⇦ | xdrawchem [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for xdrawchem in main

xdrawchem.desktop - 1:1.11.1-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: xdrawchem.desktop
Package: xdrawchem
  C: xdrawchem
  C: Chemical structures and reactions editor
  fr-FR: Éditeur de structures chimiques et de réactions
  it: >-
    <p>Xdrawchem è un editor 2D per strutture e reazioni chimiche. Ha funzionalità corrispondenti a quelle della suite commerciale
    ChemDraw, ha inoltre la compatibilità dei file con essa, così come con altri formati relativi alla chimica grazie a OpenBabel.</p>

    <p>Questa versione pacchettizzata proviene da un fork disponibile su https://gitlab.com/yamanq/xdrawchem, dato che la
    versione precedente non era più mantenuta attivamente. Ulteriori informazioni su di essa sono nel file copyright.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Xdrawchem est un éditeur 2D de structures chimiques et de réactions. Il possède des fonctionnalités similaires à la
    suite propriétaire ChemDraw et possède une compatibilité de fichier avec ce logiciel, ainsi qu’avec d&apos;autres formats
    grâce à OpenBabel.</p>

    <p>Cet empaquetage de version provient d’une fourche disponible à l’adresse https://gitlab.com/yamanq/xdrawchem, car la
    version précédente n’est plus activement entretenue. Plus d’information à son propos est disponible dans son fichier de
  C: >-
    <p>Xdrawchem is a 2D editor for chemical structures and reactions.  It mirrors the abilities of the commercial ChemDraw
    suite and has file compatibility with it as well as other chemical formats through OpenBabel.</p>

    <p>This packaged version comes from a fork available at https://gitlab.com/yamanq/xdrawchem, as the previous version was
    no longer actively maintained. More information about it in the copyright file.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Xdrawchem er et 2D-redigeringsprogram for kemiske strukturer og reaktioner. Programmet spejler mulighederne i den kommercielle
    ChemDraw-programpakke og har filkompatibilitet med dette program samt andre kemiske formater via OpenBabel.</p>

    <p>Denne pakket version kommer fra en forgrening tilgængelig på https://gitlab.com/yamanq/xdrawchem, da den tidligere
    version ikke længere blev aktivt vedligeholdt. Yderligere information om den i filen med ophavsret.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Xdrawchem is a 2D editor for chemical structures and reactions.  It mirrors the abilities of the commercial ChemDraw
    suite and has file compatibility with it as well as other chemical formats through OpenBabel.</p>

    <p>This packaged version comes from a fork available at https://gitlab.com/yamanq/xdrawchem, as the previous version was
    no longer actively maintained. More information about it in the copyright file.</p>
- Education
- Science
  - name: xdrawchem_xdrawchem.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - xdrawchem.desktop