Type: desktop-application
ID: pidgin.desktop
Package: pidgin
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0
oc: Pidgin
mhr: Pidgin
ca@valencia: Pidgin
be@latin: Pidgin
nb: Pidgin
ml: പിഡ്ഗിന്
lv: Pidgin
sv: Pidgin
cs: Pidgin
nn: Pidgin
pt_BR: Pidgin
ta: பிட்ஜின்
C: Pidgin
ru: Pidgin
br: Pidgin
sk: Pidgin
he: פידג׳ין
el: Pidgin
sl: Pidgin
mn: Пизин
mai: पिजिन
af: Pidgin
ar: بِدْجِن
or: Pidgin
ne: पिड्जिन
it: Pidgin
pt: Pidgin
en_AU: Pidgin
es_AR: Pidgin
as: Pidgin
da: Pidgin
sr@latin: Pidžin
km: Pidgin
zh_CN: Pidgin
eo: Piĝin
te: పిడ్గిన్
zh_HK: Pidgin
hi: पिजिन
kn: ಪಿಜಿನ್
ca: Pidgin
ja: Pidgin
hu: Pidgin
fr: Pidgin
mr: Pidgin
tr: Pidgin
brx: पिडजिन
vi: Pidgin
ro: Pidgin
pl: Pidgin
sq: Pidgin
my_MM: Pidgin
gu: Pidgin
pa: ਪਿਡਗਿਨ
de: Pidgin
sr: Пиџин
fi: Pidgin
es: Pidgin
bn: পিজিন
zh_TW: Pidgin
uk: Pidgin
en_GB: Pidgin
et: Pidgin
lt: Pidgin
gl: Pidgin
bn_IN: Pidgin
nl: Pidgin
id: Pidgin
ga: Pidgin
eu: Pidgin
mk: Pidgin
es_AR: Cliente de mensajería instantánea
nb: Lynmeldingsklient
de: Client für Instant Messaging (Sofortnachrichten)
pt_BR: Cliente de mensagens instantâneas
pt: Cliente de Mensagens Instântaneas
ga: Cliant Teachtaireachtaí Meandaracha
nn: Lynmeldingsklient
gl: Cliente de mensaxería instantánea
ru: Клиент для мгновенного обмена сообщениями
el: Πελάτης άμεσων μηνυμάτων
uk: Клієнт миттєвих повідомлень
en_AU: Instant Messaging Client
ro: Client mesagerie instantă
zh_HK: 即時通訊用戶端
lt: Pokalbių klientas
sv: Snabbmeddelandeklient
C: Instant Messaging Client
da: Klient til straksbeskeder
sq: Klient Mesazhesh të Atypëratyshme
br: Arval postelerezh prim
it: Client di messaggistica istantanea
es: Cliente de mensajería instantánea
ms_MY: Klien Pemesejan Segera
sl: Odjemalec za klepet
tr: Anında Mesajlaşma İstemcisi
cs: Instant Messaging Klient
fi: Pikaviestinsovellus
lv: Tūlītējās ziņojumapmaiņas klients
hu: Azonnaliüzenet-küldő kliens
pl: Komunikator
nl: Instant Messaging Cliënt
zh_TW: 即時通訊用戶端
sl: >-
<p>Pidgin je program za klepet, ki omogoča prijavo v račune na več omrežjih za klepet hkrati.</p>
<p>To pomeni, da lahko obenem klepetate s prijatelji na XMPP in v klepetalnici IRC.</p>
cs: >-
<p>Pidgin je chatovací program umožňující přihlášení k účtům na různých sítích současně. </p>
<p>To znamená chatování s přáteli na XMPP a sezení v chatovacích místnostech IRC současně.</p>
de: >-
<p>Pidgin ist eine Chat-Anwendung, welche es Ihnen erlaubt, sich gleichzeitig bei mehreren Chat-Netzwerken anzumelden.</p>
<p>Dies bedeutet, dass Sie mit Freunden auf XMPP chatten und gleichzeitig in einem IRC-Kanal sitzen können.</p>
sq: >-
<p>Pidgin-i është një program fjalosjesh që ju lejon të hyni në shumë llogari njëherazi në disa rrjete fjalosjesh në të
njëjtën kohë.</p>
<p>Kjo do të thotë se mund të fjaloseni me miqtë në XMPP dhe në të njëjtën kohë të merrni pjesë në një dhomë fjalosjeje
nl: >-
<p>Pidgin is een chatprogramma waarmee u tegelijkertijd kunt inloggen op accounts van meerdere chatnetwerken.</p>
<p>Dit betekent dat je met vrienden op XMPP kunt chatten en tegelijkertijd in een IRC-kanaal kunt zitten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>Pidgin jest komunikatorem umożliwiającym logowanie do wielu sieci jednocześnie.</p>
<p>Oznacza to, że można jednocześnie rozmawiać ze swoimi znajomymi przez XMPP i siedzieć na kanale IRC.</p>
ro: >-
<p>Pidgin este un program de chat care vă permite să vă conectați simultan la conturi din mai multe rețele de chat.</p>
<p>Acest lucru înseamnă că puteți să discutați cu prietenii pe XMPP și să stați pe un canal IRC în același timp.</p>
C: >-
<p>Pidgin is a chat program which lets you log into accounts on multiple chat networks simultaneously.</p>
<p>This means that you can be chatting with friends on XMPP and sitting in an IRC channel at the same time.</p>
- Network
- InstantMessaging
- klepet
- pogovor
- im
- sporočanje
- sporočilo
- mesidž
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- irc
- groupwise
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
- чат
- балачка
- повідомлення
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- груповий
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
- chat
- rozhovor
- im
- zpráva
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- irc
- groupwise
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
- chat
- talk
- im
- message
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- irc
- groupwise
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
- komunikator
- czat
- chat
- rozmowa
- rozmawianie
- talk
- im
- wiadomość
- message
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- gadugadu
- gg
- irc
- groupwise
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
- chat
- talk
- im
- message
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- irc
- groupwise
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
- fjalosje
- bisedë
- im
- mesazh
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- irc
- groupwise
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
- chat
- talk
- im
- message
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- irc
- groupwise
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
- chat
- talk
- im
- message
- bonjour
- gadu-gadu
- irc
- groupwise
- jabber
- sametime
- silc
- simple
- xmpp
- zephyr
homepage: https://pidgin.im/
bugtracker: https://issues.imfreedom.org/issues/PIDGIN
help: https://pidgin.im/help/
faq: https://pidgin.im/development/faq/
- name: pidgin_pidgin.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: pidgin_pidgin.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: pidgin_pidgin.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: p/pi/pidgin.desktop/6ee80f2f755321462eba2088615c4fa8/icons/128x128/pidgin_pidgin.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: pidgin
- pidgin.desktop
- default: true
sl: Seznam prijateljev prikazuje prijatelje z različnih omrežij.
cs: Seznam kamarádů zobrazuje kamarády na různých sítích.
de: Freundesliste zeigt Freunde in verschiedenen Netzwerken
pl: Lista znajomych wyświetlająca osoby używające różnych sieci
nl: Buddylijst toont vrienden op verschillende netwerken
sq: Listë shokësh që shfaq shokë në rrjete të ndryshme
ro: Lista de prieteni care arată prietenii din diferite rețele
C: Buddy list showing friends on different networks
thumbnails: []
url: p/pi/pidgin.desktop/6ee80f2f755321462eba2088615c4fa8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
width: 192
height: 420
- locale: af
percentage: 93
- locale: ar
percentage: 83
- locale: as
percentage: 89
- locale: ast
percentage: 52
- locale: be@latin
percentage: 76
- locale: bg
percentage: 36
- locale: bn
percentage: 95
- locale: bn_IN
percentage: 89
- locale: br
percentage: 71
- locale: brx
percentage: 94
- locale: bs
percentage: 37
- locale: ca
percentage: 95
- locale: ca@valencia
percentage: 95
- locale: cs
percentage: 100
- locale: da
percentage: 98
- locale: de
percentage: 100
- locale: dz
percentage: 58
- locale: el
percentage: 97
- locale: en_AU
percentage: 97
- locale: en_GB
percentage: 96
- locale: en_US
percentage: 100
- locale: eo
percentage: 56
- locale: es
percentage: 97
- locale: es_AR
percentage: 98
- locale: et
percentage: 81
- locale: eu
percentage: 87
- locale: fa
percentage: 67
- locale: fi
percentage: 96
- locale: fr
percentage: 95
- locale: ga
percentage: 98
- locale: gl
percentage: 98
- locale: gu
percentage: 92
- locale: he
percentage: 95
- locale: hi
percentage: 91
- locale: hu
percentage: 99
- locale: id
percentage: 72
- locale: it
percentage: 98
- locale: ja
percentage: 82
- locale: km
percentage: 89
- locale: kn
percentage: 93
- locale: ko
percentage: 65
- locale: ku
percentage: 43
- locale: lt
percentage: 97
- locale: lv
percentage: 98
- locale: mai
percentage: 77
- locale: mhr
percentage: 90
- locale: mk
percentage: 76
- locale: ml
percentage: 89
- locale: mn
percentage: 50
- locale: mr
percentage: 96
- locale: ms_MY
percentage: 57
- locale: my_MM
percentage: 95
- locale: nb
percentage: 98
- locale: ne
percentage: 55
- locale: nl
percentage: 100
- locale: nn
percentage: 97
- locale: oc
percentage: 97
- locale: or
percentage: 92
- locale: pa
percentage: 95
- locale: pl
percentage: 100
- locale: pt
percentage: 98
- locale: pt_BR
percentage: 98
- locale: ro
percentage: 100
- locale: ru
percentage: 98
- locale: sk
percentage: 94
- locale: sl
percentage: 99
- locale: sq
percentage: 99
- locale: sr
percentage: 77
- locale: sr@latin
percentage: 77
- locale: sv
percentage: 98
- locale: ta
percentage: 89
- locale: te
percentage: 89
- locale: tr
percentage: 97
- locale: uk
percentage: 96
- locale: ur
percentage: 60
- locale: vi
percentage: 95
- locale: xh
percentage: 36
- locale: zh_CN
percentage: 93
- locale: zh_HK
percentage: 99
- locale: zh_TW
percentage: 99
social-chat: intense
social-audio: intense
social-contacts: intense