⇦ | therion [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for therion in main

therion.desktop - 6.3.3-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: therion.desktop
Package: therion
  C: Therion
  C: Draw up surveys in Therion format
  it: >-
    <p>Therion aiuta nel processo di disegnare rilevamenti di grotte (mappe). I disegni sono fatti sopra alle scansioni e
    possono esser distorti per coincidere con i dati della linea centrale. L&apos;output è su file PDF o SVG a foglio singolo
    o nello stile degli atlanti. Tutti i dati sono memorizzati in file di testo ed è fornito un editor di mappe (xtherion)
    per aiutare nella creazione dei file. È gestita un&apos;ampia gamma di sistemi di coordinate.</p>

    <p>Therion può anche produrre modelli 3D, generati da muri e altezze dei passaggi. I formati di output gestiti sono file
    .3d di Survex, VRML, DXF, SVG, shapefile e .lox nativi. Gli overlay scansionati delle mappe e i dati dell&apos;orografia
    possono essere incorporati nei modelli. Therion è compatibile con Survex e i dati della linea centrale possono essere
    memorizzati in formato Survex o Therion. Se survex è installato, viene usato per la chiusura degli anelli. I dati della
    linea centrale e gli schizzi possono essere importati da PocketTopo, permettendo una rilevazione interamente senza carta.</p>

    <p>TeX e metapost sono usati per generare le immagini. libtk-img è necessaria per usare scansioni in formati diversi da
    GIF e PNM (come PNG e JPEG). Survex verrà usato per la chiusura degli anelli se è installato, ma non è richiesto.</p>

    <p>Saranno necessari gli appropriati pacchetti di lingua per TeX per elaborare file therion che specificano quegli insiemi
    di caratteri: texlive-lang-czechslovak è necessario per elaborare gli esempi ed è suggerito anche texlive-lang-cyrillic.
    Consultare README.Debian per i dettagli.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Therion aide à réaliser des levés de cavités souterraines (cartes). Les dessins sont faits à partir d’explorations
    et peuvent être déformés pour s’adapter aux données d’axes. La sortie peut être une feuille simple, un PDF de style atlas
    ou des fichiers SVG. Toutes les données sont enregistrées dans fichiers texte et un éditeur de carte (xtherion) est fourni
    pour faciliter la création des fichiers. Un grand nombre de systèmes de coordonnées est pris en charge.</p>

    <p>Therion peut aussi produire des modèles en 3D, créés à partir de parois ou hauteurs de passage. Les formats de sortie
    pris en charge sont les fichiers .3d de Survex, VRML, DXF, SVG, shapefile et celui natif .lox. Les superpositions de cartes
    d’exploration et de données de reliefs peuvent être incorporées dans des modèles. Therion est compatible avec Survex et
    les données d’axes peuvent être enregistrées sous une forme Survex ou Therion. Si survex est installé, il est utilisé
    pour la fermeture de boucle. Les données d’axes et les croquis peuvent être importés de PocketTopo, permettant un arpentage

    <p>TeX et MetaPost sont utilisés pour générer les images. Libtk-img est nécessaire pour des relevés dans des formats autres
    que GIF et PNM (tels que PNG et JPEG). Survex sera utilisé si loop-closure est installé, mais n’est pas requis.</p>

    <p>Les paquets de langue de TeX appropriés sont nécessaires pour traiter les fichiers demandant ces jeux de caractères :
    texlive-lang-czechslovak est nécessaire pour traiter les exemples et texlive-lang-cyrillic est aussi suggéré. Consulter
    README.Debian pour plus de détails.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Therion aids the process of drawing up cave surveys (maps). Drawings are done over scans and can be distorted to fit
    the centreline data. Output is in single sheet or atlas style PDF or SVG files. All data is stored in text files and a
    map editor (xtherion) is provided to aid in the creation of the files. A wide range of co-ordinate systems is supported.</p>

    <p>Therion can also produce 3D models, generated from walls and passage-heights.  Output formats supported are Survex
    .3d files, VRML, DXF, SVG, shapefiles, and the native .lox. Scanned map overlays and relief data can be incorporated into
    models. Therion is compatible with Survex, and centreline data can be stored in Survex or Therion form. If survex is installed
    it is used for loop closures. Centreline data and sketches can be imported from PocketTopo, allowing full paperless surveying.</p>

    <p>TeX and metapost are used to generate the images. libtk-img is needed to use scans in formats other than GIF and PNM
    (such as PNG and JPEG). Survex will be used for loop-closure if installed, but is not required.</p>

    <p>You will need appropriate TeX language packages to process therion files which specify those character sets: texlive-lang-czechslovak
    is needed to process the examples, and texlive-lang-cyrillic is also suggested. See README.Debian for details.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Therion hjælper i processen med at optegne huleudforskninger (kort). Tegningerne udføres over skanninger og kan forvrænges
    til at passe til centerlinjen. Resultatet er et enkelt ark eller PDF- eller SVG-filer i atlasstil. Alle data lagres i
    tekstfiler og et kortredigeringsprogram (xtherion) tilbydes til at hjælpe med at oprette filerne. Et stort udvalg af koordinatsystemer
    er understøttet.</p>

    <p>Therion kan også fremstille 3D-modeller, oprettet fra vægge og passagehøjder. Uddataformater der er understøttet er
    .3d-filer, VRML, DXF, SVG, shape-filer og standarden .lox. Skannede kortoverblik og reliefdata kan indarbejdes i modellerne.
    Therion er kompatibel med Survex og centerlinjedata kan lagres i Survex- eller Therionform. Hvis Survex er installeret,
    så bruges programmet til looplukninger. Centerlinjedata og skitser kan importeres fra PocketTopo, hvilket kan give oprettelse
    helt uden papir.</p>

    <p>TeX og metapost bruges til at oprette billederne. Libtk-img er krævet for at bruge skanninger i formater udover GIF
    og PNM (såsom PNG og JPEG). Survex vil blive brugt for looplukning hvis installeret, men er ikke krævet.</p>

    <p>Du skal bruge de passende TeX-sprogpakker for at behandle Therionfiler, som specificerer disse tegnsæt: texlive-lang-czechslovak
    er krævet for at behandle eksemplerne og texlive-lang-cyrillic anbefales også. Se README.Debian for detaljerne.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Therion aids the process of drawing up cave surveys (maps). Drawings are done over scans and can be distorted to fit
    the centreline data. Output is in single sheet or atlas style PDF or SVG files. All data is stored in text files and a
    map editor (xtherion) is provided to aid in the creation of the files. A wide range of co-ordinate systems is supported.</p>

    <p>Therion can also produce 3D models, generated from walls and passage-heights.  Output formats supported are Survex
    .3d files, VRML, DXF, SVG, shapefiles, and the native .lox. Scanned map overlays and relief data can be incorporated into
    models. Therion is compatible with Survex, and centreline data can be stored in Survex or Therion form. If survex is installed
    it is used for loop closures. Centreline data and sketches can be imported from PocketTopo, allowing full paperless surveying.</p>

    <p>TeX and metapost are used to generate the images. libtk-img is needed to use scans in formats other than GIF and PNM
    (such as PNG and JPEG). Survex will be used for loop-closure if installed, but is not required.</p>

    <p>You will need appropriate TeX language packages to process therion files which specify those character sets: texlive-lang-czechslovak
    is needed to process the examples, and texlive-lang-cyrillic is also suggested. See README.Debian for details.</p>
- Education
- Geology
- Science
  - surveying
  - map
  - mapping
  - name: therion_therion.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: therion_therion.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: therion_therion.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: t/th/therion.desktop/3eb26ae31845d3651d670439f59bd628/icons/128x128/therion_therion.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: therion
  - therion.desktop
  - text/x-therion
  - text/x-therion-drawing
  - text/x-therion-config