dahil olmak üzere yazı tipleri oluşturma, düzenleme ve çevirme işlemlerini yapmanıza olanak tanıyan
bir yazı tipi editörüdür.</p>
<p>FontForge, birçok işletim sisteminde çalışmak üzere açık kaynak kodlu olarak yazılmış ücretsiz bir yazılımdır. FontForge'u
görsel veya komut satırı aracı ile kullanabilirsiniz.</p>
<p>FontForge'u kullanmayı öğrenmek kolaydır. Ayrıca temel bilgilerden başlayıp betik oluşturma ve kullanma gibi gelişmiş
özellikleri anlatan çeşitli öğreticileri bulunmaktadır.</p>
de: >-
<p>FontForge ist ein Font-Editor für Kontur- und Bitmap-Schriften. Es ermöglicht das Erstellen, Bearbeiten oder Konvertieren
einer ganzen Reihe von Schriften, einschließlich PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, cid, Multi-Master, cff, SVG und BitMap-Schriften
(bdf, FON, NFNT).</p>
<p>FontForge ist eine freie Open-Source-Software, die für den Betrieb auf verschiedenen Betriebssystemen geschrieben wurde.
FontForge kann sowohl über die grafische Oberfläche benutzt werden, als auch über die Befehlszeile.</p>
<p>Die Bedienung von FontForge ist einfach zu erlernen, und es gibt verschiedene Tutorials, die von den Grundlagen bis
hin zu weiterführenden Funktionen reichen, z. B. dem Erstellen und Verwenden von Skripten.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>FontForge is a font editor for outline and bitmap fonts that lets you create, edit or convert, a range of fonts, including
PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, cid-keyed, multi-master, cff, SVG and BitMap (bdf, FON, NFNT) fonts.</p>
<p>FontForge is free Open Source Software written to run on various computer operating systems. You can use FontForge
Graphically or as a command-line tool.</p>
<p>Learning to use FontForge is easy, and there are various tutorials available beginning with the basics up to more advanced
features, such as making and using scripts.</p>
ja: >-
<p>FontForge は、アウトラインフォントおよびビットマップフォントの作成、編集、変換を行うことができるフォントエディターです。扱える形式は PostScript、TrueType、OpenType、CID-Keyed、Multiple
Master、CFF、SVG、ビットマップ (BDF、FON、NFNT) などです。</p>
<p>FontForge は、さまざまなコンピュータのオペレーティングシステム上で動作するように書かれた無料のオープンソースソフトウェアです。FontForge は GUI を用いて、またはコマンドラインツールとして使用できます。</p>
<p>FontForge の使用方法を学ぶのは簡単です。始めるための基本チュートリアルから、高度なスクリプトの作成、使用まで用意されています。</p>
es: >-
<p>FontForge es un editor tipográfico que permite crear, editar y convertir una gran gama de fuentes en formatos vectoriales
y basados en mapas de bits, entre los cuales están PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, CID, «multi-master», CFF, SVG, BDF,
FON y NFNT.</p>
<p>FontForge es software libre y de código abierto, compatible con varios sistemas operativos. Es posible usar FontForge
mediante su interfaz gráfica o en la consola de texto.</p>
<p>Es fácil aprender a utilizar FontForge, y existen diversos tutoriales que cubren desde los conceptos básicos hasta
las funcionalidades avanzadas, como la creación y uso de «scripts». </p>
it: >-
<p>FontForge è un editor di font per i caratteri di testo outline e bitmap che ti permette di creare, modificare o convertire
diversi tipi di font, inclusi PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, CID, multi-master, cff, SVG e BitMap (bdf, FON, NFNT).</p>
<p>FontForge è un Software Open Source gratuito, scritto per funzionare su vari sistemi operativi. Puoi usare FontForge
con interfaccia grafica o tramite riga di comando.</p>
<p>Imparare ad usare FontForge è facile, e sono disponibili vari tutorial che iniziano dalle basi fino ad arrivare alle
funzioni avanzate, come la creazione e l'uso di script.</p>
ko: >-
<p>폰트포지는 외곽선 및 비트맵 글꼴 편집기입니다. 포스트스크립트, 트루타입, 오픈타입, CID 폰트, 멀티마스터, CFF, SVG 그리고 비트맵(bdf, FON, NFNT) 글꼴을 제작, 편집, 변환할 수 있습니다.</p>
<p>폰트포지는 여러 컴퓨터 운영체제에서 작동하도록 쓰여진 오픈소스 소프트웨어입니다. 명령어 인터페이스 또는 GUI로 사용할 수 있습니다.</p>
<p>폰트포지는 배우기 쉽습니다. 기본적인 것부터 시작해서, 스크립트를 짜서 쓰는 고급 기능까지 다양한 튜토리얼들이 준비되어 있습니다.</p>
C: >-
FontForge is a font editor for outline and bitmap fonts that lets you create,
edit, or convert, a range of fonts, including PostScript, TrueType, OpenType,
cid-keyed, multi-master, cff, SVG and BitMap (bdf, FON, NFNT) fonts.
FontForge is free Open Source Software written to run on various computer operating
systems. You can use FontForge Graphically or as a command-line tool.
Learning to use FontForge is easy, and there are various tutorials available beginning
with the basics up to more advanced features such as making and using scripts.
zh_CN: >-
hr: >-
<p>FontForge je program za uređivanje konturnih i bitmap fontova. Omogućuje stvaranje, uređivanje ili konvertiranje raznih
vrsta fontova, uključujući PostScript, TrueType, OpenType, CID, multiple-master, CFF, SVG i BitMap (bdf, FON, NFNT) fontove.</p>
<p>FontForge je slobodan softver otvorenog koda te je izrađen za razne operacijske sustave. FontForge se može koristiti
u grafičkom načinu rada ili putem naredbenog retka.</p>
<p>FontForge je lako naučiti. Na raspolaganju stoje različiti priručnici – od osnovnih vježbi, sve do naprednijih funkcija,
kao što su izrada i upotreba skriptova.</p>
C: FontForge developers
- Graphics
- font
- fonts
- editor
- typeface
homepage: https://github.com/fontforge/fontforge
bugtracker: https://github.com/fontforge/fontforge/issues
help: https://fontforge.github.io/en-US/documentation/
donation: https://fontforge.github.io/en-US/funding/
- name: fontforge_org.fontforge.FontForge.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: fontforge_org.fontforge.FontForge.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: fontforge_org.fontforge.FontForge.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: org/fontforge/FontForge/9a330242db740c5ec64804dc453305ce/icons/128x128/fontforge_org.fontforge.FontForge.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: org.fontforge.FontForge
- org.fontforge.FontForge.desktop
- application/vnd.font-fontforge-sfd
- application/x-font-ttf
- application/x-font-otf
- application/x-font-type1
- application/x-font-bdf
- application/x-font-pcf
- application/x-font-tex
- application/font-woff
- font/otf
- font/ttf
- font/woff
- font/woff2
- default: true
tr_TR: Fontforge düzenlenen bir sembolü gösterirken
es: FontForge muestra un glifo durante su edición
pt: FontForge mostrando um glifo sendo editado
hr: Fontforge prikazuje uređivanje grafema
zh_CN: Fontforge 显示了一个正在编辑的字形
en_GB: FontForge showing a glyph being edited
ko: 편집중인 문자를 보여주는 FontForge
de: Fontforge zeigt eine Glyphe, die bearbeitet wird
it: Fontforge mostra un glyph in fase di modifica
C: Fontforge showing a glyph being edited
ca: Edició d'un glif amb el FontForge
- url: org/fontforge/FontForge/9a330242db740c5ec64804dc453305ce/screenshots/image-1_752x423@1.png
width: 752
height: 423
- url: org/fontforge/FontForge/9a330242db740c5ec64804dc453305ce/screenshots/image-1_624x351@1.png
width: 624
height: 351
- url: org/fontforge/FontForge/9a330242db740c5ec64804dc453305ce/screenshots/image-1_224x126@1.png
width: 224
height: 126
url: org/fontforge/FontForge/9a330242db740c5ec64804dc453305ce/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 1200
height: 675
- locale: ca
percentage: 60
- locale: de
percentage: 78
- locale: en_US
percentage: 100
- locale: es
percentage: 27
- locale: fr
percentage: 87
- locale: hr
percentage: 99
- locale: it
percentage: 30
- locale: ja
percentage: 57
- locale: ka_GE
percentage: 26
- locale: ko
percentage: 100
- locale: pl
percentage: 91
- locale: ru
percentage: 42
- locale: uk
percentage: 91
- locale: vi
percentage: 78
- locale: zh_CN
percentage: 69
- locale: zh_TW
percentage: 75
- version: '20230101'
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1672531200
- version: '20220308'
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1646697600
- version: '20201107'
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1604707200
- version: '20200314'
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1584144000
oars-1.1: {}