⇦ | tremotesf [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for tremotesf in main

org.equeim.Tremotesf - 2.7.5-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.equeim.Tremotesf
Package: tremotesf
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
  tr: Tremotesf
  it-IT: Tremotesf
  nl-BE: Tremotesf
  pl: Tremotesf
  fr: Tremotesf
  nl: Tremotesf
  zh-Hans-CN: Tremotesf
  ru: Tremotesf
  C: Tremotesf
  es-ES: Tremotesf
  en: Tremotesf
  tr: Transmission BitTorrent istemcisi için uzaktan uygulama
  it-IT: Interfaccia remota per il client BitTorrent Transmission
  nl-BE: Externen GUI voor Transmission
  pl: Zdalne GUI dla klienta BitTorrent Transmission
  fr: Interface graphique distante pour le client BitTorrent Transmission
  nl: Externe GUI voor Transmission
  zh-Hans-CN: Transmission远程GUI客户端
  ru: Клиент удаленного управления для BitTorrent-клиента Transmission
  C: Remote GUI for Transmission BitTorrent client
  es-ES: Interfaz gráfica de usuario remota para el cliente de Transmission BitTorrent
  en: Remote GUI for Transmission BitTorrent client
  tr: >-
    <p>Tremotesf, Transmission BitTorrent istemcisi için uzaktan bir GUI'dir. Transmission-daemon örneğinizi tamamen kontrol
    edebilir, torrentleri yönetebilir, transmission ayarlarını yapabilir, sunucu istatistiklerini görüntüleyebilirsiniz.</p>

    <p>Birkaç sunucu profili ekleyebilir ve bunlar arasında geçiş yapabilirsiniz (aynı anda yalnızca bir tanesi bağlanabilir).
    Tremotesf, kendinden imzalı sertifikalar ve istemci sertifikası kimlik doğrulaması dahil olmak üzere HTTPS desteğine sahiptir.
    Sunucular için monte edilmiş dizinler ayarlayabilir ve torrent dosyalarını hızlı bir şekilde açabilir ve dosya iletişim
    kutusundan indirme dizinini seçebilirsiniz.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Tremotesf est une interface graphique distante pour le client BitTorrent Transmission. Vous pouvez contrôler pleinement
    votre instance de transmission-daemon, gérer les torrents, définir les paramètres de Transmission, voir les statistiques
    du serveur.</p>

    <p>Vous pouvez ajouter plusieurs profils de serveur et basculer entre eux (un seul peut être connecté à la fois). Tremotesf
    prend en charge le protocole HTTPS, notamment les certificats auto-signés et l'authentification par certificat client.
    Pour chaque serveur, vous pouvez définir des répertoires montés afin d'ouvrir rapidement les fichiers des torrents et
    choisir le répertoire de téléchargement à partir de la boite de dialogue lors de l'ajout du torrent.</p>
  nl-BE: >-
    <p>Tremotesf is nen externen GUI voor Transmission. Ge kunt uw instantie van transmission-daemon volledig besturen, torrents
    beheren, Transmission-instellingen configureren en serverstatistieken bekijken.</p>

    <p>Ge kunt verschillende serverprofielen toevoegen en dertussen wisselen (slechts één profiel kan tegelijk verbonden zijn).
    Tremotesf ondersteunt HTTPS, inclusief zelfondertekende certificaten en cliëntcertificaatauthenticatie. Ge kunt aangekoppelde
    mappen voor servers instellen en rap de bestanden van torrents openen, en een downloadmap kiezen via de bestandsdialoog.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Tremotesf jest zdalnym GUI dla klienta BitTorrent Transmission. Za jego pomocą możesz w pełni kontrolować swoją instancję
    transmission-daemon, zarządzać torrentami, konfigurować ustawienia Transmission i wyświetlać statystyki serwera.</p>

    <p>Możesz dodać kilka profili serwerów i przełączać się między nimi (tylko jeden może być podłączony jednocześnie). Tremotesf
    obsługuje protokół HTTPS, w tym certyfikaty z podpisem własnym i uwierzytelnianie certyfikatów klienta. Możesz ustawić
    zamontowane katalogi dla serwerów i szybko otwierać pliki torrentów oraz wybrać katalog pobierania z okna dialogowego
  it-IT: >-
    <p>Tremotesf è un'interfaccia remota per il client BitTorrent Transmission. Puoi gestire la tua istanza di transmission-daemon,
    gestire i torrent, gestire le impostazioni e vedere le statistiche del server.</p>

    <p>Puoi aggiungere diversi server e passare da uno all'altro (può esserci solo una connessione alla volta). Tremotesf
    supporta il protocollo HTTPS, inclusi i certificati firmati autonomamente e l'autenticazione da certificato client. Puoi
    impostare le cartelle montate per server ed aprire velocemente i torrent e scegliere la cartella di download.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Tremotesf is een externe GUI voor Transmission. je kan je instantie van transmission-daemon volledig besturen, torrents
    beheren, Transmission-instellingen configureren en serverstatistieken bekijken.</p>

    <p>Je kan verschillende serverprofielen toevoegen en ertussen wisselen (slechts één profiel kan gelijktijdig zijn verbonden).
    Tremotesf ondersteunt HTTPS, inclusief zelfondertekende certificaten en cliëntcertificaatauthenticatie. Je kan aangekoppelde
    mappen voor servers instellen en snel de bestanden van torrents openen, en een downloadmap kiezen via de bestandsdialoog.</p>
  zh-Hans-CN: >-

  ru: >-
    <p>Tremotesf - это клиент удаленного управления для BitTorrent-клиента Transmission. Вы можете полностью контролировать
    ваш transmission-daemon. управлять торрентами, изменять настройки Transmission, просматривать статистику сервера.</p>

    <p>Вы можете создать несколько профилей сервероы и переключаться между ними (одновременно может быть подключен только
    один). Tremotesf поддерживает работу через HTTPS, в том числе самоподписанные сертификаты и авторизацию с помощью клиентского
    сертификата. Вы можете указать подключенные каталоги для сервера и быстро открывать файлы торрента или выбирать каталог
    загрузки с помощью диалога выбора файлов.</p>
  C: >-
          Tremotesf is a remote GUI for Transmission BitTorrent client. You can fully control your transmission-daemon
          instance, manage torrents, set Transmission settings, view server statistics.
          You can add several servers profiles and switch between them (only one can be connected at a time).
          Tremotesf has support of HTTPS, including self-signed certificates and client certificate authentication.
          You can set mounted directories for servers and quickly open torrents' files and choose download directory
          from file dialog.
  es-ES: >-
    <p>Tremotesf es una interfaz gráfica de usuario remota para el cliente de Transmission BitTorrent. Puede controlar completamente
    tu instancia de transmission-daemon, administrar torrents, establecer la configuración de Transmission, ver las estadísticas
    del servidor.</p>

    <p>Puedes añadir varios perfiles de servidores y cambiar entre ellos (sólo es posible conectarse a uno a la vez). Tremotesf
    es compatible con HTTPS, incluidos los certificados autofirmados y la autenticación de certificados de clientes. Puedes
    configurar directorios montados para servidores y abrir rápidamente archivos torrents y seleccionar el directorio de descarga
    desde el cuadro de diálogo.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Tremotesf is a remote GUI for Transmission BitTorrent client. You can fully control your transmission-daemon instance,
    manage torrents, set Transmission settings, view server statistics.</p>

    <p>You can add several servers profiles and switch between them (only one can be connected at a time). Tremotesf has support
    of HTTPS, including self-signed certificates and client certificate authentication. You can set mounted directories for
    servers and quickly open torrents' files and choose download directory from file dialog.</p>
    tr: Alexey Rochev
    it-IT: Alexey Rochev
    nl-BE: Alexey Rochev
    pl: Alexey Rochev
    fr: Alexey Rochev
    nl: Alexey Rochev
    zh-Hans-CN: Alexey Rochev
    ru: Alexey Rochev
    C: Alexey Rochev
    es-ES: Alexey Rochev
    en: Alexey Rochev
- Network
- P2P
  homepage: https://github.com/equeim/tremotesf2
  bugtracker: https://github.com/equeim/tremotesf2/issues
  translate: https://www.transifex.com/equeim/tremotesf
  - name: tremotesf_org.equeim.Tremotesf.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: tremotesf_org.equeim.Tremotesf.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: tremotesf_org.equeim.Tremotesf.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/icons/128x128/tremotesf_org.equeim.Tremotesf.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: org.equeim.Tremotesf
  - org.equeim.Tremotesf.desktop
  - tremotesf
  - application/x-bittorrent
  - x-scheme-handler/magnet
- default: true
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-1_1248x702@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-1_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-1_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-1_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1344
    height: 756
- thumbnails:
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-2_1248x702@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-2_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-2_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-2_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1344
    height: 756
- thumbnails:
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-3_1248x702@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-3_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-3_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-3_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 1344
    height: 756
- thumbnails:
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-4_1248x702@1.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-4_752x423@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-4_624x351@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-4_224x126@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: org/equeim/Tremotesf/57fe79832e717dac97ecdb64fbc75be9/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
    width: 1344
    height: 756
- version: 2.7.5
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1736812800
    C: >-

        <li>Failures to add torrents when "Delete .torrent file" option is enabled</li>
- version: 2.7.4
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1733443200
    C: >-

        <li>Tray icon disappearing in some X11 environments</li>
        <li>Wrong translation being loaded on Windows</li>
- version: 2.7.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1732060800
    C: >-

        <li>Black screen issues when closing fullscreen window on macOS</li>
        <li>File dialog being shown twice in some Linux environments</li>
        <li>Crash with GCC 12</li>
        <li>Torrent's details in list not being updated for most recently added torrent</li>
- version: 2.7.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1726358400
    C: >-

        <li>Opening torrent's download directory with some file managers</li>
  oars-1.1: {}