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Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for hamexam in main

hamexam.desktop - 1.11.2-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: hamexam.desktop
Package: hamexam
  C: hamexam
  C: Ham Radio Examination trainer
  it: >-
    <p>hamexam è uno strumento di studio interattivo per i 3 insiemi di domande dell&apos;FCC degli USA per i radioamatori.
    I 3 insiemi di domande sono:   t element 2, classe tecnico (livello principiante),   g element 3, classe generale (richiede
    anche element 2),   e element 4, classe extra (richiede anche element 2 e 3). Le domande vengono scelte a caso dall&apos;insieme
    selezionato. Le risposte non corrette fanno sì che la domanda venga ripetuta in seguito. Le licenze vengono rilasciate
    dall&apos;FCC, ma gli esami vengono condotti da esaminatori volontari. Per maggiori informazioni sulle licenze per radioamatori
    degli USA:  http://www.arrl.org/licensing-preparation-exams</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Hamexam est un outil d&apos;entrainement interactif aux trois groupes de questions de la FCC états-unienne pour les
    radioamateurs. Ces trois groupes de questions sont :     – t élément 2, classe technicien (niveau débutant) ;     – g
    élément 3, classe générale (requiert aussi l&apos;élément 2) ;     – e élément 4, classe extra (requiert aussi les éléments 2
    et 3). Les questions sont choisies aléatoirement à partir du groupe de questions sélectionné. Des réponses incorrectes
    font que les questions correspondantes seront reposées plus tard. Les licences sont délivrées par la FCC, mais les examens
    sont conduits par des examinateurs bénévoles diplômés. Pour plus d&apos;information au sujet de la licence radioamateur
    de la FCC :     http://www.arrl.org/licensing-preparation-exams</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>hamexam은 3개의 USA FCC 아마추어 무선 (ham radio) 문제 유형에 대한 대화형 학습 도구입니다. 3가지 문제 유형은 아래와 같습니다:  t element 2, 기술자 클래스 (엔트리 레벨), 
    g element 3, 일반 클래스 (element 2 필요),  e elemnet 4, 추가 클래스 (elements 2 및 3 필요) 질문은 선택된 유형에서 임의로 선택됩니다. 틀린 답은 나중에 다시 질문하게
    됩니다. 라이센스는 FCC에서 발행하지만, 시험은 자원봉사 심사관이 실시합니다. USA 아마추어 무선 라이센스에 관핸 더 많은 정보는 아래 사이트를 참조:  http://www.arrl.org/licensing-preparation-exams</p>
  C: >-
    <p>hamexam is an interactive study tool for the 3 USA FCC amateur radio (ham radio) question pools. The 3 question pools
    are:     t element 2, Technician Class (entry level),     g element 3, General Class (also requires element 2),     e
    element 4, Extra Class (also requires elements 2 and 3). Questions are chosen randomly from the selected pool. Incorrect
    answers cause the question to be asked again later. Licenses are issued by the FCC, but exams are conducted by Volunteer
    Examiners. For more information about USA amateur radio licensing:     http://www.arrl.org/licensing-preparation-exams</p>
  en: >-
    <p>hamexam is an interactive study tool for the 3 USA FCC amateur radio (ham radio) question pools. The 3 question pools
    are:     t element 2, Technician Class (entry level),     g element 3, General Class (also requires element 2),     e
    element 4, Extra Class (also requires elements 2 and 3). Questions are chosen randomly from the selected pool. Incorrect
    answers cause the question to be asked again later. Licenses are issued by the FCC, but exams are conducted by Volunteer
    Examiners. For more information about USA amateur radio licensing:     http://www.arrl.org/licensing-preparation-exams</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Hamexam er et interaktivt studeværktøj for spørgsmålene til 3 USA FCC-amatørradioeksamen. De tre spørgsmålområder er: 
    t-element 2, Teknikerklasse (indgangsniveau)  g-element 3, Generel klasse (kræver også element 2)  e-element 4, Ekstra
    klasse (kræver også element 2 og 3) Spørgsmål vælges vilkårligt fra det valgte område. Forkerte svar gør at spørgsmålet
    stilles igen senere. Licenser udstedes af FCC, men eksamen afholdet af frivillige censorer. For yderligere information
    om USA-amatørradiolicensen:  http://www.arrl.org/licensing-preparation-exams</p>
- Education
- HamRadio
  - name: hamexam_hamexam.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: hamexam
  - hamexam.desktop