⇦ | kookbook [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for kookbook in main

kookbook.desktop - 0.2.1-3+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: kookbook.desktop
Package: kookbook
  C: Kookbook
  C: Simple recipe collection handling application
  it: >-
    <p>KookBook aiuta a curare la propria collezione di ricette, permettendo di navigarle, ricercare per titolo o ingrediente
    per richiamare i dettagli delle proprie creazioni culinarie.</p>

    <p>Le ricette sono scritte in Markdown e memorizzate in file di testo. Un libro di ricette, o raccolta di ricette, è una
    struttura di cartelle contenente una o più ricette. La struttura di cartelle può essere usata come un modo per navigare
    e raggruppare le ricette.</p>

    <p>Le ricette possono essere sincronizzate con dispositivi o condivise con altri utenti utilizzando strumenti esterni
    come repository git, nextcloud o molti altri servizi.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto include sia il programma &quot;kookbook&quot; per il desktop sia una versione per touchscreen, &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto include anche una semplice utilità di conversione che è in grado di convertire un database di krecipes
    in un insieme di file Markdown per kookbook. Per maggiori dettagli vedere /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>KookBook aide à conserver une collection de recettes, permettant de les parcourir, de les rechercher par titre ou par
    ingrédient pour un rappel des détails de créations culinaires.</p>

    <p>Les recettes sont écrites en Markdown et enregistrées dans des fichiers texte. Un livre de recettes, ou collection
    de recettes, est une structure de répertoires contenant une ou plusieurs recettes. Cette structure peut être utilisée
    comme moyen de feuilleter ou grouper les recettes.</p>

    <p>Les recettes peuvent être synchronisées entre différents appareils ou partagées avec d’autres utilisateurs en utilisant
    des outils externes tels qu’un dépôt Git, NextCloud ou beaucoup d’autres services.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit le programme de bureau « kookbook » et une version pour écran tactile « kookbooktouch ».</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit aussi un utilitaire simple de conversion pouvant transformer une base de données krecipes en fichiers
    Markdown. Pour plus de détails, consulter /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>KookBook helps you curate your recipe collection, letting you browse recipes, search by title or ingredient to recall
    the details of your kitchen creations.</p>

    <p>Recipes are written in markdown and stored in text files. A cookbook, or collection of recipes, is a folder structure
    containing one or more recipes. The folder structure can be used as one way to browse and group the recipes.</p>

    <p>Recipes can be synced with devices or shared with other users using external tools like git repositories, nextcloud
    or many other services.</p>

    <p>The package includes both the desktop &quot;kookbook&quot; program and an touchscreen version &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>The package also includes a simple conversion utility that is able to convert a krecipes database into a set of kookbook
    markdown files. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  da: >-
    <p>KookBook hjælper dig med at kuratere din opskriftsamling, lader dig gennemse opskrifter, søge efter titel eller ingrediens
    for at se detaljer om dine køkkenkreationer.</p>

    <p>Opskrifter er skrevet i markdown og lagret i tekstfiler. En kogebog, eller samling af opskrifter, er en mappestruktur
    indeholdende en eller flere opskrifter. Mappestrukturen kan bruges som en måde til at gennemse eller gruppere opskrifterne.</p>

    <p>Opskrifter kan synkroniseres med enheder eller delt med andre brugere via eksterne værktøjer såsom git-arkiver, nextcloud
    eller mange andre tjenester.</p>

    <p>Pakken indeholder både skrivebordsprogrammet »kookbook« og en version for trykskærm »kookbooktouch«.</p>

    <p>Pakken indeholder også et simpelt konverteringsredskab, der kan konvertere en krecipes-database til et sæt af kookbook
    markdown-filer. For yderligere detaljer, se /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  en: >-
    <p>KookBook helps you curate your recipe collection, letting you browse recipes, search by title or ingredient to recall
    the details of your kitchen creations.</p>

    <p>Recipes are written in markdown and stored in text files. A cookbook, or collection of recipes, is a folder structure
    containing one or more recipes. The folder structure can be used as one way to browse and group the recipes.</p>

    <p>Recipes can be synced with devices or shared with other users using external tools like git repositories, nextcloud
    or many other services.</p>

    <p>The package includes both the desktop &quot;kookbook&quot; program and an touchscreen version &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>The package also includes a simple conversion utility that is able to convert a krecipes database into a set of kookbook
    markdown files. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
- Utility
- Viewer
- TextTools
- Art
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: k/ko/kookbook.desktop/3b5ae8a445d31509db36b11faf6644f6/icons/128x128/kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: kookbook
  - kookbook.desktop

kookbooktouch.desktop - 0.2.1-3+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: kookbooktouch.desktop
Package: kookbook
  C: Kookbook
  C: Touch Friendly Simple recipe collection handling applicatio
  it: >-
    <p>KookBook aiuta a curare la propria collezione di ricette, permettendo di navigarle, ricercare per titolo o ingrediente
    per richiamare i dettagli delle proprie creazioni culinarie.</p>

    <p>Le ricette sono scritte in Markdown e memorizzate in file di testo. Un libro di ricette, o raccolta di ricette, è una
    struttura di cartelle contenente una o più ricette. La struttura di cartelle può essere usata come un modo per navigare
    e raggruppare le ricette.</p>

    <p>Le ricette possono essere sincronizzate con dispositivi o condivise con altri utenti utilizzando strumenti esterni
    come repository git, nextcloud o molti altri servizi.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto include sia il programma &quot;kookbook&quot; per il desktop sia una versione per touchscreen, &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto include anche una semplice utilità di conversione che è in grado di convertire un database di krecipes
    in un insieme di file Markdown per kookbook. Per maggiori dettagli vedere /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>KookBook aide à conserver une collection de recettes, permettant de les parcourir, de les rechercher par titre ou par
    ingrédient pour un rappel des détails de créations culinaires.</p>

    <p>Les recettes sont écrites en Markdown et enregistrées dans des fichiers texte. Un livre de recettes, ou collection
    de recettes, est une structure de répertoires contenant une ou plusieurs recettes. Cette structure peut être utilisée
    comme moyen de feuilleter ou grouper les recettes.</p>

    <p>Les recettes peuvent être synchronisées entre différents appareils ou partagées avec d’autres utilisateurs en utilisant
    des outils externes tels qu’un dépôt Git, NextCloud ou beaucoup d’autres services.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit le programme de bureau « kookbook » et une version pour écran tactile « kookbooktouch ».</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit aussi un utilitaire simple de conversion pouvant transformer une base de données krecipes en fichiers
    Markdown. Pour plus de détails, consulter /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>KookBook helps you curate your recipe collection, letting you browse recipes, search by title or ingredient to recall
    the details of your kitchen creations.</p>

    <p>Recipes are written in markdown and stored in text files. A cookbook, or collection of recipes, is a folder structure
    containing one or more recipes. The folder structure can be used as one way to browse and group the recipes.</p>

    <p>Recipes can be synced with devices or shared with other users using external tools like git repositories, nextcloud
    or many other services.</p>

    <p>The package includes both the desktop &quot;kookbook&quot; program and an touchscreen version &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>The package also includes a simple conversion utility that is able to convert a krecipes database into a set of kookbook
    markdown files. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  da: >-
    <p>KookBook hjælper dig med at kuratere din opskriftsamling, lader dig gennemse opskrifter, søge efter titel eller ingrediens
    for at se detaljer om dine køkkenkreationer.</p>

    <p>Opskrifter er skrevet i markdown og lagret i tekstfiler. En kogebog, eller samling af opskrifter, er en mappestruktur
    indeholdende en eller flere opskrifter. Mappestrukturen kan bruges som en måde til at gennemse eller gruppere opskrifterne.</p>

    <p>Opskrifter kan synkroniseres med enheder eller delt med andre brugere via eksterne værktøjer såsom git-arkiver, nextcloud
    eller mange andre tjenester.</p>

    <p>Pakken indeholder både skrivebordsprogrammet »kookbook« og en version for trykskærm »kookbooktouch«.</p>

    <p>Pakken indeholder også et simpelt konverteringsredskab, der kan konvertere en krecipes-database til et sæt af kookbook
    markdown-filer. For yderligere detaljer, se /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  en: >-
    <p>KookBook helps you curate your recipe collection, letting you browse recipes, search by title or ingredient to recall
    the details of your kitchen creations.</p>

    <p>Recipes are written in markdown and stored in text files. A cookbook, or collection of recipes, is a folder structure
    containing one or more recipes. The folder structure can be used as one way to browse and group the recipes.</p>

    <p>Recipes can be synced with devices or shared with other users using external tools like git repositories, nextcloud
    or many other services.</p>

    <p>The package includes both the desktop &quot;kookbook&quot; program and an touchscreen version &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>The package also includes a simple conversion utility that is able to convert a krecipes database into a set of kookbook
    markdown files. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
- Utility
- Viewer
- TextTools
- Art
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: k/ko/kookbooktouch.desktop/365adc70515fde72b65f68a5e60e66c4/icons/128x128/kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: kookbook
  - kookbooktouch.desktop

kookbook.desktop - 0.2.1-3+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: kookbook.desktop
Package: kookbook
  C: Kookbook
  C: Simple recipe collection handling application
  it: >-
    <p>KookBook aiuta a curare la propria collezione di ricette, permettendo di navigarle, ricercare per titolo o ingrediente
    per richiamare i dettagli delle proprie creazioni culinarie.</p>

    <p>Le ricette sono scritte in Markdown e memorizzate in file di testo. Un libro di ricette, o raccolta di ricette, è una
    struttura di cartelle contenente una o più ricette. La struttura di cartelle può essere usata come un modo per navigare
    e raggruppare le ricette.</p>

    <p>Le ricette possono essere sincronizzate con dispositivi o condivise con altri utenti utilizzando strumenti esterni
    come repository git, nextcloud o molti altri servizi.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto include sia il programma &quot;kookbook&quot; per il desktop sia una versione per touchscreen, &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto include anche una semplice utilità di conversione che è in grado di convertire un database di krecipes
    in un insieme di file Markdown per kookbook. Per maggiori dettagli vedere /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>KookBook aide à conserver une collection de recettes, permettant de les parcourir, de les rechercher par titre ou par
    ingrédient pour un rappel des détails de créations culinaires.</p>

    <p>Les recettes sont écrites en Markdown et enregistrées dans des fichiers texte. Un livre de recettes, ou collection
    de recettes, est une structure de répertoires contenant une ou plusieurs recettes. Cette structure peut être utilisée
    comme moyen de feuilleter ou grouper les recettes.</p>

    <p>Les recettes peuvent être synchronisées entre différents appareils ou partagées avec d’autres utilisateurs en utilisant
    des outils externes tels qu’un dépôt Git, NextCloud ou beaucoup d’autres services.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit le programme de bureau « kookbook » et une version pour écran tactile « kookbooktouch ».</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit aussi un utilitaire simple de conversion pouvant transformer une base de données krecipes en fichiers
    Markdown. Pour plus de détails, consulter /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>KookBook helps you curate your recipe collection, letting you browse recipes, search by title or ingredient to recall
    the details of your kitchen creations.</p>

    <p>Recipes are written in markdown and stored in text files. A cookbook, or collection of recipes, is a folder structure
    containing one or more recipes. The folder structure can be used as one way to browse and group the recipes.</p>

    <p>Recipes can be synced with devices or shared with other users using external tools like git repositories, nextcloud
    or many other services.</p>

    <p>The package includes both the desktop &quot;kookbook&quot; program and an touchscreen version &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>The package also includes a simple conversion utility that is able to convert a krecipes database into a set of kookbook
    markdown files. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  da: >-
    <p>KookBook hjælper dig med at kuratere din opskriftsamling, lader dig gennemse opskrifter, søge efter titel eller ingrediens
    for at se detaljer om dine køkkenkreationer.</p>

    <p>Opskrifter er skrevet i markdown og lagret i tekstfiler. En kogebog, eller samling af opskrifter, er en mappestruktur
    indeholdende en eller flere opskrifter. Mappestrukturen kan bruges som en måde til at gennemse eller gruppere opskrifterne.</p>

    <p>Opskrifter kan synkroniseres med enheder eller delt med andre brugere via eksterne værktøjer såsom git-arkiver, nextcloud
    eller mange andre tjenester.</p>

    <p>Pakken indeholder både skrivebordsprogrammet »kookbook« og en version for trykskærm »kookbooktouch«.</p>

    <p>Pakken indeholder også et simpelt konverteringsredskab, der kan konvertere en krecipes-database til et sæt af kookbook
    markdown-filer. For yderligere detaljer, se /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  en: >-
    <p>KookBook helps you curate your recipe collection, letting you browse recipes, search by title or ingredient to recall
    the details of your kitchen creations.</p>

    <p>Recipes are written in markdown and stored in text files. A cookbook, or collection of recipes, is a folder structure
    containing one or more recipes. The folder structure can be used as one way to browse and group the recipes.</p>

    <p>Recipes can be synced with devices or shared with other users using external tools like git repositories, nextcloud
    or many other services.</p>

    <p>The package includes both the desktop &quot;kookbook&quot; program and an touchscreen version &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>The package also includes a simple conversion utility that is able to convert a krecipes database into a set of kookbook
    markdown files. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
- Utility
- Viewer
- TextTools
- Art
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: k/ko/kookbook.desktop/3b5ae8a445d31509db36b11faf6644f6/icons/128x128/kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: kookbook
  - kookbook.desktop

kookbooktouch.desktop - 0.2.1-3+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: kookbooktouch.desktop
Package: kookbook
  C: Kookbook
  C: Touch Friendly Simple recipe collection handling applicatio
  it: >-
    <p>KookBook aiuta a curare la propria collezione di ricette, permettendo di navigarle, ricercare per titolo o ingrediente
    per richiamare i dettagli delle proprie creazioni culinarie.</p>

    <p>Le ricette sono scritte in Markdown e memorizzate in file di testo. Un libro di ricette, o raccolta di ricette, è una
    struttura di cartelle contenente una o più ricette. La struttura di cartelle può essere usata come un modo per navigare
    e raggruppare le ricette.</p>

    <p>Le ricette possono essere sincronizzate con dispositivi o condivise con altri utenti utilizzando strumenti esterni
    come repository git, nextcloud o molti altri servizi.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto include sia il programma &quot;kookbook&quot; per il desktop sia una versione per touchscreen, &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto include anche una semplice utilità di conversione che è in grado di convertire un database di krecipes
    in un insieme di file Markdown per kookbook. Per maggiori dettagli vedere /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>KookBook aide à conserver une collection de recettes, permettant de les parcourir, de les rechercher par titre ou par
    ingrédient pour un rappel des détails de créations culinaires.</p>

    <p>Les recettes sont écrites en Markdown et enregistrées dans des fichiers texte. Un livre de recettes, ou collection
    de recettes, est une structure de répertoires contenant une ou plusieurs recettes. Cette structure peut être utilisée
    comme moyen de feuilleter ou grouper les recettes.</p>

    <p>Les recettes peuvent être synchronisées entre différents appareils ou partagées avec d’autres utilisateurs en utilisant
    des outils externes tels qu’un dépôt Git, NextCloud ou beaucoup d’autres services.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit le programme de bureau « kookbook » et une version pour écran tactile « kookbooktouch ».</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit aussi un utilitaire simple de conversion pouvant transformer une base de données krecipes en fichiers
    Markdown. Pour plus de détails, consulter /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>KookBook helps you curate your recipe collection, letting you browse recipes, search by title or ingredient to recall
    the details of your kitchen creations.</p>

    <p>Recipes are written in markdown and stored in text files. A cookbook, or collection of recipes, is a folder structure
    containing one or more recipes. The folder structure can be used as one way to browse and group the recipes.</p>

    <p>Recipes can be synced with devices or shared with other users using external tools like git repositories, nextcloud
    or many other services.</p>

    <p>The package includes both the desktop &quot;kookbook&quot; program and an touchscreen version &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>The package also includes a simple conversion utility that is able to convert a krecipes database into a set of kookbook
    markdown files. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  da: >-
    <p>KookBook hjælper dig med at kuratere din opskriftsamling, lader dig gennemse opskrifter, søge efter titel eller ingrediens
    for at se detaljer om dine køkkenkreationer.</p>

    <p>Opskrifter er skrevet i markdown og lagret i tekstfiler. En kogebog, eller samling af opskrifter, er en mappestruktur
    indeholdende en eller flere opskrifter. Mappestrukturen kan bruges som en måde til at gennemse eller gruppere opskrifterne.</p>

    <p>Opskrifter kan synkroniseres med enheder eller delt med andre brugere via eksterne værktøjer såsom git-arkiver, nextcloud
    eller mange andre tjenester.</p>

    <p>Pakken indeholder både skrivebordsprogrammet »kookbook« og en version for trykskærm »kookbooktouch«.</p>

    <p>Pakken indeholder også et simpelt konverteringsredskab, der kan konvertere en krecipes-database til et sæt af kookbook
    markdown-filer. For yderligere detaljer, se /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
  en: >-
    <p>KookBook helps you curate your recipe collection, letting you browse recipes, search by title or ingredient to recall
    the details of your kitchen creations.</p>

    <p>Recipes are written in markdown and stored in text files. A cookbook, or collection of recipes, is a folder structure
    containing one or more recipes. The folder structure can be used as one way to browse and group the recipes.</p>

    <p>Recipes can be synced with devices or shared with other users using external tools like git repositories, nextcloud
    or many other services.</p>

    <p>The package includes both the desktop &quot;kookbook&quot; program and an touchscreen version &quot;kookbooktouch&quot;.</p>

    <p>The package also includes a simple conversion utility that is able to convert a krecipes database into a set of kookbook
    markdown files. For more details, see /usr/share/doc/kookbook/README.Debian</p>
- Utility
- Viewer
- TextTools
- Art
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: k/ko/kookbooktouch.desktop/365adc70515fde72b65f68a5e60e66c4/icons/128x128/kookbook_kookbook.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: kookbook
  - kookbooktouch.desktop