⇦ | opticalraytracer [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for opticalraytracer in main

opticalraytracer.desktop - 9.6-4 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: opticalraytracer.desktop
Package: opticalraytracer
  C: OpticalRayTracer
  C: Virtual lens/mirror design workshop
  C: >-
    <p>OpticalRayTracer is an application that analyzes systems of lenses and mirrors. It uses optical principles and a virtual
    optical bench to predict the behavior of many kinds of ordinary and exotic lens types as well as flat and curved mirrors.
    OpticalRayTracer includes an advanced, easy-to-use interface that allows the user to rearrange the optical configuration
    by dragging objects around using the mouse.</p>

    <p>OpticalRayTracer fully analyzes lens optical properties, including refraction and dispersion. The dispersion display
    uses color-coded light beams to simplify interpretation of the results.</p>

    <p>OpticalRayTracer allows the creation of mirrors, flat and curved. In modern optical designs, mirrors often produce
    better results than lenses, for example in astronomical instruments. Such instruments can be roughed out in OpticalRayTracer&apos;s
    virtual workbench.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>OpticalRayTracer er et program, der analyserer systemer af linser og spejle. Det bruger optiske principper og en virtuel
    optisk bænk til at forudsige opførelsen for mange slags ordinære og eksotiske linsetyper. OpticalRayTracer inkluderer
    en avanceret, en nem at anvende grænseflade, der giver brugeren mulighed for at ændre på den optiske konfiguration ved
    at trække linser omkring med musen.</p>

    <p>OpticalRayTracer analyserer fuldt ud linsers optiske egenskaber, inklusive brydning og spredning. Spredningsvisningen
    bruger farvekodede lysstråler til at forenkle fortolkningen af resultaterne.</p>

    <p>OpticalRayTracer gør det muligt at oprette spejle, flade og kurvede. I moderne optiske design, spejle giver ofte bedre
    resultater end linser, for eksempel i astronomiske instrumenter. Sådanne instrumenter kan udskæres i OpticalRays virtuelle
  it: >-
    <p>OpticalRayTracer è un&apos;applicazione che analizza sistemi di lenti e specchi. Usa principi ottici e un banco di
    prova ottico virtuale per predire il comportamento di molti tipi di lenti ordinarie e insolite, oltre a specchi piani
    e curvi. OpticalRayTracer include un&apos;interfaccia avanzata e facile da usare che permette all&apos;utente di riarrangiare
    la configurazione ottica spostando gli oggetti trascinandoli con il mouse.</p>

    <p>OpticalRayTracer analizza completamente le proprietà ottiche delle lenti, inclusa la rifrazione e dispersione. La visualizzazione
    della dispersione utilizza raggi di luce codificati con colori per semplificare l&apos;interpretazione dei risultati.</p>

    <p>OpticalRayTracer permette la creazione di specchi, piani e curvi. Nella progettazione ottica moderna, gli specchi spesso
    producono risultati migliori delle lenti, per esempio in strumenti astronomici. Tali strumenti possono essere abbozzati
    nella postazione di lavoro virtuale di OpticalRayTracer.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>OpticalRayTracer is an application that analyzes systems of lenses and mirrors. It uses optical principles and a virtual
    optical bench to predict the behavior of many kinds of ordinary and exotic lens types as well as flat and curved mirrors.
    OpticalRayTracer includes an advanced, easy-to-use interface that allows the user to rearrange the optical configuration
    by dragging objects around using the mouse.</p>

    <p>OpticalRayTracer fully analyzes lens optical properties, including refraction and dispersion. The dispersion display
    uses color-coded light beams to simplify interpretation of the results.</p>

    <p>OpticalRayTracer allows the creation of mirrors, flat and curved. In modern optical designs, mirrors often produce
    better results than lenses, for example in astronomical instruments. Such instruments can be roughed out in OpticalRayTracer&apos;s
    virtual workbench.</p>
- Science
- Education
  - name: opticalraytracer_OpticalRayTracer.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: opticalraytracer_OpticalRayTracer.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: OpticalRayTracer
  - opticalraytracer.desktop