⇦ | tuxfootball [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for tuxfootball in main

tuxfootball.desktop - 0.3.1-10 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: tuxfootball.desktop
Package: tuxfootball
  C: Tux Football
  C: A fun arcade-style 2D football game, very reminsicent of Sensible Soccer and Kick Off
  de: Ein spaßiges 2D Fußballspiel, sehr ähnlich wie Sensible Soccer oder Kick Off
  fr: >-
    <p>Ce paquet permet de retrouver le vieux style de jeu de l’époque DOS avec des graphismes d’aujourd’hui. Les règles sont
    similaires à celles des vieux jeux classiques tels Kick Off d’Amco et Sensible Soccer de Sensible Software.</p>

    <p>La jouabilité est conçue pour être rapide, réactive et amusante. L’utilisateur contrôle toujours le joueur le plus
    près de la balle. La balle est dirigée à l’aide de deux poussoirs, un pour faire une passe, l’autre pour tirer. Un effet
    peut être appliqué en pressant rapidement et maintenant la direction voulue pour infléchir la trajectoire de la balle.
    Un appui dans la direction opposée fait s’élever la balle, un appui dans la même direction que la balle la fait plonger
    vers le sol.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>DOS 시대 구식 게임 플레이를 최신 그래픽과 함께 데스크탑으로 가져옵니다! 게임 플레이는 Amco의 Kick Off 및 Sensible Software의 Sensible Soccer와 같은 오래된 고전 게임과

    <p>게임 플레이는 빠르고, 즉각적으로 반응하며 재미있도록 디자인되었습니다. 플레이어는 항상 공과 가장 가까운 선수를 제어합니다. 공은 두개의 다른 킥 버튼으로 제어됩니다. 하나는 패스용이고 다른 하나는 슛용입니다.
    애프터터치는 공이 휘어지는 방향으로 빠르게 누르고 있으면 공에 적용할 수 있습니다. 공을 차는 방향과 반대로 누르면 공은 공중으로 올라가고, 같은 방향으로 누르면 공은 땅으로 떨어집니다.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Pakiet przenosi starą grę z czasów systemu DOS na komputery osobiste dzięki najnowszej grafice! Gra jest podobna do
    starych klasyków, takich jak &quot;Kick Off&quot; firmy Amco i &quot;Sensible Soccer&quot; firmy Sensible Software.</p>

    <p>Gra została zaprojektowana tak, aby była szybka, responsywna i zabawna. Polega ona na ciągłym kontrolowaniu gracza
    znajdującego się najbliżej piłki. Piłka sterowana jest za pomocą dwóch różnych przycisków, służących do kopania piłki
    - jednym do jej podawania i drugim do oddawania strzału. Po dotknięciu piłki należy ją przygotować do strzału, szybko
    naciskając i utrzymując kierunek, w którym piłka ma się potoczyć. Popychanie piłki w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu kopania,
    podbija ją w powietrze, popychanie w tym samym kierunku sprawia, że piłka opada ku ziemi.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Es bringt das Gameplay, im Stil alter DOS-Zeiten mit aktueller Grafik zurück auf den Desktop! Sein Gameplay ähnelt
    alten Klassikern wie Amco&apos;s Kick Off und dem Sensible Soccer von Sensible Software.</p>

    <p>Das Gameplay ist so konzipiert, dass es schnell, reaktionsschnell und unterhaltsam ist. Du hast immer die Kontrolle
    über den Spieler, der dem Ball am nächsten ist. Der Ball wird gesteuert über zwei verschiedene Kick-Buttons - einen für
    den Pass und einen für den Schuss. Aftertouch kann angewendet werden, indem man schnell die Richtung drückt und hält,
    in die der Ball geschossen wird. Das Bewegen in die entgegengesetzte Richtung der Ball-Bewegung, lässt den Ball aufsteigen,
    Bewegung in die Ball-Richtung den Ball zu Boden sinken.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Trás de volta a jogabilidados à antiga dos tempos do DOS ao desktop com gráficos atualizados! Sua jogabilidade é similar
    aos antigos clássicos tais como Kick Off da Amco e o Sensible Soccer da Sensible Software.</p>

    <p>A jogabilidade é projetada para ser rápida, responsiva e divertida. Você está sempre no controle do jogador mais próximo
    à bola. A bola é controlada via dois diferentes botões de chute - um para tocar e outro para lançar. &quot;Aftertouch&quot;
    pode ser aplicado a chutes pressionando rapidamente e segurando a direção na qual você quer que a bola vire. Indo na direção
    oposta à que você chutou faz com que ela suba, na mesma direção faz ela bater rápido no chão.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Riporta il vecchio stile di gioco dei tempi del DOS nel desktop con una grafica al passo coi tempi! Il gioco è simile
    ai vecchi classici come Kick Off di Amco e Sensible Soccer di Sensible Software.</p>

    <p>Il gioco è progettato per essere veloce, reattivo e divertente. Si ha sempre il controllo del giocatore più vicino
    alla palla. La palla è controllata tramite due diversi bottoni per calciare: uno per passare e l&apos;altro per tirare.
    Effetti di pressione dei tasti possono essere applicati ai tiri premendo velocemente e mantenendo premuta la direzione
    verso cui si vuole che la palla curvi. Se si preme nella direzione opposta alla quale si è calciata la palla, la si fa
    alzare in aria, se si preme nella stessa direzione del tiro si fa andare la palla verso il terreno.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>It&apos;s bringing old style gameplay from DOS times back to the desktop with up to date graphics! Its gameplay is
    similar to old classics such as Amco&apos;s Kick Off and Sensible Software&apos;s Sensible Soccer.</p>

    <p>The gameplay is designed to be quick, responsive and fun. You are always in control of the player closest to the ball.
    The ball is controlled via two different kick buttons - one for pass, and one for shoot. Aftertouch can be applied to
    shots by quickly pressing and holding the direction you want the ball to bend towards. Pushing in the opposite direction
    to what you kicked the ball makes it raise into the air, pushing in the same direction as the ball makes it dip towards
    the ground.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>It&apos;s bringing old style gameplay from DOS times back to the desktop with up to date graphics! Its gameplay is
    similar to old classics such as Amco&apos;s Kick Off and Sensible Software&apos;s Sensible Soccer.</p>

    <p>The gameplay is designed to be quick, responsive and fun. You are always in control of the player closest to the ball.
    The ball is controlled via two different kick buttons - one for pass, and one for shoot. Aftertouch can be applied to
    shots by quickly pressing and holding the direction you want the ball to bend towards. Pushing in the opposite direction
    to what you kicked the ball makes it raise into the air, pushing in the same direction as the ball makes it dip towards
    the ground.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Spillet bringer den gamle spillestil fra DOS-tiden tilbage til skrivebordet med opdateret grafik! Spilideen ligner
    de gamle klassiske spil såsom Amcos Kick Off og Sensible Softwares Sensible Soccer.</p>

    <p>Spillet er designet til at være hurtigt, svare hurtigt og sjovt at spille. Du har altid kontrol over spilleren tættest
    på bolden. Bolden kontrolleres via to forskellige sparkeknapper - en for aflevering og en for skud. Styring kan anvendes
    ved skud ved hurtigt at trykke og holde retningen du ønsker at sende bolden mod. Træk i den modsatte retning af hvor du
    skød bolden, får den til at løfte sig op i luften, træk i samme retning som bolden gør at den dykker mod jorden.</p>
- Game
- SportsGame
  - soccer
  - football
  - sport
  - name: tuxfootball_tuxfootball.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: tuxfootball_tuxfootball.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: tuxfootball_tuxfootball.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: t/tu/tuxfootball.desktop/7c5856a746b7f2377046efeca85c6f52/icons/128x128/tuxfootball_tuxfootball.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: tuxfootball
  - tuxfootball.desktop