⇦ | terminology [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for terminology in main

terminology.desktop - 1.13.0-2+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: terminology.desktop
Package: terminology
  C: Terminology
  ko: 터미놀로지
  gl: Emulador de terminal
  pt: Emulador de terminal
  fr: Émulateur de terminal
  ko: 터미널 에뮬레이터
  es: Emulador de terminal
  it: Emulatore di terminale
  eo: Terminalimitilo
  C: Terminal emulator
  ru: Эмулятор терминала
  da: Terminalemulator
  sk: >-
    <p>Emuluje mierne rozšírený vt100 s niektorými rozšíreniami a vylepšeniami:  * funguje väčšina únikových klauzúl, ktoré
    podporujú xterm, rxvt,    Xterm 256 color atď.  * efekty na pozadí, priesvitnosť, bitmapové a škálovateľné písma  * témy
    rozloženia a dizajnu a vizuálna indikácia pípnutia  * detekcia URL, cesty k súboru a emailovej adresy, práca s odkazmi 
    * zobrazenie obsahu odkazu v texte  * funguje v X11, Wayland a priamo v linuxovom framebufferi (fbcon)  * ovládanie pomocou
    prsta/dotykom, škálovanie detekcie podľa pomeru    škálovania používateľského rozhrania  * vykresľovanie pomocou OpenGL,
    OpenGL-ES2 alebo softvérového režimu  * dokáže zobrazovať multimédiá v texte, viaceré karty a rozdeľovanie    do viacerých
    panelov  * blokovanie výberu textu, preťahovanie výberu textu a odkazov  * dokáže streamovať multimédiá z URL  * prepínanie
    kariet má podporu živých náhľadov  * jediný proces, podpora viacerých okien/terminálov</p>
  C: >-
    <p>It emulates a slightly extended vt100 with some extensions and bling:  * Most escapes supported by xterm, rxvt, Xterm
    256 color, etc. work  * Background effects, Transparency, bitmap and scalable fonts supported  * Themes for the layout
    and design, and a visual bell.  * URL, file path and email address detection and link-handling  * Inline display of link
    content  * Multiple copy and paste selections and buffer support  * Works in X11, Wayland and directly in the Linux framebuffer
    (fbcon)  * Finger/touch controlled, scan scale by UI scaling factors  * Render using OpenGL or OpenGL-ES2 or Software
    mode.  * Can display inlined multimedia, multiple tabs and split into multiple panes  * Block text selection. Drag and
    drop of text selections and links  * Can stream media from URLs  * Tab switcher has live thumbnail content  * Single process,
    multiple windows/terminals support</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Programmet emulerer en udvidet vt100 med nogle udvidelser og pynt:  * De fleste escape&apos;er understøttet af xterm,
    rxvt, Xterm 256 color etc.    fungerer  * Baggrundseffekter, gennemsigtighed, bitmap og skrifttyper, der kan    skaleres
    er understøttet  * Temaer for layout og design, og en visuel klokke.  * Registrering og henvisningshåndtering for adresse,
    filsti og    e-postadresse  * Indlejret visning af henvist indhold  * Flere kopier og indsæt-markeringer og understøttelse
    af et mellemlager  * Fungerer i X11, Wayland og direkte i Linux framebuffer (fbcon)  * Finger- og trykkontrolleret, skal
    skal med brugerfladeskaleringsfaktorer  * Optegn via OpenGL- eller OpenGL-32- eller Software-tilstand  * Kan vise indlejret
    multimedie, flere faneblade og opdele i flere paneler  * Blok tekstmarkering. Træk og slip tekstmarkeringer og henvisninger 
    * Kan sende medier fra adresser  * Fanebladsskift har live indhold med miniaturebilleder  * Understøttelse af en enkel
    proces, flere vinduer/terminaler</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Emula un VT100 leggermente migliorato con alcune estensioni e abbellimenti:  * la maggior parte delle sequenze di escape
    gestite da xterm, rxvt,    ecc. e i 256 colori di Xterm funzionano;  * gestione di effetti per lo sfondo, trasparenza,
    bitmap e i tipi di    carattere ridimensionabili;  * temi per layout e design e un campanello visibile;  * rilevamento
    e gestione dei collegamenti con URL, percorsi di file e    indirizzi email;  * visualizzazione in linea del contenuto
    dei collegamenti;  * gestione di più buffer e selezioni per copia e incolla;  * funziona in X11, Wayland e direttamente
    nel framebuffer Linux (fbcon);  * controllato da dita/tocco, può ridimensionarsi in base ai fattori di    scala della
    UI;  * fa il rendering usando OpenGL, OpenGL-ES2 oppure in modalità software;  * può visualizzare contenuti multimediali
    in linea, schede multiple    e suddivisione in pannelli multipli;  * selezione di blocchi di testo, trascinamento e rilascio
    di selezioni    di testo e collegamenti;  * può fare lo streaming di contenuti da URL;  * il selettore di schede aggiorna
    in tempo reale la miniatura del    contenuto;  * processo singolo, gestisce finestre e terminali multipli.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>It emulates a slightly extended vt100 with some extensions and bling:  * Most escapes supported by xterm, rxvt, Xterm
    256 color, etc. work  * Background effects, Transparency, bitmap and scalable fonts supported  * Themes for the layout
    and design, and a visual bell.  * URL, file path and email address detection and link-handling  * Inline display of link
    content  * Multiple copy and paste selections and buffer support  * Works in X11, Wayland and directly in the Linux framebuffer
    (fbcon)  * Finger/touch controlled, scan scale by UI scaling factors  * Render using OpenGL or OpenGL-ES2 or Software
    mode.  * Can display inlined multimedia, multiple tabs and split into multiple panes  * Block text selection. Drag and
    drop of text selections and links  * Can stream media from URLs  * Tab switcher has live thumbnail content  * Single process,
    multiple windows/terminals support</p>
- System
- TerminalEmulator
  - shell
  - prompt
  - command
  - commandline
  - name: terminology_terminology.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: terminology_terminology.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: terminology_terminology.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: t/te/terminology.desktop/443a670a48d4d9e2736fb28daf6bbb6b/icons/128x128/terminology_terminology.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: terminology
  - terminology.desktop

terminology.desktop - 1.13.0-2+b2 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ riscv64

Type: desktop-application
ID: terminology.desktop
Package: terminology
  C: Terminology
  ko: 터미놀로지
  gl: Emulador de terminal
  pt: Emulador de terminal
  fr: Émulateur de terminal
  ko: 터미널 에뮬레이터
  es: Emulador de terminal
  it: Emulatore di terminale
  eo: Terminalimitilo
  C: Terminal emulator
  ru: Эмулятор терминала
  da: Terminalemulator
  sk: >-
    <p>Emuluje mierne rozšírený vt100 s niektorými rozšíreniami a vylepšeniami:  * funguje väčšina únikových klauzúl, ktoré
    podporujú xterm, rxvt,    Xterm 256 color atď.  * efekty na pozadí, priesvitnosť, bitmapové a škálovateľné písma  * témy
    rozloženia a dizajnu a vizuálna indikácia pípnutia  * detekcia URL, cesty k súboru a emailovej adresy, práca s odkazmi 
    * zobrazenie obsahu odkazu v texte  * funguje v X11, Wayland a priamo v linuxovom framebufferi (fbcon)  * ovládanie pomocou
    prsta/dotykom, škálovanie detekcie podľa pomeru    škálovania používateľského rozhrania  * vykresľovanie pomocou OpenGL,
    OpenGL-ES2 alebo softvérového režimu  * dokáže zobrazovať multimédiá v texte, viaceré karty a rozdeľovanie    do viacerých
    panelov  * blokovanie výberu textu, preťahovanie výberu textu a odkazov  * dokáže streamovať multimédiá z URL  * prepínanie
    kariet má podporu živých náhľadov  * jediný proces, podpora viacerých okien/terminálov</p>
  C: >-
    <p>It emulates a slightly extended vt100 with some extensions and bling:  * Most escapes supported by xterm, rxvt, Xterm
    256 color, etc. work  * Background effects, Transparency, bitmap and scalable fonts supported  * Themes for the layout
    and design, and a visual bell.  * URL, file path and email address detection and link-handling  * Inline display of link
    content  * Multiple copy and paste selections and buffer support  * Works in X11, Wayland and directly in the Linux framebuffer
    (fbcon)  * Finger/touch controlled, scan scale by UI scaling factors  * Render using OpenGL or OpenGL-ES2 or Software
    mode.  * Can display inlined multimedia, multiple tabs and split into multiple panes  * Block text selection. Drag and
    drop of text selections and links  * Can stream media from URLs  * Tab switcher has live thumbnail content  * Single process,
    multiple windows/terminals support</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Programmet emulerer en udvidet vt100 med nogle udvidelser og pynt:  * De fleste escape&apos;er understøttet af xterm,
    rxvt, Xterm 256 color etc.    fungerer  * Baggrundseffekter, gennemsigtighed, bitmap og skrifttyper, der kan    skaleres
    er understøttet  * Temaer for layout og design, og en visuel klokke.  * Registrering og henvisningshåndtering for adresse,
    filsti og    e-postadresse  * Indlejret visning af henvist indhold  * Flere kopier og indsæt-markeringer og understøttelse
    af et mellemlager  * Fungerer i X11, Wayland og direkte i Linux framebuffer (fbcon)  * Finger- og trykkontrolleret, skal
    skal med brugerfladeskaleringsfaktorer  * Optegn via OpenGL- eller OpenGL-32- eller Software-tilstand  * Kan vise indlejret
    multimedie, flere faneblade og opdele i flere paneler  * Blok tekstmarkering. Træk og slip tekstmarkeringer og henvisninger 
    * Kan sende medier fra adresser  * Fanebladsskift har live indhold med miniaturebilleder  * Understøttelse af en enkel
    proces, flere vinduer/terminaler</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Emula un VT100 leggermente migliorato con alcune estensioni e abbellimenti:  * la maggior parte delle sequenze di escape
    gestite da xterm, rxvt,    ecc. e i 256 colori di Xterm funzionano;  * gestione di effetti per lo sfondo, trasparenza,
    bitmap e i tipi di    carattere ridimensionabili;  * temi per layout e design e un campanello visibile;  * rilevamento
    e gestione dei collegamenti con URL, percorsi di file e    indirizzi email;  * visualizzazione in linea del contenuto
    dei collegamenti;  * gestione di più buffer e selezioni per copia e incolla;  * funziona in X11, Wayland e direttamente
    nel framebuffer Linux (fbcon);  * controllato da dita/tocco, può ridimensionarsi in base ai fattori di    scala della
    UI;  * fa il rendering usando OpenGL, OpenGL-ES2 oppure in modalità software;  * può visualizzare contenuti multimediali
    in linea, schede multiple    e suddivisione in pannelli multipli;  * selezione di blocchi di testo, trascinamento e rilascio
    di selezioni    di testo e collegamenti;  * può fare lo streaming di contenuti da URL;  * il selettore di schede aggiorna
    in tempo reale la miniatura del    contenuto;  * processo singolo, gestisce finestre e terminali multipli.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>It emulates a slightly extended vt100 with some extensions and bling:  * Most escapes supported by xterm, rxvt, Xterm
    256 color, etc. work  * Background effects, Transparency, bitmap and scalable fonts supported  * Themes for the layout
    and design, and a visual bell.  * URL, file path and email address detection and link-handling  * Inline display of link
    content  * Multiple copy and paste selections and buffer support  * Works in X11, Wayland and directly in the Linux framebuffer
    (fbcon)  * Finger/touch controlled, scan scale by UI scaling factors  * Render using OpenGL or OpenGL-ES2 or Software
    mode.  * Can display inlined multimedia, multiple tabs and split into multiple panes  * Block text selection. Drag and
    drop of text selections and links  * Can stream media from URLs  * Tab switcher has live thumbnail content  * Single process,
    multiple windows/terminals support</p>
- System
- TerminalEmulator
  - shell
  - prompt
  - command
  - commandline
  - name: terminology_terminology.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: terminology_terminology.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: terminology_terminology.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: t/te/terminology.desktop/443a670a48d4d9e2736fb28daf6bbb6b/icons/128x128/terminology_terminology.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: terminology
  - terminology.desktop