⇦ | yambar [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 08:16 [UTC]

Metadata for yambar in main

yambar.desktop - 1.11.0-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armel ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ mips64el ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: yambar.desktop
Package: yambar
  C: Yambar
  C: Configurable statusbar to show time, battery capacity and much more
  da: >-
    <p>Yambar er et simpelt statuspanel, der kan konfigureres (bar, sagt kort) for X11 og Wayland, der gør sig stor umage
    med at være både cpu- og batterieffektiv - polling gøres kun når absolut nødvendigt.</p>

    <p>Det har et antal moduler, der tilbyder information i form af mærker. For eksempel, modulet clock, der har et datomærke,
    der indeholder den nuværende dato.</p>

    <p>Modulerne ved ikke hvordan informationen skal præsenteres. Dette gøres i stedet for af partikler. Og brugeren, dig,
    beslutter hvilke partikler (og dermed hvordan dataene præsenteres) der skal bruges.</p>

    <p>Derudover kan hver partikel have en dekoration. Brug en ikonskrift (f.eks. Font Awesome eller Material Icons) hvis
    du ønsker en grafisk repræsentation.</p>

    <p>Der er et antal moduler og partikler indbygget. Flere kan tilføjes som udvidelsesmoduler. Du kan endda skrive dine

    <p>For at opsummere: en bjælke viser information tilbudt af moduler, der bruger partikler og dekorationer. Hvordan konfigureres
    af dig.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>yambar is a lightweight and configurable status panel (bar, for short) for X11 and Wayland, that goes to great lengths
    to be both CPU and battery efficient - polling is only done when absolutely necessary.</p>

    <p>It has a number of modules that provide information in the form of tags. For example, the clock module has a date tag
    that contains the current date.</p>

    <p>The modules do not know how to present the information though. This is instead done by particles. And the user, you,
    decides which particles (and thus how to present the data) to use.</p>

    <p>Furthermore, each particle can have a decoration - a background color or a graphical underline, for example.</p>

    <p>There is no support for images or icons. use an icon font (e.g. Font Awesome, or Material Icons) if you want a graphical

    <p>There are a number of modules and particles builtin. More can be added as plugins. You can even write your own!</p>

    <p>To summarize: a bar displays information provided by modules, using particles and decorations. How is configured by
  en: >-
    <p>yambar is a lightweight and configurable status panel (bar, for short) for X11 and Wayland, that goes to great lengths
    to be both CPU and battery efficient - polling is only done when absolutely necessary.</p>

    <p>It has a number of modules that provide information in the form of tags. For example, the clock module has a date tag
    that contains the current date.</p>

    <p>The modules do not know how to present the information though. This is instead done by particles. And the user, you,
    decides which particles (and thus how to present the data) to use.</p>

    <p>Furthermore, each particle can have a decoration - a background color or a graphical underline, for example.</p>

    <p>There is no support for images or icons. use an icon font (e.g. Font Awesome, or Material Icons) if you want a graphical

    <p>There are a number of modules and particles builtin. More can be added as plugins. You can even write your own!</p>

    <p>To summarize: a bar displays information provided by modules, using particles and decorations. How is configured by
- System
- Monitor
- Core
  - name: yambar_panel.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: yambar_panel.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: yambar_panel.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: y/ya/yambar.desktop/63f9537d0cac3d46d5ee065d0ec7ef0f/icons/128x128/yambar_panel.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: panel
  - yambar.desktop

yambar.desktop - 1.11.0-1+b1 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: yambar.desktop
Package: yambar
  C: Yambar
  C: Configurable statusbar to show time, battery capacity and much more
  da: >-
    <p>Yambar er et simpelt statuspanel, der kan konfigureres (bar, sagt kort) for X11 og Wayland, der gør sig stor umage
    med at være både cpu- og batterieffektiv - polling gøres kun når absolut nødvendigt.</p>

    <p>Det har et antal moduler, der tilbyder information i form af mærker. For eksempel, modulet clock, der har et datomærke,
    der indeholder den nuværende dato.</p>

    <p>Modulerne ved ikke hvordan informationen skal præsenteres. Dette gøres i stedet for af partikler. Og brugeren, dig,
    beslutter hvilke partikler (og dermed hvordan dataene præsenteres) der skal bruges.</p>

    <p>Derudover kan hver partikel have en dekoration. Brug en ikonskrift (f.eks. Font Awesome eller Material Icons) hvis
    du ønsker en grafisk repræsentation.</p>

    <p>Der er et antal moduler og partikler indbygget. Flere kan tilføjes som udvidelsesmoduler. Du kan endda skrive dine

    <p>For at opsummere: en bjælke viser information tilbudt af moduler, der bruger partikler og dekorationer. Hvordan konfigureres
    af dig.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>yambar is a lightweight and configurable status panel (bar, for short) for X11 and Wayland, that goes to great lengths
    to be both CPU and battery efficient - polling is only done when absolutely necessary.</p>

    <p>It has a number of modules that provide information in the form of tags. For example, the clock module has a date tag
    that contains the current date.</p>

    <p>The modules do not know how to present the information though. This is instead done by particles. And the user, you,
    decides which particles (and thus how to present the data) to use.</p>

    <p>Furthermore, each particle can have a decoration - a background color or a graphical underline, for example.</p>

    <p>There is no support for images or icons. use an icon font (e.g. Font Awesome, or Material Icons) if you want a graphical

    <p>There are a number of modules and particles builtin. More can be added as plugins. You can even write your own!</p>

    <p>To summarize: a bar displays information provided by modules, using particles and decorations. How is configured by
  en: >-
    <p>yambar is a lightweight and configurable status panel (bar, for short) for X11 and Wayland, that goes to great lengths
    to be both CPU and battery efficient - polling is only done when absolutely necessary.</p>

    <p>It has a number of modules that provide information in the form of tags. For example, the clock module has a date tag
    that contains the current date.</p>

    <p>The modules do not know how to present the information though. This is instead done by particles. And the user, you,
    decides which particles (and thus how to present the data) to use.</p>

    <p>Furthermore, each particle can have a decoration - a background color or a graphical underline, for example.</p>

    <p>There is no support for images or icons. use an icon font (e.g. Font Awesome, or Material Icons) if you want a graphical

    <p>There are a number of modules and particles builtin. More can be added as plugins. You can even write your own!</p>

    <p>To summarize: a bar displays information provided by modules, using particles and decorations. How is configured by
- System
- Monitor
- Core
  - name: yambar_panel.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: yambar_panel.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: yambar_panel.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: y/ya/yambar.desktop/63f9537d0cac3d46d5ee065d0ec7ef0f/icons/128x128/yambar_panel.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: panel
  - yambar.desktop