⇦ | plover [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for plover in main

plover.desktop - 4.0.0~rc5-0.1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: plover.desktop
Package: plover
  C: Plover
  C: stenographic input and translation
  fr: >-
    <p>Plover est une petite application astucieuse en Python s’exécutant en arrière-plan et agissant comme un traducteur
    lisant les mouvements de sténo et émulant les frappes de clavier d’une façon que même les programmes utilisés puissent
    dire que la sténo est utilisée.</p>

    <p>Plover est utilisée de nos jours par des centaines de personnes, allant des sténographes professionnels, aux transcripteurs,
    programmeurs et amateurs. Il propose :</p>

    <p> – la prise en charge des claviers courants et des machines de sténo existantes ;  – la prise en charge des touches
    multimédias, le changement de volume, etc.  – des principes bien développés à partir de StenEd, mais avec plus de 50 000 nouveaux
    traits (stroke) ;  – la prise en charge des dictionnaires RTF/CRE ;  – des outils d’entrainement pour faciliter l’apprentissage.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Plover is a small, slick Python application that runs in the background and acts as a translator to read steno movements
    and emulate keystrokes in a way that the programs you are using can&apos;t even tell you&apos;re using steno.</p>

    <p>Plover is used today by hundreds of people, ranging from professional stenographers, transcriptionists, programmers,
    and hobbyists.  It supports:</p>

    <p> - Regular keyboards and real steno machines  - Media key support to control media, change volume, etc.  - Comes with
    a well-developed theory extended from StenEd,    but with over 50,000 new strokes.  - Supports JSON and RTF/CRE dictionaries 
    - Includes training tools to help you learn</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Plover is a small, slick Python application that runs in the background and acts as a translator to read steno movements
    and emulate keystrokes in a way that the programs you are using can&apos;t even tell you&apos;re using steno.</p>

    <p>Plover is used today by hundreds of people, ranging from professional stenographers, transcriptionists, programmers,
    and hobbyists.  It supports:</p>

    <p> - Regular keyboards and real steno machines  - Media key support to control media, change volume, etc.  - Comes with
    a well-developed theory extended from StenEd,    but with over 50,000 new strokes.  - Supports JSON and RTF/CRE dictionaries 
    - Includes training tools to help you learn</p>
- Utility
- Accessibility
  - steno
  - input
  - keyboard
  - name: plover_plover.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: plover
  - plover.desktop