⇦ | sigviewer [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for sigviewer in main

sigviewer.desktop - 0.6.4-3+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: sigviewer.desktop
Package: sigviewer
  C: SigViewer
  C: SigViewer is a viewing application for biosignals
  it: >-
    <p>SigViewer è un software di visualizzazione e valutazione per dati di segnali biomedici. Si basa sulla libreria biosig4c++
    che gestisce svariati formati di dati (inclusi EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064), MFER,
    ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). L&apos;elenco completo dei formati di file gestiti
    è disponibile su: http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED .</p>

    <p>Oltre a visualizzare i segnali biologici, SigViewer permette la creazione di annotazioni per selezionare artefatti
    o eventi specifici.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>SigViewer to oprogramowanie do przeglądania i oceniania biomedycznych danych sygnałowych. Opiera się na bibliotece
    biosig4c++, która obsługuje pewną liczbę formatów danych (w tym: EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG
    (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT (Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro i TMS32). Pełna lista obsługiwanych formatów
    plików dostępna jest pod adresem: http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED.</p>

    <p>Oprócz wyświetlania biosygnałów, SigViewer obsługuje tworzenie adnotacji w celu wybierania artefaktów lub określonych
  fr: >-
    <p>SigViewer est un logiciel pour visualiser et noter des données de signaux biomédicaux. Il repose sur la bibliothèque
    biosig4c++ gérant un certain nombre de formats de données (dont EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG
    (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). La liste complète des formats de fichier
    pris en charge est disponible sur http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED.</p>

    <p>En plus d’afficher les biosignaux, SigViewer gère la création d’annotations pour sélectionner des artefacts ou des
    évènements particuliers.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>SigViewer is a viewing and scoring software for biomedical signal data.  It relies on biosig4c++ library which supports
    a number of data formats (including EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan),
    DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). The complete list of supported file formats is available at http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED

    <p>Besides displaying biosignals, SigViewer supports creating annotations to select artifacts or specific events.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>SigViewer er et fremvisnings- og bedømmelsesprogram for biomedicinske signaldata. Det afhænger af biosig4c++-biblioteket,
    som understøtter et antal dataformater (inklusive EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064),
    MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). Den fuldstændige liste over understøttede filformater
    er tilgængelig på &lt;http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED&gt;.</p>

    <p>Udover at vise biosignaler undestøtter SigViewer oprettelse af annotationer til at vælge artefakter eller specifikke
  en: >-
    <p>SigViewer is a viewing and scoring software for biomedical signal data.  It relies on biosig4c++ library which supports
    a number of data formats (including EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan),
    DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). The complete list of supported file formats is available at http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED

    <p>Besides displaying biosignals, SigViewer supports creating annotations to select artifacts or specific events.</p>
- Science
  - name: sigviewer_sigviewer128.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: sigviewer128
  - sigviewer.desktop

sigviewer.desktop - 0.6.4-3+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: sigviewer.desktop
Package: sigviewer
  C: SigViewer
  C: SigViewer is a viewing application for biosignals
  it: >-
    <p>SigViewer è un software di visualizzazione e valutazione per dati di segnali biomedici. Si basa sulla libreria biosig4c++
    che gestisce svariati formati di dati (inclusi EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064), MFER,
    ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). L&apos;elenco completo dei formati di file gestiti
    è disponibile su: http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED .</p>

    <p>Oltre a visualizzare i segnali biologici, SigViewer permette la creazione di annotazioni per selezionare artefatti
    o eventi specifici.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>SigViewer to oprogramowanie do przeglądania i oceniania biomedycznych danych sygnałowych. Opiera się na bibliotece
    biosig4c++, która obsługuje pewną liczbę formatów danych (w tym: EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG
    (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT (Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro i TMS32). Pełna lista obsługiwanych formatów
    plików dostępna jest pod adresem: http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED.</p>

    <p>Oprócz wyświetlania biosygnałów, SigViewer obsługuje tworzenie adnotacji w celu wybierania artefaktów lub określonych
  fr: >-
    <p>SigViewer est un logiciel pour visualiser et noter des données de signaux biomédicaux. Il repose sur la bibliothèque
    biosig4c++ gérant un certain nombre de formats de données (dont EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG
    (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). La liste complète des formats de fichier
    pris en charge est disponible sur http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED.</p>

    <p>En plus d’afficher les biosignaux, SigViewer gère la création d’annotations pour sélectionner des artefacts ou des
    évènements particuliers.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>SigViewer is a viewing and scoring software for biomedical signal data.  It relies on biosig4c++ library which supports
    a number of data formats (including EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan),
    DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). The complete list of supported file formats is available at http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED

    <p>Besides displaying biosignals, SigViewer supports creating annotations to select artifacts or specific events.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>SigViewer er et fremvisnings- og bedømmelsesprogram for biomedicinske signaldata. Det afhænger af biosig4c++-biblioteket,
    som understøtter et antal dataformater (inklusive EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064),
    MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). Den fuldstændige liste over understøttede filformater
    er tilgængelig på &lt;http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED&gt;.</p>

    <p>Udover at vise biosignaler undestøtter SigViewer oprettelse af annotationer til at vælge artefakter eller specifikke
  en: >-
    <p>SigViewer is a viewing and scoring software for biomedical signal data.  It relies on biosig4c++ library which supports
    a number of data formats (including EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan),
    DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). The complete list of supported file formats is available at http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/biosig/TESTED

    <p>Besides displaying biosignals, SigViewer supports creating annotations to select artifacts or specific events.</p>
- Science
  - name: sigviewer_sigviewer128.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: sigviewer128
  - sigviewer.desktop