⇦ | sugar-write-activity [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for sugar-write-activity in main

org.laptop.AbiWordActivity.activity - 101-2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.laptop.AbiWordActivity.activity
Package: sugar-write-activity
  C: Write
  C: Write provides a space to put your words. Write a story, poem, report, anything! Try changing the look, and size of your
    text; even insert an image!
  C: >-
    <p>Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking,
    the heart of a quality education.  Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to
    traditional “office-desktop” software.</p>

    <p>Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities.  They are software packages that automatically save your work
    - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time.  Many Activities support learner collaboration,
    where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session.</p>

    <p>The Write activity serves as a basic text editing application.  Its simple interface provides an easy starting point
    for children, presenting tools that make writing a story, poem or essay simple and straightforward.  It also supports
    basic tools for inserting images, creating tables, and performing basic layout operations as children begin to require
    some of these features often associated with word processors.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Indlæringsplatformen Sugar fremmer samarbejdende indlæring via Sugaraktiviteter, som opmuntrer kritisk tænkning, hjertet
    i en kvalitetsuddannelse. Designet fra grunden af med speciel tanke på børn. Sugar tilbyder et alternativ til traditionelle

    <p>Undervisningsprogrammer i Sugar kaldes for Aktiviteter. De er programpakker som automatisk gemmer dit arbejde - de
    fremstiller specifikke instanser af Aktivitet, som kan genoptages på et senere tidspunkt. Mange Aktiviteter understøtter
    indlæringssamarbejde, hvor flere studerende kan inviteres til en samarbejdende Aktivitetssession.</p>

    <p>Skriveaktiviteten (Write) fungerer som et grundlæggende tekstprogram. Dets simpel grænseflade tilbyder et nemt udgangspunkt
    for børn, der præsenterer værktøjer, som gør skrivning af en historie, digt eller novelle simpel og ligefrem. Aktiviteten
    understøtter også grundlæggende værktøjer for indsættelse af billeder, oprettelse af tabeller og udførelse af grundlæggende
    layout efterhånden som børn begynder at efterspørge disse funktioner ofte associeret med tekstbehandlinger.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>La piattaforma educativa Sugar promuove l&apos;apprendimento collaborativo attraverso attività Sugar che incoraggiano
    il pensiero critico: il cuore di un&apos;educazione di qualità. Progettata da zero specificatamente per i bambini, Sugar
    offre un&apos;alternativa al software tradizionale &quot;per ufficio da desktop&quot;.</p>

    <p>Le applicazioni di apprendimento in Sugar sono chiamate Attività. Sono pacchetti software che salvano automaticamente
    il lavoro dell&apos;utente, producendo istanze specifiche dell&apos;Attività che possono essere riprese in un secondo
    tempo. Molte Attività permettono la collaborazione tra gli studenti, in cui più di uno può essere invitato ad unirsi ad
    una sessione di Attività collettiva.</p>

    <p>L&apos;attività Write serve come applicazione di base per modifica di testo. La sua semplice interfaccia fornisce un
    punto di partenza facile per i bambini, presentando strumenti che rendono facile e lineare la scrittura di una storia,
    una poesia o un saggio. Gestisce anche strumenti di base per inserire immagini, creare tabelle ed effettuare operazioni
    di base sull&apos;impaginazione mano a mano che i bambini iniziano ad aver bisogno di alcune di queste funzionalità spesso
    associate ai programmi di videoscrittura.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking,
    the heart of a quality education.  Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to
    traditional “office-desktop” software.</p>

    <p>Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities.  They are software packages that automatically save your work
    - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time.  Many Activities support learner collaboration,
    where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session.</p>

    <p>The Write activity serves as a basic text editing application.  Its simple interface provides an easy starting point
    for children, presenting tools that make writing a story, poem or essay simple and straightforward.  It also supports
    basic tools for inserting images, creating tables, and performing basic layout operations as children begin to require
    some of these features often associated with word processors.</p>
- Education
  - name: sugar-write-activity_activity-write.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - org.laptop.AbiWordActivity.activity.desktop