⇦ | lifeograph [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for lifeograph in main

net.sourceforge.Lifeograph - 3.0.1-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: net.sourceforge.Lifeograph
Package: lifeograph
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0
  es: Lifeograph
  he: Lifeograph
  sr-Cyrl: Lifeograph
  it: Lifeograph
  tr: Lifeograph
  pl: Lifeograph
  fr: Lifeograph
  si: Lifeoraph
  de: Lifeograph
  C: Lifeograph
  uk: Lifeograph
  cs: Lifeograph
  eu: Lifeograph
  pt-BR: Lifeograph
  ro: Lifeograph
  hu: Lifeograph
  ar: Lifeograph
  gl: Lifeograph
  tr: Gelişmiş şahsi not tutma programı
  C: Advanced personal note taking application
  ar: تطبيق تدوين الملاحظات الشخصية المتقدمة
  tr: >-
    <p>Lifeograph, günlük tutmak, seyahat planlamak, yapılacakları ve uzun vadeli hedefleri takip etmek, fikirleri organize
    bir şekilde yazıya geçirmek, düzenli faaliyetleri kaydetmek ve daha birçok amaçla kullanılabilecek güçlü bir not alma
    programıdır. Lifeograph bu çok sayıdaki gelişmiş özelliği sade ve kullanışlı bir arayüzde sunmaya gayret etmektedir.</p>

    <p>Lifeograph'ın temel özellikleri:</p>

      <li>Tamamıyla dışa kapalı çalışma: bütün bilgileri sadece kullanıcıya ait kalır</li>
      <li>Şifrelenmiş (AES256 ile) veya şifrlenememiş günlükler</li>
      <li>Güçlü ve sezilebilir parametrik yaftalama sistemi</li>
      <li>Yapılacaklar listesi tutma</li>
      <li>Girişlerin içinde küçük resimler, tablolar ve grafikler</li>
      <li>Metin arama ve değiştirme</li>
      <li>Gelişmiş giriş süzme</li>
      <li>Syahat notları ve panlaması için dahili harita</li>
      <li>Kullanıcının tariflediği kaidelere göre canlı olarak oluşturulan ve tablo programlarına da yapıştırılabilen tablolar</li>
      <li>Tablolardaki değerlernden canlı oarak oluşturulan istatistiki grafikler</li>
      <li>Metin düzenleyici temaları ve arka plan resimleri</li>
      <li>Sevilen girişler</li>
      <li>Yazım denetimi</li>
      <li>Girşler arasında ve URI'lere linkler</li>
      <li>Görüntülenen girişlere atıfta bulunan girişlerin otomatik listelenmesi</li>
      <li>Teker teker girişleri veya bütün günlüğü yazdırma</li>
      <li>Belli bir müddet kullanılmadığında kendiliğinden kapanma (mahremiyeti kormak için)</li>
      <li>Bilgi kaybını önlemek birçok için kendiliğinden yedekleme</li>
  C: >-
                Lifeograph is a powerful note-taking application that can be used to keep an encrypted diary,
                to plan a journey, to manage todos and long term goals, to write down
                ideas in an organized way, to track regular activities and many more. Lifeograph
                strives to deliver an abundance of advanced features in a clean and streamlined user interface.
                Main features of Lifeograph:
      <li>Completely local workflow: all data is owned solely by the user</li>
      <li>Encrypted (with AES256) and unencrypted diaries</li>
      <li>Powerful and intuitive parametric tagging system</li>
      <li>Todo management system</li>
      <li>WYSIWYG rich text formatting (i.e. no separate edit &amp; preview modes)</li>
      <li>Image thumbnails, tables, and charts in entries</li>
      <li>Searching and replacing of text</li>
      <li>Advanced filtering of entries</li>
      <li>Integrated map for travel notes and planning</li>
      <li>Live tables that are created on the fly based on the user defined rules which can also be pasted into spread-sheet
      <li>Live statistical charts that are created from the values in the tables</li>
      <li>Themes in text editor, including background images</li>
      <li>Favorite entries</li>
      <li>Spell checking</li>
      <li>Links between entries and to URIs</li>
      <li>Automatically created back-links to entries referring to the current entry</li>
      <li>Printing individual entries or whole diaries</li>
      <li>Automatically logs out when not used for some time (to protect your diary when you forget to log out)</li>
      <li>Multiple automatic backups to prevent data loss</li>
  id: net.sourceforge.lifeograph
    C: Ahmet Öztürk
- Utility
  - hatıra
  - defter
  - not
  - yapılacak
  - istatistik
  - journal
  - note
  - to-do
  - tag
  - statistics
  - Notiz
  - Stichwort
  - Statistik
  - egunerokoa
  - oharrak
  - egin-beharrak
  - etiketak
  - estatistikak
  homepage: http://lifeograph.sourceforge.net
  - name: lifeograph_net.sourceforge.Lifeograph.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: lifeograph_net.sourceforge.Lifeograph.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: lifeograph_net.sourceforge.Lifeograph.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/icons/128x128/lifeograph_net.sourceforge.Lifeograph.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: net.sourceforge.Lifeograph
  - net.sourceforge.Lifeograph.desktop
  - application/x-lifeographdiary
- default: true
    tr: Düzenleme ekranı
    C: Editing screen
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-1_1248x712@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 712
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-1_752x429@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 429
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-1_624x356@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 356
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-1_224x127@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 127
    url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1628
    height: 929
- caption:
    tr: Dahili harita
    C: Integrated map
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-2_1248x712@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 712
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-2_752x429@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 429
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-2_624x356@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 356
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-2_224x127@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 127
    url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1628
    height: 929
- caption:
    tr: Grafikler
    C: Charts
    ar: المخططات البيانية
    de: Grafiken
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-3_1248x712@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 712
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-3_752x429@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 429
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-3_624x356@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 356
  - url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-3_224x127@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 127
    url: net/sourceforge/Lifeograph/0beffca90f3f401dca06946d5681932a/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 1628
    height: 929
- version: 3.0.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1740873600
    C: >-
      <p>Various fixes related to undo/redo</p>

      <p>Fixed and improved upgrading old diaries</p>

      <p>Scroll the text to ensure that the cursor line is visible while moving paragraphs</p>

      <p>Fixes and fine tunings in gantt columns in tables</p>

      <p>Fixes in tagging system</p>

      <p>Fixes in filtering system</p>

      <p>Include link URIs (if any) in the text columns in tables when the field is URI</p>
- version: 3.0.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1735430400
    C: >-
      <p>New main icon that reflects the improved functionality as a second brain</p>

      <p>UI upgraded to GTK4 replacing the deprecated UI elements with new ones</p>

      <p>All file I/O is moved to Gio for compatibility with network addresses and virtual drives, etc...</p>

      <p>Wiki style formatting markup is largely omitted in favor of a WYSIWYG style formatting system [[inline comments are
      an exception]]</p>

      <p>Paragraph folding that creates folds automatically based on heading and indentation levels</p>

      <p>New references button that pops up a list of referencing entries/paragraphs for the current entry (a.k.a back-links)</p>

      <p>Context-sensitive right-click menu that displays specific options for tags, images, dates, etc. based on the cursor

      <p>Tables can also be inserted into the entries now</p>

      <p>Added buttons for visiting link items to the right-click popover menu</p>

      <p>Added horizontal rules which can also be combined with text</p>

      <p>Entries can now be ordered, grouped, and arranged freely, irrespective of the their types</p>

      <p>Added an option to merge selected entries</p>

      <p>Added many new filterers</p>

      <p>All filters can be negated now</p>

      <p>Table columns are resizable now</p>

      <p>Many new column types added</p>

      <p>Group lines in a hierarchical view by any column</p>

      <p>Conditional coloring of cell values</p>

      <p>Completion columns show a progress bar in the background</p>

      <p>Option to combine identical consequent cells in a column to get cleaner tables</p>

      <p>Added a new vertical bars style to charts</p>

      <p>A basic inline table was added to allow creation of basic charts without creating a table first</p>

      <p>Added navigation icons to the calendar widget</p>

      <p>Added the ability to mark custom days as holidays</p>

      <p>Added the ability to change the first day of the week</p>

      <p>Searching is multi-threaded now for speed gains and responsiveness</p>

      <p>Migrated from libchamplain to libshumate which also works under Windows</p>

      <p>Many many more</p>
- version: 2.0.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1650758400
    C: >-
      <p>Bug fixes</p>

      <p>Added Danish translation</p>

      <p>Updated Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, and Italian translations</p>
- version: 2.0.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1624924800
    C: >-
      <p>Bug fixes</p>

      <p>Updated Italian translation</p>
  oars-1.1: {}