⇦ | stella [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for stella in main

stella.desktop - 7.0+dfsg-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: stella.desktop
Package: stella
  C: Stella
  C: A multi-platform Atari 2600 emulator
  it: >-
    <p>Stella è un emulatore portabile della vecchia console per videogiochi Atari 2600. Con esso si possono giocare la maggior
    parte dei giochi per Atari 2600.</p>

    <p>Le caratteristiche di Stella includono:  * emulazione di joystick, tastiere, paddle e controllori per guida    dell&apos;Atari
    2600, usando le periferiche di input del sistema ospite;  * emulazione di trackball, joystick, booster grip, controllori
    per    guida e il mouse Amiga usando il mouse del sistema ospite;  * gestione dei veri controller Atari 2600 usando lo
    Stelladaptor, il    2600-daptor o il 2600-daptor II;  * gestione dei veri controller Atari 7800 usando il 2600-daptor
    II;  * gestione della parte del parlato di un vero dispositivo AtariVox;  * gestione di giochi Supercharger a caricamento
    singolo e multiplo;  * emulazione delle funzionalità di TV a tubo catodico, inclusi texture,    colour bleed, rumore RF
    e bruciatura dei fosfori (richiede OpenGL).</p>

    <p>È incluso un completo sistema di debug insieme al disassembler Distella.</p>

    <p>Notare che questo non è lo strumento di modellazione, simulazione e analisi STELLA di isee systems.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Stella est un émulateur portable de la vieille console de jeux vidéos Atari 2600. Il peut émuler la plupart des jeux
    d’Atari 2600.</p>

    <p>Les fonctionnalités de Stella comprennent :  — émulation des « joysticks », claviers, « paddles » et « driving controllers »
    utilisant les périphériques d’entrée du système hôte ;  — émulation des « trackballs », « joysticks », « booster grips »,
    « driving controllers » et la souris Amiga en utilisant le port souris du système hôte ;  — prise en charge des contrôleurs
    d’origine Atari 2600 en utilisant les adaptateurs Stelladaptor, 2600-daptor ou 2600-daptor II ;  — prise en charge des
    contrôleurs d’origine Atari 7800 en utilisant l’adaptateur 2600-daptor II ;  — prise en charge de la partie voix du périphérique
    d’origine AtariVox ;  — prise en charge des jeux Supercharger ;  — émulation des caractéristiques d’un tube cathodique,
    comprenant la texture, la déteinte de couleur, le bruit dû à l’antenne et la détérioration des luminophores (nécessité

    <p>Un débogueur complet est fourni, ainsi que le désassembleur Distella.</p>

    <p>Remarque : ce n’est pas un outil de modélisation, de simulation et d’analyse de STELLA d’ISEE Systems.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Stella is a portable emulator of the old Atari 2600 video-game console. You can play most Atari 2600 games with it.</p>

    <p>Stella&apos;s features include:  * emulation of Atari 2600 joysticks, keyboards, paddles and driving    controllers
    using the host system&apos;s input peripherals;  * emulation of trackballs, joysticks, booster grips, driving    controllers
    and the Amiga Mouse using the host system&apos;s mouse;  * support for real Atari 2600 controllers using the Stelladaptor,   
    2600-daptor or 2600-daptor II;  * support for real Atari 7800 controllers using the 2600-daptor II;  * support for the
    speech portion of a real AtariVox device;  * support for Supercharger single-load and multi-load games;  * emulation of
    CRT TV features, including texturing, colour bleed,    RF noise and phosphor burn-off (requires OpenGL).</p>

    <p>An extensive debugger is included, with the Distella disassembler.</p>

    <p>Note that this is not isee systems&apos; STELLA modeling, simulation and analysis tool.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Stella er en flytbar emulator for den gamle konsol for videospil Atari 2600. Du kan spille de fleste Atari 2600 spil
    med den.</p>

    <p>Stellas funktioner inkluderer:  * emulering af Atari 2600-joystick, tastaturer, bræt og styreenheder    med værtssystemets
    tilkoblinger  * emulering af trackball, joystick, »booster grips«, styreenheder    og Amiga Mouse med værtssystemets mus 
    * understøttelse for oprindelige Atari 2600-styreenheder med Stelladaptor,    2600-daptor eller 2600-daptor II  * understøttelse
    for oprindelige Atari 7800-styreenheder med 2600-daptor    II  * understøttelse for taledelen af en oprindelig AtariVox-enhed; 
    * understøttelse for Supercharger single-load og multi-load spil;  * emulering af CRT-tv-funktioner, inklusive teksturrer,
    farveblanding,    RF-støj og fosforafbrænding (kræver OpenGL).</p>

    <p>En omfattende fejlsøger er inkluderet, med Distella disassembleren.</p>

    <p>Bemærk at dette ikke er isee systemets STELLA-modellering, simulering og analyseværkøtj.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Stella is a portable emulator of the old Atari 2600 video-game console. You can play most Atari 2600 games with it.</p>

    <p>Stella&apos;s features include:  * emulation of Atari 2600 joysticks, keyboards, paddles and driving    controllers
    using the host system&apos;s input peripherals;  * emulation of trackballs, joysticks, booster grips, driving    controllers
    and the Amiga Mouse using the host system&apos;s mouse;  * support for real Atari 2600 controllers using the Stelladaptor,   
    2600-daptor or 2600-daptor II;  * support for real Atari 7800 controllers using the 2600-daptor II;  * support for the
    speech portion of a real AtariVox device;  * support for Supercharger single-load and multi-load games;  * emulation of
    CRT TV features, including texturing, colour bleed,    RF noise and phosphor burn-off (requires OpenGL).</p>

    <p>An extensive debugger is included, with the Distella disassembler.</p>

    <p>Note that this is not isee systems&apos; STELLA modeling, simulation and analysis tool.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Stella é um emulador portátil para o antigo console de videogame Atari 2600. Ele suporta a maioria dos jogos do Atari

    <p>Os recursos do Stella incluem:  * emulação de joysticks, teclados, paddles e volantes do Atari 2600 usando o sistema
    de periféricos do host;  * emulação de trackballs, joysticks, booster grips, controles volantes e Amiga Mouse usando o
    sistema de mouse do host;  * suporte para os controles do Atari 2600 usando os adaptadores Stelladaptor, 2600-daptor ou
    2600-daptor II;  * suporte para os controles do Atari 7800 usando o adaptador 2600-daptor II;  * suporte para a porção
    de discurso de um dispositivo AtariVox;  * suporte para jogos single-load e multi-load do Supercharger;  * emulação de
    recursos de CRT TV, incluindo texturização, &quot;sangramento de cor&quot; (color bleed), ruído RF e phosphor burn-off
    (requer OpenGL).</p>

    <p>Um extenso depurador está incluído, com o desassembler Distella.</p>

    <p>Note que esta não é a ferramenta de modelagem, simulação e análise STELLA da ISEE Systems.</p>
- Emulator
- Game
  - name: stella_stella.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: stella_stella.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: stella_stella.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: s/st/stella.desktop/d51e9ec292c7863baaedf91ed473477e/icons/128x128/stella_stella.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: stella
  - stella.desktop