freefilesync.desktop - 13.7-1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ i386
⚙ mips64el
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
Type: desktop-application
ID: freefilesync.desktop
Package: freefilesync
C: FreeFileSync
he: סנכרון קבצים ותיקיות
vi: So sánh và đồng bộ hóa thư mục
zh: 文件夹比较与同步
zh-TW: 資料夾比對和同步
ja: フォルダの比較と同期
de: Ordnervergleich und Synchronisation
pt: Comparação e Sincronização de Pastas
ro: Comparație și sincronizare a directoarelor
pt-BR: Comparação e Sincronização de Pastas
hr: Usporedba i sinkronizacija mapa
ru: Сравнение и синхронизация
el: Σύγκριση Φακέλων και Συγχρονισμός
fr: Comparaison de dossiers et Synchronisation
C: Folder Comparison and Synchronization
da: Mappeanalyse og synkronisering
'no': Mappe-sammenligning og synkronisering
sv: Mappjämförelse och synkronisering
sk: Porovnanie a synchronizácia priečinkov
lt: Aplankų Palyginimas ir Suvienodinimas
bg: Сравняване и синхронизация на папки
es: Comparación y sincronización de carpetas
ar: مقارنة ومزامنة المجلدات
it: Comparazione delle Cartelle e Sincronizzazione
sl: Primerjava in sinhronizacija mape
hi: निर्देशिका तुलना और सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन
tr: Klasör karşılaştırma ve eşitleme
cs: porovnání a synchronizace složek
fi: Hakemistojen vertailu ja synkronointi
pl: Porównywanie i Synchronizacja folderów
en-GB: Folder Comparison and Synchronisation
hu: Mappa összehasonlítás és szinkronizálás
nl: Map vergelijken en synchroniseren
ko: 폴더 비교 및 동기화
C: >-
<p>FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your
important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between a source and
a target folder and transfers only the minimum amount of data needed. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available
for Windows, Linux and macOS.</p>
<p>This is the "GPL release" which uses the sources as published by the author, as opposed to the "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
da: >-
<p>FreeFileSync er et program til at sammenligne og synkronisere mapper. Programmet opretter og håndterer sikkerhedskopier
for alle dine vigtige filer. I stedet for at kopiere hver fil hver gang, så ser FreeFileSync forskellene mellem en kilde
og en målmappe og overfører kun den minimale mængde af data krævet. FreeFileSync er et frit program, tilgængelig for Windows,
Linux og macOS.</p>
<p>Dette er »GPL-udgivelsen« der bruger kilderne som udgivet af forfatteren, modsat »FreeFileSync Donation Edition«.</p>
it: >-
<p>FreeFileSync è un software per confronto e sincronizzazione di cartelle che crea e gestisce copie di backup di tutti
i file importanti. Invece di copiare ogni volta tutti i file, FreeFileSync determina le differenze tra una cartella sorgente
e una obiettivo e trasferisce solo la minima quantità necessaria di dati. FreeFileSync è software Open Source, disponibile
per Windows, Linux e macOS.</p>
<p>Questo è il "rilascio GPL" che usa i sorgenti così come pubblicati dall'autore, a differenza della "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
en: >-
<p>FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your
important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between a source and
a target folder and transfers only the minimum amount of data needed. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available
for Windows, Linux and macOS.</p>
<p>This is the "GPL release" which uses the sources as published by the author, as opposed to the "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
- Utility
- FileTools
- Archiving
- Backup Copy
- name: freefilesync_FreeFileSync.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: freefilesync_FreeFileSync.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: freefilesync_FreeFileSync.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: f/fr/freefilesync.desktop/dbc1622c76858cf1e9066a153dfb7275/icons/128x128/freefilesync_FreeFileSync.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: FreeFileSync
- FreeFileSync.desktop
- application/x-freefilesync-gui
- application/x-freefilesync-batch
realtimesync.desktop - 13.7-1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ i386
⚙ mips64el
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ riscv64
Type: desktop-application
ID: realtimesync.desktop
Package: freefilesync
C: RealTimeSync
he: סנכרון אוטומטי
vi: Đồng bộ tự động
zh: 自动同步
zh-TW: 自動化同步
ja: 自動同期
de: Automatisierte Synchronisation
pt: Sincronização Automática
ro: Sincronizare Automată
pt-BR: Sincronização Automatizada
hr: Automatska Sinkronizacija
ru: Автоматическая синхронизация
el: Αυτοματοποιημένος Συγχρονισμός
fr: Synchronisation Automatique
C: Automated Synchronization
da: Automatisk synkronisering
'no': Automatisk synkronisering
sv: Automatiserad synkronisering
sk: Automatická synchronizácia
lt: Automatinis Suvienodinimas
bg: Автоматична синхронизация
es: Sincronización Automática
ar: المزامنة التلقائية
it: Sincronizzazione automatizzata
sl: Samodejna sinhronizacija
hi: स्वचालित सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन
tr: Otomatik eşitleme
cs: Automatická synchronizace
fi: Automaattinen synkronointi
pl: Automatyczna synchronizacja
en-GB: Automated Synchronisation
hu: Automatizált szinkronizálás
nl: Automatische synchronisatie
ko: 자동 동기화
C: >-
<p>FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your
important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between a source and
a target folder and transfers only the minimum amount of data needed. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available
for Windows, Linux and macOS.</p>
<p>This is the "GPL release" which uses the sources as published by the author, as opposed to the "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
da: >-
<p>FreeFileSync er et program til at sammenligne og synkronisere mapper. Programmet opretter og håndterer sikkerhedskopier
for alle dine vigtige filer. I stedet for at kopiere hver fil hver gang, så ser FreeFileSync forskellene mellem en kilde
og en målmappe og overfører kun den minimale mængde af data krævet. FreeFileSync er et frit program, tilgængelig for Windows,
Linux og macOS.</p>
<p>Dette er »GPL-udgivelsen« der bruger kilderne som udgivet af forfatteren, modsat »FreeFileSync Donation Edition«.</p>
it: >-
<p>FreeFileSync è un software per confronto e sincronizzazione di cartelle che crea e gestisce copie di backup di tutti
i file importanti. Invece di copiare ogni volta tutti i file, FreeFileSync determina le differenze tra una cartella sorgente
e una obiettivo e trasferisce solo la minima quantità necessaria di dati. FreeFileSync è software Open Source, disponibile
per Windows, Linux e macOS.</p>
<p>Questo è il "rilascio GPL" che usa i sorgenti così come pubblicati dall'autore, a differenza della "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
en: >-
<p>FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your
important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between a source and
a target folder and transfers only the minimum amount of data needed. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available
for Windows, Linux and macOS.</p>
<p>This is the "GPL release" which uses the sources as published by the author, as opposed to the "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
- Utility
- FileTools
- Archiving
- Backup Copy
- name: freefilesync_RealTimeSync.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: freefilesync_RealTimeSync.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: freefilesync_RealTimeSync.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: r/re/realtimesync.desktop/f1853f4f3ef99560844e4e8d8a6af51f/icons/128x128/freefilesync_RealTimeSync.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: RealTimeSync
- RealTimeSync.desktop
- application/x-freefilesync-real
freefilesync.desktop - 13.7-1+b1 ⚙ arm64
Type: desktop-application
ID: freefilesync.desktop
Package: freefilesync
C: FreeFileSync
he: סנכרון קבצים ותיקיות
vi: So sánh và đồng bộ hóa thư mục
zh: 文件夹比较与同步
zh-TW: 資料夾比對和同步
ja: フォルダの比較と同期
de: Ordnervergleich und Synchronisation
pt: Comparação e Sincronização de Pastas
ro: Comparație și sincronizare a directoarelor
pt-BR: Comparação e Sincronização de Pastas
hr: Usporedba i sinkronizacija mapa
ru: Сравнение и синхронизация
el: Σύγκριση Φακέλων και Συγχρονισμός
fr: Comparaison de dossiers et Synchronisation
C: Folder Comparison and Synchronization
da: Mappeanalyse og synkronisering
'no': Mappe-sammenligning og synkronisering
sv: Mappjämförelse och synkronisering
sk: Porovnanie a synchronizácia priečinkov
lt: Aplankų Palyginimas ir Suvienodinimas
bg: Сравняване и синхронизация на папки
es: Comparación y sincronización de carpetas
ar: مقارنة ومزامنة المجلدات
it: Comparazione delle Cartelle e Sincronizzazione
sl: Primerjava in sinhronizacija mape
hi: निर्देशिका तुलना और सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन
tr: Klasör karşılaştırma ve eşitleme
cs: porovnání a synchronizace složek
fi: Hakemistojen vertailu ja synkronointi
pl: Porównywanie i Synchronizacja folderów
en-GB: Folder Comparison and Synchronisation
hu: Mappa összehasonlítás és szinkronizálás
nl: Map vergelijken en synchroniseren
ko: 폴더 비교 및 동기화
C: >-
<p>FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your
important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between a source and
a target folder and transfers only the minimum amount of data needed. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available
for Windows, Linux and macOS.</p>
<p>This is the "GPL release" which uses the sources as published by the author, as opposed to the "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
da: >-
<p>FreeFileSync er et program til at sammenligne og synkronisere mapper. Programmet opretter og håndterer sikkerhedskopier
for alle dine vigtige filer. I stedet for at kopiere hver fil hver gang, så ser FreeFileSync forskellene mellem en kilde
og en målmappe og overfører kun den minimale mængde af data krævet. FreeFileSync er et frit program, tilgængelig for Windows,
Linux og macOS.</p>
<p>Dette er »GPL-udgivelsen« der bruger kilderne som udgivet af forfatteren, modsat »FreeFileSync Donation Edition«.</p>
it: >-
<p>FreeFileSync è un software per confronto e sincronizzazione di cartelle che crea e gestisce copie di backup di tutti
i file importanti. Invece di copiare ogni volta tutti i file, FreeFileSync determina le differenze tra una cartella sorgente
e una obiettivo e trasferisce solo la minima quantità necessaria di dati. FreeFileSync è software Open Source, disponibile
per Windows, Linux e macOS.</p>
<p>Questo è il "rilascio GPL" che usa i sorgenti così come pubblicati dall'autore, a differenza della "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
en: >-
<p>FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your
important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between a source and
a target folder and transfers only the minimum amount of data needed. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available
for Windows, Linux and macOS.</p>
<p>This is the "GPL release" which uses the sources as published by the author, as opposed to the "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
- Utility
- FileTools
- Archiving
- Backup Copy
- name: freefilesync_FreeFileSync.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: freefilesync_FreeFileSync.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: freefilesync_FreeFileSync.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: f/fr/freefilesync.desktop/dbc1622c76858cf1e9066a153dfb7275/icons/128x128/freefilesync_FreeFileSync.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: FreeFileSync
- FreeFileSync.desktop
- application/x-freefilesync-gui
- application/x-freefilesync-batch
realtimesync.desktop - 13.7-1+b1 ⚙ arm64
Type: desktop-application
ID: realtimesync.desktop
Package: freefilesync
C: RealTimeSync
he: סנכרון אוטומטי
vi: Đồng bộ tự động
zh: 自动同步
zh-TW: 自動化同步
ja: 自動同期
de: Automatisierte Synchronisation
pt: Sincronização Automática
ro: Sincronizare Automată
pt-BR: Sincronização Automatizada
hr: Automatska Sinkronizacija
ru: Автоматическая синхронизация
el: Αυτοματοποιημένος Συγχρονισμός
fr: Synchronisation Automatique
C: Automated Synchronization
da: Automatisk synkronisering
'no': Automatisk synkronisering
sv: Automatiserad synkronisering
sk: Automatická synchronizácia
lt: Automatinis Suvienodinimas
bg: Автоматична синхронизация
es: Sincronización Automática
ar: المزامنة التلقائية
it: Sincronizzazione automatizzata
sl: Samodejna sinhronizacija
hi: स्वचालित सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन
tr: Otomatik eşitleme
cs: Automatická synchronizace
fi: Automaattinen synkronointi
pl: Automatyczna synchronizacja
en-GB: Automated Synchronisation
hu: Automatizált szinkronizálás
nl: Automatische synchronisatie
ko: 자동 동기화
C: >-
<p>FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your
important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between a source and
a target folder and transfers only the minimum amount of data needed. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available
for Windows, Linux and macOS.</p>
<p>This is the "GPL release" which uses the sources as published by the author, as opposed to the "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
da: >-
<p>FreeFileSync er et program til at sammenligne og synkronisere mapper. Programmet opretter og håndterer sikkerhedskopier
for alle dine vigtige filer. I stedet for at kopiere hver fil hver gang, så ser FreeFileSync forskellene mellem en kilde
og en målmappe og overfører kun den minimale mængde af data krævet. FreeFileSync er et frit program, tilgængelig for Windows,
Linux og macOS.</p>
<p>Dette er »GPL-udgivelsen« der bruger kilderne som udgivet af forfatteren, modsat »FreeFileSync Donation Edition«.</p>
it: >-
<p>FreeFileSync è un software per confronto e sincronizzazione di cartelle che crea e gestisce copie di backup di tutti
i file importanti. Invece di copiare ogni volta tutti i file, FreeFileSync determina le differenze tra una cartella sorgente
e una obiettivo e trasferisce solo la minima quantità necessaria di dati. FreeFileSync è software Open Source, disponibile
per Windows, Linux e macOS.</p>
<p>Questo è il "rilascio GPL" che usa i sorgenti così come pubblicati dall'autore, a differenza della "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
en: >-
<p>FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your
important files. Instead of copying every file every time, FreeFileSync determines the differences between a source and
a target folder and transfers only the minimum amount of data needed. FreeFileSync is Open Source software, available
for Windows, Linux and macOS.</p>
<p>This is the "GPL release" which uses the sources as published by the author, as opposed to the "FreeFileSync
Donation Edition".</p>
- Utility
- FileTools
- Archiving
- Backup Copy
- name: freefilesync_RealTimeSync.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: freefilesync_RealTimeSync.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: freefilesync_RealTimeSync.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: r/re/realtimesync.desktop/f1853f4f3ef99560844e4e8d8a6af51f/icons/128x128/freefilesync_RealTimeSync.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: RealTimeSync
- RealTimeSync.desktop
- application/x-freefilesync-real