⇦ | xarchiver [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for xarchiver in main

xarchiver.desktop - 1: ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: xarchiver.desktop
Package: xarchiver
  C: Xarchiver
  es: Crear, extraer y modificar archivos comprimidos
  fr: Créer, extraire et modifier des archives
  bg: Създаване, извличане и промяна на архиви
  en-GB: Create, extract and modify archives
  de: Erstellen, Entpacken und Bearbeiten von Archiven
  lt: Kurti, išskleisti ir modifikuoti archyvus
  nl: Maak, bewerk en extraheer archieven
  it: Crea, estrai e modifica gli archivi
  C: Create, extract and modify archives
  tr: Arşiv oluştur, aç ve değiştir
  pt-PT: Criar, extrair e modificar arquivos
  pl: Twórz, wypakowuj i modyfikuj archiwa
  it: >-
    <p>Xarchiver è un frontend GTK+ leggero, indipendente dall&apos;ambiente desktop, per gestire file 7z, apk, arj, bzip,
    bzip2, bzip3, cab, cb7, cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4,
    lzip, lzma, lzop, mozlz4, odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd e ar, incluso il formato
    deb e file exe auto-estraenti, se sono stati compressi internamente con 7zip, arj, lha, rar o zip. Strumenti a thread
    multipli quali lbzip2, pbzip2, pigz e plzip possono essere utilizzati come sostituti delle rispettive controparti.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver permette di elencare, testare e creare archivi, e di aggiungere e copiare file in essi, estrarre, cancellare,
    tagliare e trascinare file da essi, modificare file, e copiare e incollare file in essi. Gestisce gli archivi protetti
    da password nei formati arj, 7z, rar, zip e lrzip.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Xarchiver est un frontal léger indépendant du bureau en GTK+ pour gérer les fichiers 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3,
    cab, cb7, cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop,
    mozlz4, odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd et ar, incluant les fichiers au format
    deb et ceux exe auto-extractibles, si ils étaient compressés en interne avec soit 7zip, arj, lha, rar ou zip. Des outils
    multi-threadés tels que lbzip2, pbzip2, pigz et plzip peuvent être utilisés en remplacements de leurs contreparties respectives.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver permet de lister, tester et créer des archives, y ajouter et copier des fichiers, en extraire, supprimer,
    couper et déplacer des fichiers, y éditer des fichiers et y coller ou glisser des fichiers. Les archives protégées par
    mot de passe, 7z, arj, lrzip, rar et zip sont gérées.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Xarchiver is a lightweight desktop independent GTK+ frontend for handling 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3, cab, cb7,
    cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop, mozlz4,
    odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd and ar files including the deb format and self-extracting
    exe files, if they were internally compressed with either 7zip, arj, lha, rar or zip. Multi-threading tools such as lbzip2,
    pbzip2, pigz and plzip can be used as replacements for their respective counterparts.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver allows you to list, test and create archives, add and copy files to them, extract, delete, cut and drag files
    from them, edit files in them, and paste and drop files into them. Password protected 7z, arj, lrzip, rar and zip archives
    are supported.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Xarchiver er en skrivebordsuafhængig GTK+-brugerflade for manipulering af filtyperne 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3,
    cab, cb7, cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop,
    mozlz4, odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd og ar inklusive deb-formatet og selvudtrækkende
    exe-filer, hvis de blev internt komprimeret med enten 7zip, arj, lha, rar eller zip. Værktøjer med flere tråde såsom lbzip2,
    pbzip2, pigz og plzip kan bruges som erstatninger for deres respektive modparter.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver gør det muligt at vise, teste og oprette arkiver, tilføj og kopier filer til dem, udtræk, slet, klip og træk
    filer fra dem, rediger filer i dem og indsæt og træk og slip filer i dem. Beskyttelse med adgangskode er understøttet
    for formaterne 7z, arj, lrzip, rar og zip.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Xarchiver is a lightweight desktop independent GTK+ frontend for handling 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3, cab, cb7,
    cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop, mozlz4,
    odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd and ar files including the deb format and self-extracting
    exe files, if they were internally compressed with either 7zip, arj, lha, rar or zip. Multi-threading tools such as lbzip2,
    pbzip2, pigz and plzip can be used as replacements for their respective counterparts.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver allows you to list, test and create archives, add and copy files to them, extract, delete, cut and drag files
    from them, edit files in them, and paste and drop files into them. Password protected 7z, arj, lrzip, rar and zip archives
    are supported.</p>
- Utility
- Archiving
- Compression
  - arşiv
  - arşivle
  - sıkıştır
  - çöz
  - aç
  - paketle
  - ayıkla
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archivo
  - comprimido
  - archivar
  - comprimir
  - descomprimir
  - extraer
  - empaquetar
  - desempaquetar
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archive
  - archiver
  - compresser
  - décompresser
  - extraire
  - empaqueter
  - dépaqueter
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - архив
  - компресиране
  - декомпресиране
  - извличане
  - опаковане
  - декомпресиране
  - разопаковане
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archive
  - compress
  - decompress
  - extract
  - pack
  - uncompress
  - unpack
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - Archiv
  - archivieren
  - dekomprimieren
  - entkomprimieren
  - entpacken
  - komprimieren
  - packen
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archyvas
  - archyvuoti
  - glaudinti
  - suspausti
  - suskleisti
  - išglaudinti
  - išskleisti
  - paketas
  - supakuoti
  - pakuoti
  - išpakuoti
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archief
  - archiveren
  - compressie
  - inpakken
  - uitpakken
  - extraheren
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archivio
  - archivia
  - comprimi
  - decomprimi
  - estrai
  - pacchetto
  - spacchetta
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archive
  - compress
  - decompress
  - extract
  - pack
  - uncompress
  - unpack
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - архивировать
  - сжать
  - разжать
  - извлечь
  - упаковать
  - разуплотнить
  - распаквать
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - arquivo
  - arquivar
  - comprimir
  - descomprimir
  - extrair
  - compactar
  - descompactar
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archiwum
  - archiwizuj
  - kompresuj
  - dekompresuj
  - rozpakuj
  - spakuj
  - dekompresuj
  - wypakuj
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - name: xarchiver_xarchiver.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: xarchiver_xarchiver.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: xarchiver_xarchiver.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: x/xa/xarchiver.desktop/7a0865f406b5f2436e4402fc9e8ed97d/icons/128x128/xarchiver_xarchiver.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: xarchiver
  - xarchiver.desktop
  - application/epub+zip
  - application/gzip
  - application/java-archive
  - application/vnd.android.package-archive
  - application/vnd.comicbook-rar
  - application/vnd.comicbook+zip
  - application/vnd.debian.binary-package
  - application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed
  - application/vnd.ms-htmlhelp
  - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
  - application/vnd.openofficeorg.extension
  - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
  - application/vnd.rar
  - application/vnd.snap
  - application/vnd.squashfs
  - application/x-7z-compressed
  - application/x-archive
  - application/x-arj
  - application/x-bzip
  - application/x-bzip-compressed-tar
  - application/x-bzip1
  - application/x-bzip1-compressed-tar
  - application/x-bzip2
  - application/x-bzip2-compressed-tar
  - application/x-bzip3
  - application/x-bzip3-compressed-tar
  - application/x-cb7
  - application/x-cbt
  - application/x-cd-image
  - application/x-compress
  - application/x-compressed-tar
  - application/x-cpio
  - application/x-cpio-compressed
  - application/x-java-archive
  - application/x-lha
  - application/x-lrzip
  - application/x-lrzip-compressed-tar
  - application/x-lz4
  - application/x-lz4-compressed-tar
  - application/x-lzip
  - application/x-lzip-compressed-tar
  - application/x-lzma
  - application/x-lzma-compressed-tar
  - application/x-lzop
  - application/x-rar
  - application/x-rpm
  - application/x-rzip
  - application/x-rzip-compressed-tar
  - application/x-source-rpm
  - application/x-tar
  - application/x-tarz
  - application/x-tzo
  - application/x-xpinstall
  - application/x-xz
  - application/x-xz-compressed-tar
  - application/x-zip-compressed-fb2
  - application/x-zpaq
  - application/x-zstd-compressed-tar
  - application/zip
  - application/zstd

xarchiver.desktop - 1: ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: xarchiver.desktop
Package: xarchiver
  C: Xarchiver
  es: Crear, extraer y modificar archivos comprimidos
  fr: Créer, extraire et modifier des archives
  bg: Създаване, извличане и промяна на архиви
  en-GB: Create, extract and modify archives
  de: Erstellen, Entpacken und Bearbeiten von Archiven
  lt: Kurti, išskleisti ir modifikuoti archyvus
  nl: Maak, bewerk en extraheer archieven
  it: Crea, estrai e modifica gli archivi
  C: Create, extract and modify archives
  tr: Arşiv oluştur, aç ve değiştir
  pt-PT: Criar, extrair e modificar arquivos
  pl: Twórz, wypakowuj i modyfikuj archiwa
  it: >-
    <p>Xarchiver è un frontend GTK+ leggero, indipendente dall&apos;ambiente desktop, per gestire file 7z, apk, arj, bzip,
    bzip2, bzip3, cab, cb7, cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4,
    lzip, lzma, lzop, mozlz4, odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd e ar, incluso il formato
    deb e file exe auto-estraenti, se sono stati compressi internamente con 7zip, arj, lha, rar o zip. Strumenti a thread
    multipli quali lbzip2, pbzip2, pigz e plzip possono essere utilizzati come sostituti delle rispettive controparti.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver permette di elencare, testare e creare archivi, e di aggiungere e copiare file in essi, estrarre, cancellare,
    tagliare e trascinare file da essi, modificare file, e copiare e incollare file in essi. Gestisce gli archivi protetti
    da password nei formati arj, 7z, rar, zip e lrzip.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Xarchiver est un frontal léger indépendant du bureau en GTK+ pour gérer les fichiers 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3,
    cab, cb7, cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop,
    mozlz4, odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd et ar, incluant les fichiers au format
    deb et ceux exe auto-extractibles, si ils étaient compressés en interne avec soit 7zip, arj, lha, rar ou zip. Des outils
    multi-threadés tels que lbzip2, pbzip2, pigz et plzip peuvent être utilisés en remplacements de leurs contreparties respectives.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver permet de lister, tester et créer des archives, y ajouter et copier des fichiers, en extraire, supprimer,
    couper et déplacer des fichiers, y éditer des fichiers et y coller ou glisser des fichiers. Les archives protégées par
    mot de passe, 7z, arj, lrzip, rar et zip sont gérées.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Xarchiver is a lightweight desktop independent GTK+ frontend for handling 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3, cab, cb7,
    cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop, mozlz4,
    odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd and ar files including the deb format and self-extracting
    exe files, if they were internally compressed with either 7zip, arj, lha, rar or zip. Multi-threading tools such as lbzip2,
    pbzip2, pigz and plzip can be used as replacements for their respective counterparts.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver allows you to list, test and create archives, add and copy files to them, extract, delete, cut and drag files
    from them, edit files in them, and paste and drop files into them. Password protected 7z, arj, lrzip, rar and zip archives
    are supported.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Xarchiver er en skrivebordsuafhængig GTK+-brugerflade for manipulering af filtyperne 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3,
    cab, cb7, cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop,
    mozlz4, odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd og ar inklusive deb-formatet og selvudtrækkende
    exe-filer, hvis de blev internt komprimeret med enten 7zip, arj, lha, rar eller zip. Værktøjer med flere tråde såsom lbzip2,
    pbzip2, pigz og plzip kan bruges som erstatninger for deres respektive modparter.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver gør det muligt at vise, teste og oprette arkiver, tilføj og kopier filer til dem, udtræk, slet, klip og træk
    filer fra dem, rediger filer i dem og indsæt og træk og slip filer i dem. Beskyttelse med adgangskode er understøttet
    for formaterne 7z, arj, lrzip, rar og zip.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Xarchiver is a lightweight desktop independent GTK+ frontend for handling 7z, apk, arj, bzip, bzip2, bzip3, cab, cb7,
    cbr, cbt, cbz, chm, compress, cpio, docx, epub, fbz, gzip, iso, jar, jsonlz4, lha, lrzip, lz4, lzip, lzma, lzop, mozlz4,
    odt, oxt, rar, rpm, rzip, snap, squashfs, tar, xpi, xz, zip, zpaq, zstd and ar files including the deb format and self-extracting
    exe files, if they were internally compressed with either 7zip, arj, lha, rar or zip. Multi-threading tools such as lbzip2,
    pbzip2, pigz and plzip can be used as replacements for their respective counterparts.</p>

    <p>Xarchiver allows you to list, test and create archives, add and copy files to them, extract, delete, cut and drag files
    from them, edit files in them, and paste and drop files into them. Password protected 7z, arj, lrzip, rar and zip archives
    are supported.</p>
- Utility
- Archiving
- Compression
  - arşiv
  - arşivle
  - sıkıştır
  - çöz
  - aç
  - paketle
  - ayıkla
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archivo
  - comprimido
  - archivar
  - comprimir
  - descomprimir
  - extraer
  - empaquetar
  - desempaquetar
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archive
  - archiver
  - compresser
  - décompresser
  - extraire
  - empaqueter
  - dépaqueter
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - архив
  - компресиране
  - декомпресиране
  - извличане
  - опаковане
  - декомпресиране
  - разопаковане
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archive
  - compress
  - decompress
  - extract
  - pack
  - uncompress
  - unpack
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - Archiv
  - archivieren
  - dekomprimieren
  - entkomprimieren
  - entpacken
  - komprimieren
  - packen
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archyvas
  - archyvuoti
  - glaudinti
  - suspausti
  - suskleisti
  - išglaudinti
  - išskleisti
  - paketas
  - supakuoti
  - pakuoti
  - išpakuoti
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archief
  - archiveren
  - compressie
  - inpakken
  - uitpakken
  - extraheren
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archivio
  - archivia
  - comprimi
  - decomprimi
  - estrai
  - pacchetto
  - spacchetta
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archive
  - compress
  - decompress
  - extract
  - pack
  - uncompress
  - unpack
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - архивировать
  - сжать
  - разжать
  - извлечь
  - упаковать
  - разуплотнить
  - распаквать
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - arquivo
  - arquivar
  - comprimir
  - descomprimir
  - extrair
  - compactar
  - descompactar
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - archiwum
  - archiwizuj
  - kompresuj
  - dekompresuj
  - rozpakuj
  - spakuj
  - dekompresuj
  - wypakuj
  - 7-zip
  - 7z
  - 7za
  - 7zip
  - 7zr
  - 7zz
  - apk
  - ar
  - arj
  - bz
  - bz2
  - bz3
  - bzip
  - bzip1
  - bzip2
  - bzip3
  - cab
  - cb7
  - cbr
  - cbt
  - cbz
  - chm
  - compress
  - cpio
  - deb
  - docx
  - epub
  - exe
  - fbz
  - gtar
  - gunzip
  - gz
  - gzip
  - iso
  - jar
  - jsonlz4
  - lbzip2
  - lha
  - lrz
  - lrzip
  - lsar
  - lunzip
  - lz
  - lz4
  - lzh
  - lzip
  - lzma
  - lzo
  - lzop
  - mksquashfs
  - mozlz4
  - odt
  - oxt
  - pbzip2
  - pigz
  - plzip
  - rar
  - rar4
  - rar5
  - rpm
  - rzip
  - sfs
  - snap
  - sqfs
  - sqsh
  - squashfs
  - tar
  - unar
  - unarj
  - unrar
  - unsquashfs
  - unzip
  - xpi
  - xz
  - zip
  - zpaq
  - zst
  - Zstandard
  - zstd
  - name: xarchiver_xarchiver.png
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  stock: xarchiver
  - xarchiver.desktop
  - application/epub+zip
  - application/gzip
  - application/java-archive
  - application/vnd.android.package-archive
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  - application/vnd.debian.binary-package
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  - application/x-bzip
  - application/x-bzip-compressed-tar
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  - application/x-bzip2
  - application/x-bzip2-compressed-tar
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  - application/x-bzip3-compressed-tar
  - application/x-cb7
  - application/x-cbt
  - application/x-cd-image
  - application/x-compress
  - application/x-compressed-tar
  - application/x-cpio
  - application/x-cpio-compressed
  - application/x-java-archive
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  - application/x-lz4
  - application/x-lz4-compressed-tar
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  - application/x-lzip-compressed-tar
  - application/x-lzma
  - application/x-lzma-compressed-tar
  - application/x-lzop
  - application/x-rar
  - application/x-rpm
  - application/x-rzip
  - application/x-rzip-compressed-tar
  - application/x-source-rpm
  - application/x-tar
  - application/x-tarz
  - application/x-tzo
  - application/x-xpinstall
  - application/x-xz
  - application/x-xz-compressed-tar
  - application/x-zip-compressed-fb2
  - application/x-zpaq
  - application/x-zstd-compressed-tar
  - application/zip
  - application/zstd